Excellent News: Trump Appointed Judge Rejects Biden Administration's LGBT Health Protections

If you can't figure out what they went with in the first place
The Constitution, which is silent on the topic of abortion, which the majority of the Supreme Court agreed upon. Which is good, because it means they are sane, but the other 4's sanity, honesty, and integrity are suspect.
It was overturned by the USSC vased in Constitutionality, and, just like elected Demixrats, you want to undermine the Court because 'you' did not get your way.

Nice tantrum.


I've been listening to you swearing and using foul language and now you're saying I'm throwing a tantrum. I think you're talking about yourself again.
The Constitution, which is silent on the topic of abortion, which the majority of the Supreme Court agreed upon. Which is good, because it means they are sane, but the other 4's sanity, honesty, and integrity are suspect.
Yes they were silent about it because everyone back then knew it was a woman's matter the women took care of the women when it came to that it was none of men's business and that's the way it should always be.
You are celebrating a judge saying on the court record, that it is OK to discriminate in the workplace and in healthcare, against gay people and the transgender nut-balls?

What kind of person would be in favor of discrimination in healthcare or the work place? I am not gay and certainly not transgender, but he ought to leave these people alone. I have nothing against gay people, as long as not trying to be gay with me, and think the trans people have enough problems without a federal judge pronouncing it, OK to discriminate in healthcare and where they work. Discrimination gets a bad rap, because it is generally bad.
It's not actually discrimination it's only being mislabeled as discrimination.
You have to remember the headlines sculpt everything according to a select agenda. What the judge is stopping is favoritism not discrimination.
I've been listening to you swearing and using foul language and now you're saying I'm throwing a tantrum.
Yep, you are. Snowflakes do that when they don't get their way.

At least you're not burning down churches like the other liberal terrorists.....are you?

It's not actually discrimination it's only being mislabeled as discrimination.
You have to remember the headlines sculpt everything according to a select agenda. What the judge is stopping is favoritism not discrimination.
When a judge goes out of his way to stop a lawful order that helps minorities I don't know how you could spend that into anything other than discrimination.
When a judge goes out of his way to stop a lawful order that helps minorities I don't know how you could spend that into anything other than discrimination.
I call what you just posted bullshit, especially when you metioned nothing about Constitutionality, if that order is dermed Constitutional / legal...

...Like Biden's Un-Constitutional vote-buying college tuition pay-off scheme that just got stopped.
I call what you just posted bullshit, especially when you metioned nothing about Constitutionality, if that order is dermed Constitutional / legal...

...Like Biden's Un-Constitutional vote-buying college tuition pay-off scheme that just got stopped.
trump was the guy with all the schemes. Biden has many plans to move this country forward. Believe whatever you wish. Most Americans want to move forward and away from all this stupid nonsense that you guys keep bringing up.
trump was the guy with all the schemes. Biden has many plans to move this country forward.

No YOU believe whatever YOU want to, which the vast majority of Americans - 75%, NON-Democrat sac licking snowflakes - know that's a lie.

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No YOU believe whatever YOU want to, which the vast majority of Americans - 75%, NON-Democrat sac licking snowflakes - know that's a lie.

Like I always say believe whatever you wish. I prefer to believe in the positive side of Americans not the negative. That's the only thing that trump brings out of people.
Like I always say believe whatever you wish. I prefer to believe in the positive side of Americans not the negative.

You also like to ignore facts, as you just proved by ignoring the link I just posted showing 75% of Americans think Biden is dragging the country down the wrong path.

You also like to ignore facts, as you jug the link I just posted showing 75% of Americans think Biden is dragging the country down the wrong path.

So when did the expansion of freedoms and rights end up being the wrong path for Americans. I guess saving the planet is bad news too. Rebuilding the infrastructure can't possibly help anyone. Right, keep on believing trump and his lies for all the good it'll do you. What you posted was from a federalist site of course it's going to say 75% of Americans. So much for objectivity.
So when did the expansion of freedoms and rights end up being the wrong path for Americans.

Wow, you REALLY are desperately trying to claim 75% of the country is wrong and you are right....

Well I believe it's confirmed by the lack of a red wave in the midterms. So I'm with the majority of Americans, you're standing with the losers.

Wow, you really suck at math, don't you?!

75% of Americans ARE the majority of Americans, and you have made it clear you do not stand with them, dumbass.

The only thing I believe from this is that 75% of American public is laughing at trump.
And in saying so, in light of what the link / poll I posted shows, you continue to prove yourself a Trump-obsessed idiot and prove you can't fix stupid.

And in saying so, in light of what the link / poll I posted shows, you continue to prove yourself a Trump-obsessed idiot and prove you can't fix stupid.

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It's sort of been fun talking to you but you shouldn't be so hard on yourself, you can't help it if you're stupid. Have a good night, I plan on it.
It's sort of been fun talking to you but you shouldn't be so hard on yourself, you can't help it if you're stupid. Have a good night, I plan on it.
You have humiliated yourself all night, proven you can't read, can't comprehend - don't know 75% IS a majority, can't do math, and are a joke. My having kicked your ass repeatedly while you have beclowned yourself will give you nightmares.

Good night, snowflake.
You have humiliated yourself all night, proven you can't read, can't comprehend - don't know 75% IS a majority, can't do math, and are a joke. My having kicked your ass repeatedly while you have beclowned yourself will give you nightmares.

Good night, snowflake.
You keep talking about yourself. I don't accept your information to begin with. It's slightly prejudiced and untruthful. Like I said before I try to have a good night. I plan on it. Although it did snow here today, I am not a snowflake. I'm not that spectacular.

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