EXCLUSIVE: Cops investigating second anti-white attack in Brooklyn this week: ‘This is for Malcolm X

When someone says 'this is for ______' and then does something violent, that means it is payback for whatever happened to _______________.
I know you desperately want to make sense of nonsense so its ok. Since you're not the OP I appreciate you explaining what someone else means with your powers of "I just know". Run along victim

So you still wont admit the obvious? lol, you are a pathetic liar.

Be sure to watch out for those black guys mmmkay?

Why? I have only been jumped by black guys once in my life and I came out of that little to do walking away after they left. Otherwise all the rest of my dealings with violent crooks have been WHITE GUYS.

But of course you wont believe that since everything in your world view is apparently based on racial conflict.
So you still wont admit the obvious? lol, you are a pathetic liar.

Your "obvious" has shit to do with truth. You simply make up the narrative and ask others to defend your made up bullshit. When someone doesnt play your game you call them a liar.

Wash Rinse Repeat
Mental illness is real
Uh huh. Be sure and call him a "poor dude" like you called the white thug yesterday.

Poor dude must suffer from Mental Illness :sad:
Thank you Mr. Compassion. Any kind words for this victim? Of course not. You had nothing to say about the guy who was killed by that "poor dude" waving his middle finger at the victim's family while wearing a shirt that read KILLER either.

Sure, hope he's ok. Now I I hope you;re ok
I really don't care what you hope.
Blaming white folks for the death of Malcolm X is exactly the result of liberal propaganda.

Man tells victim Brooklyn assault 'is for Malcolm X, cracka'

Police are investigating a second anti-white bias incident in Brooklyn where the attacker called his victim “cracka,” the Daily News has learned.

A 51-year-old white man told cops he was Nostrand Ave. near Glenwood Road when a black man ran up and knocked him to the ground about 5:40 p.m. Monday.

“This is for Malcolm X, cracka,” the brute said before storming off.

Um....they realize that Malcolm X was killed by black guys, right?

That's my point, if they know then why say that while accosting a white person?
Its because black people don't know there own history.

No wonder since the left wing reinvents history to suit their political need.
From the Article: The NYPD’s Hate Crimes Task Force is investigating.

OP's entire reason for living, which is to cry, destroyed by his own article

What the hell are you babbling about? My comment was that the thug was blaming white folks for the death of Malcolm X, which is patently false.

He didnt blame anyone for the death of X. You're reading too much into someone screaming "This is for Malcolm X"

Oh I C. Malcolm X beat up white people? Thus this thug was just continuing the practice?
Mental illness is real
Uh huh. Be sure and call him a "poor dude" like you called the white thug yesterday.

Poor dude must suffer from Mental Illness :sad:
Thank you Mr. Compassion. Any kind words for this victim? Of course not. You had nothing to say about the guy who was killed by that "poor dude" waving his middle finger at the victim's family while wearing a shirt that read KILLER either.

Sure, hope he's ok. Now I I hope you;re ok
I really don't care what you hope.

I hope you're not ok then :dunno:
From the Article: The NYPD’s Hate Crimes Task Force is investigating.

OP's entire reason for living, which is to cry, destroyed by his own article

What the hell are you babbling about? My comment was that the thug was blaming white folks for the death of Malcolm X, which is patently false.

He didnt blame anyone for the death of X. You're reading too much into someone screaming "This is for Malcolm X"

Oh I C. Malcolm X beat up white people? Thus this thug was just continuing the practice?

Listen buddy, have a seat. I'm not sure what you want here but if someone blames a guy on the subway for Malcolms death the best thing to do is to understand that person makes no sense. Its easier that way. You are whipping yourself all into a froth trying to make logic out of the statement from someone obviously illogical. Now that we've had this talk dear boy, grab the football and lets go outside.
He didnt blame anyone for the death of X. You're reading too much into someone screaming "This is for Malcolm X"
That is bullshit and you know it.

Will you just stop lying for once in your entire life?

RABBLE isnt a valid response. A valid response consists of what the lie is.

When someone says 'this is for ______' and then does something violent, that means it is payback for whatever happened to _______________.

You are not an idiot so you know that is the case, but you are a willing liar and so you resort to lying about a fact of the public domain instead.

Do you realize how ridiculous this tactic for you is?

CC is a fucking psychopath that belongs in a prison or a mental institution. He fully supports such racially motivated attacks. Chances are he's done them himself.
He didnt blame anyone for the death of X. You're reading too much into someone screaming "This is for Malcolm X"
That is bullshit and you know it.

Will you just stop lying for once in your entire life?

RABBLE isnt a valid response. A valid response consists of what the lie is.

When someone says 'this is for ______' and then does something violent, that means it is payback for whatever happened to _______________.

You are not an idiot so you know that is the case, but you are a willing liar and so you resort to lying about a fact of the public domain instead.

Do you realize how ridiculous this tactic for you is?

CC is a fucking psychopath that belongs in a prison or a mental institution. He fully supports such racially motivated attacks. Chances are he's done them himself.

Another lame brain attempt to get me to defend some bullshit you made up. You guys are really weak with that. LOL Too bad So sad
When someone says 'this is for ______' and then does something violent, that means it is payback for whatever happened to _______________.

Well unless the black person yelling didnt know what the fuck they were talking about.

What does it mean then? that they needed to pay closer attention during Black History month?
NONONO. Everything is Obamas fault. Most powerful President EVER. Able to reduce grown Republicans to tears by a single executive order.

Well, what is more amazing is how he managed to reduce the Democratic Party from a majority of the states governorships and congresses to now controlling about what, maybe a seven of them?


Yeah, baby, he is the most powerful President EVER!
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Well unless the black person yelling didnt know what the fuck they were talking about.

I hardly think that a presumption of a black man being ignorant and engaging in random violence at a whim is much of an improvement over an assumption that he actually knows what he is doing and it was a racist act.

What does it mean then? that they needed to pay closer attention during Black History month?

Did you pay attention during Black History Month?

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man being ignorant and engaging in random violence at a whim is much of an improvement over an assumption that he actually knows what he is doing and it iwa a racist act.

Seeing as how Malcom wasnt killed by a white man, he wasnt a very knowledgable racist. Which is what I said.
He was just another punk looking for a rush from a violent act.

the bigger question. Where were the good guys with guns during this assault?
Seeing as how Malcom wasnt killed by a white man, he wasnt a very knowledgable racist. Which is what I said.
He was just another punk looking for a rush from a violent act.

the bigger question. Where were the good guys with guns during this assault?
Living normal lives I would suppose

Why do you feel like armed civilians owe you protection?
Beyoncé's half time show was a homage to Malcom X which is what probably stirred this fool up.
Why do you feel like armed civilians owe you protection?

Personally I dont. But have you ever noticed how many gun nutters who want to carry everywhere always claim it is so they can protect not only themselves but others who are at risk.

think of schools and how bad they want people armed in schools. Or on the job.
Or at the movies. A concert. A bar. Everywhere.

to a gunner there is no place guns shouldnt be carried and part of that justification is that they would be able to defend others who didnt have a gun.

the mantra is that more guns equals less crime.

Not that; more guns equals less crime to those carrying a gun.

then again what kind of man packing a gun will stand by and let someone be asaulted? Would that be you?
Too bad the guy didn't have a gun on him so he could have put the rabid feral down right then and there.

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