Excellent News: Trump Appointed Judge Rejects Biden Administration's LGBT Health Protections

of course you do. the issue to me is that unless this segment is specifically called out, they cry discrimination. the ONLY solution is to add all their acronyms into the mix and demand that.

then do we need to do this for all different segments of people? when we say "all are covered regardless of sex" - why do we have to also say "this includes LGBT-whatever".

this segment keeps demanding to be identified on their own, but yet takes offense when you address them as a segment, not a part of the whole. it can only be one or the other.

i simply do not believe we need to cover every lifestyle out there to show that ALL PEOPLE are in fact included in this.

as it should be. now keep in mind that because i don't believe we need to call them out doesn't mean i feel they should not be included. i simply feel "all people" means all of us.
No group deserves special advantage.
I regard it as a special advantage when they get to compete on the sport team of their choice or go to the prison of their choice, or go to the bathroom of their choice. Not right.
No group deserves special advantage.
I regard it as a special advantage when they get to compete on the sport team of their choice or go to the prison of their choice, or go to the bathroom of their choice. Not right.
You both need to grow up. When using a public restroom can result in your murder, you are forced to use the bathroom your gender aligns with. The few transgenders that I do know always go to the bathroom before they leave home and hope to God they don't have to use a bathroom in public.
That's why the supreme Court ratings are so low they have lost their legitimacy. Three new supreme Court justices committed perjury in their pathway to the supreme Court lying under oath once on the supreme Court they align themselves with the minority view of Scalia and Thomas that the constitution is a limited. That's why the ruling is incorrect. If the Constitution was limited then there would be no need for all the amendments that were done to it. It is a living document and it's life does not need to be terminated by such a ruling.

So you're one of those. The fact is, the Constitution limits the powers of the federal government. How do I know that? The folks that wrote it said so. Another little fact is the Constitution is moot on the topic of abortion, and according to the Constitution, that means the topic is left to the States. See the 10th Amendment.

No group deserves special advantage.
I regard it as a special advantage when they get to compete on the sport team of their choice or go to the prison of their choice, or go to the bathroom of their choice. Not right.
and that is my point and we seem to agre.

to me, this ruling says the laws don't need to be amended to simply add their acronyms into it to ensure inclusion. ALL PEOPLE IS ALL PEOPLE.

if someone starts to discriminate against them because of this, then yes, take it to court. that is the proper recourse in my mind. trying to ensure the law calls out a specific group in my mind is unnecessary and all that was done here, from what i read it as.
You both need to grow up. When using a public restroom can result in your murder, you are forced to use the bathroom your gender aligns with. The few transgenders that I do know always go to the bathroom before they leave home and hope to God they don't have to use a bathroom in public.
nothing personal, but i hope to god for the same thing.
You are celebrating a judge saying on the court record, that it is OK to discriminate in the workplace and in healthcare, against gay people and the transgender nut-balls?

It should be legally okay to discriminate against anyone.

New abortion law in Texas is going to allow the gene pool and the intelligence levels of the citizens of Texas to spiral downward.
Fuck yourself with a rusty pole, hard, eugenicist filth.

Oh yes, I’m sure only the stupid babies get aborted. They totally do a fetal IQ test before shearing them to pieces or stabbing their necks with scissors or grinding up and suctioning out their brains.
Obviously NOT because it was overturned ...

...and judgibg by leftists flipping their shit when they did not get their way - politicians threatening USSC Justices, cling for virnce against them, undermining tbe Court, calling for actual rebellion, & inciting another attempted political assassination attempt ... domestic terrorists bombing churches, women's centers, and pro-life buildibgs
So you're one of those. The fact is, the Constitution limits the powers of the federal government. How do I know that? The folks that wrote it said so. Another little fact is the Constitution is moot on the topic of abortion, and according to the Constitution, that means the topic is left to the States. See the 10th Amendment.

They were moot on the subject of abortion because it was not an issue back then. It was women's Business a man weren't allowed to get involved. Women took care of their own back then. If there ever was an overreach of government it is creating abortion laws. Nothing can be more egregious than denying one autonomy over their own body.
Obviously NOT because it was overturned ...

...and judgibg by leftists flipping their shit when they did not get their way - politicians threatening USSC Justices, cling for virnce against them, undermining tbe Court, calling for actual rebellion, & inciting another attempted political assassination attempt ... domestic terrorists bombing churches, women's centers, and pro-life buildibgs
It was overturned by justices who don’t respect precedent which you claim is what they should do.
It was overturned by justices who don’t respect precedent which you claim is what they should do.
It was overturned by Judges who respect / value Constitutionality more than precedence. I support that.
Obviously NOT because it was overturned ...

