Excellent News: Trump Appointed Judge Rejects Biden Administration's LGBT Health Protections

They were moot on the subject of abortion because it was not an issue back then. It was women's Business a man weren't allowed to get involved. Women took care of their own back then. If there ever was an overreach of government it is creating abortion laws. Nothing can be more egregious than denying one autonomy over their own body.

The opinion of a commie that can't even write above a 4th grade level is meaningless to me. So run along and play in your make believe world.

The opinion of a commie that can't even write above a 4th grade level is meaningless to me. So run along and play in your make believe world.

I am not trump or any Republican. I had a great education in public school. I had 3 years of Latin. The only area of trouble with was math. I excelled in the arts, history and geography. My sister always wanted to be to go on Jeopardy. But I'm a shy person, so I never did. You do not know me at all. And the fact that you're attacked me like this tells me that you are the one that has these inadequate feelings about your own self worth and education. Try to have a good day, I plan on it.
I am not trump or any Republican. I had a great education in public school. I had 3 years of Latin. The only area of trouble with was math. I excelled in the arts, history and geography. My sister always wanted to be to go on Jeopardy. But I'm a shy person, so I never did. You do not know me at all. And the fact that you're attacked me like this tells me that you are the one that has these inadequate feelings about your own self worth and education. Try to have a good day, I plan on it.

Perhaps you shouldn't have wasted your time on Latin, and spent more time on English. I actually think a 4 grader could do better than this.
a man weren't allowed to get involved.
ROFLMAO @ the moron.

I'll take singular and plural forms of contractions for 500, Alex.

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It doesn't matter what you say the very definition of a white supremacist excludes them from being Democrats.


The clan, the origin of the Democrat Party, was the original 'White Supremacists'.
Perhaps you shouldn't have wasted your time on Latin, and spent more time on English. I actually think a 4 grader could do better than this.

ROFLMAO @ the moron.

I'll take singular and plural forms of contractions for 500, Alex.

Everybody who knows anything on here knows I have crippling arthritis in my fingers and I use a voice machine to print out the words that I speak the words don't always come out right and I don't always catch the errors. If you met me in person you know what a good and decent person I am. Many of my coworkers consider me well educated. I think I'm just average or little better than that. I do not have any delusions about myself being great or super intelligent person that knows better than everyone else like trump does and apparently many of us followers think the same way. All I can say is I pity you. Good luck in life you're going to need it.
Everybody who knows anything on here knows I have crippling arthritis in my fingers and I use a voice machine to print out the words that I speak the words don't always come out right and I don't always catch the errors. If you met me in person you know what a good and decent person I am. Many of my coworkers consider me well educated. I think I'm just average or little better than that. I do not have any delusions about myself being great or super intelligent person that knows better than everyone else like trump does and apparently many of us followers think the same way. All I can say is I pity you. Good luck in life you're going to need it.

You might want to read what you just wrote and think about getting better software.

You might want to read what you just wrote and think about getting better software.

The service is free and I don't want anything else on my phone. It serves me well enough. I try to keep things simple and clean. I am not really into this technology, are better things to do with my time.
It was overturned by Judges who respect / value Constitutionality more than precedence. I support that.
It was overturned by 3 rogue supreme Court justices who followed the minority opinion of Thomas and Scalia. It really wasn't constitutional at all.
Yeah, kids who get killed are obviously better off, you fucking nutjob psychopath.
I listen to the words you use to refer to other posters on this board and sounds like you might be a psychopath. I pity you you have no idea what you're talking about. That's what makes it really sad.
I do not like it when our courts are used to enshrine hatred and bigotry, no one should.
So you don't like Dred Scott, or Roe?

Well, Dred Scott is a moot point thanks to 3 amendments, and Roe is gone thanks to Dobbs.

You should be happy about that.
Tell me you don't how the Supreme Court... or math... works... without telling me.
Actually I'm done talking to you, you're quite obstinate. If you can't figure out what they went with in the first place, you obviously cannot comprehend how this path fit in with their agenda so they went with it. Desperate people do desperate things. This was like there last and best hope. It will be overturned soon enough.
It was overturned by 3 rogue supreme Court justices who followed the minority opinion of Thomas and Scalia. It really wasn't constitutional at all.
It was overturned by the USSC vased in Constitutionality, and, just like elected Demixrats, you want to undermine the Court because 'you' did not get your way.

Nice tantrum.



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