...and judgibg by leftists flipping their shit when they did not get their way - politicians threatening USSC Justices, cling for virnce against them, undermining tbe Court, calling for actual rebellion, & inciting another attempted political assassination attempt ... domestic terrorists bombing churches, women's centers, and pro-life buildibgs
The threat of violence from the far right is at least 10 times worse than the threat of violence from the far left. Yes both exist but the far right is a greater danger. The government agrees with my opinion.
The threat of violence from the far right is at least 10 times worse than the threat of violence from the far left.

For starters...



Over 140 churches burned / damaged because Libs don't get to kill babies on demand...

And whose politicians incited 2 political assassination attempts, leaving 1 GOP Rep shot and in the hospital?

For starters...

View attachment 725837

View attachment 725838

Over 140 churches burned / damaged because Libs don't get to kill babies on demand...

And whose politicians incited 2 political assassination attempts, leaving 1 GOP Rep shot and in the hospital?

View attachment 725841
Thanks for showing those rare examples of far left violence. Of the 15 15 to 25 million people who participated in the black lives matters protests in over 5 00 places in the United States only 12 turned violent which led to the rest of 16,000 people. Those are very good odds compared with far-right-wing violence. And there's no comparison to begin with.
Thanks for showing those rare examples of far left violence. Of the 15 15 to 25 million people who participated in the black lives matters protests in over 5 00 places in the United States only 12 turned violent which led to the rest of 16,000 people. Those are very good odds compared with far-right-wing violence. And there's no comparison to begin with.
Good odds?

140 churches burned, 2 assassination attempts, 1 GOP politician shot, elected Democrat politicians - not citizens - inciting it, threatening USSC Justices, calling for violence against them...

You and your Brainwasher Biden are so full of shit.
Good odds?

140 churches burned, 2 assassination attempts, 1 GOP politician shot, elected Democrat politicians - not citizens - inciting it, threatening USSC Justices, calling for violence against them...

You and your Brainwasher Biden are so full of shit.
How how many churches have far right wing nuts like the KKK burned down in the south. How many people lived for decades in terror because of far right violence in the South and still do today. There is no comparison. The far right is always has been the biggest threat to our nation, it's actual power was not noticed until trump came in on the scene. Truly horrific and alarming for any American citizen. Most of these right wing nuts think they are patriotic or something. They are absolutely not patriotic. They are criminals just like any far left extremist and terrorist.
How how many churches have far right wing nuts like the KKK burned down in the south.
Why are you asking me about what DEMOCRATS did / still do?

Instead of crosses, they are burning entire churches.
Why are you asking me about what DEMOCRATS did / still do?

Instead of crosses, they are burning entire churches.
WTF, you are obviously insane. Why do you think all these white supremacists support trump ? One hint, they aren't Democrats.
WTF, you are obviously insane. Why do you think all these white supremacists support trump ?
And yet Hillary was endorsed by a KKK Grand Wizard in 2016, and Biden has been and is a racist.

During the DNC / Hillary 'hacked- e-mail scandal the Democrats' personal racist, sexist, himophobic, anti-semitic comments / e-mails were exposed.

Having nothing to do with Trump I point out how once again Democrats / snowflakes accuse others of being who THEY are AS WELL, of doing what THEY have done, are doing, and will continue to do.

Don't they have any MIRRORS in the Democrat party?

The hypocrisy is deafening.

Harris went for RAZING Biden during her 'I was that little girl on that bus(, you racist fuck)' speech during their debate to kissing his ass for the chance of being VP.

While Joe Biden declares, "You ain't black if you don't vote for me" Jill Biden calls Hispanics 'TACOS' while YOU retards point fingers at others and call THEM what you and your beloved Democrats are.
And yet Hillary was endorsed by a KKK Grand Wizard in 2016, and Biden has been and is a racist.

During the DNC / Hillary 'hacked- e-mail scandal the Democrats' personal racist, sexist, himophobic, anti-semitic comments / e-mails were exposed.

Having nothing to do with Trump I point out how once again Democrats / snowflakes accuse others of being who THEY are AS WELL, of doing what THEY have done, are doing, and will continue to do.

Don't they have any MIRRORS in the Democrat party?

The hypocrisy is deafening.

Harris went for RAZING Biden during her 'I was that little girl on that bus(, you racist fuck)' speech during their debate to kissing his ass for the chance of being VP.

While Joe Biden declares, "You ain't black if you don't vote for me" Jill Biden calls Hispanics 'TACOS' while YOU retards point fingers at others and call THEM what you and your beloved Democrats are.
It doesn't matter what you say the very definition of a white supremacist excludes them from being Democrats. They are anti-jewish and anti black. The Democratic party embraces all people without disparagement. The Republican party is against so many people it isn't funny. If they were just for something good it would be different but they're not their whole platform is anti this or anti that.

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