Exclusive: FBI finds scant evidence U.S. Capitol attack was coordinated - sources

I'm not sure what your point is. THe FBI is a partisan political organization. If htey had real dirt on Trump or Trump supporters, tehy would use it, and leak it and charge people based on it.

That they are trying to keep a lid on it, is evidence that they have NOTHING.

Time will prove this. Just like it did with RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA.
The collection of criminals to indict and charge is large and wide.
Every time you hear someone pled that means the FBI got some more evidence.

As for partisan?
Not since Trump left and lots of people Trump appointed were fired and will be fired.

Tik-Tok, Tik-Tok
You are right but that GOP is dying. They act like they are doing something and do nothing 2022 is going to be a bad year for incumbents. The coming GOP will be America First.

The coming GOP is under investigation.
Wait till the hearing in Congress.

It will be delicious.
Funny, I saw Donald Trump, Giuliani, Eric Trump, and others revving up a crowd to attack the capitol right on my TV. Jordan, McCarthy, Gaetz, Taylor-Greene are all in the insurrection business too. I hope all pay for their crimes.
Revving up a crowd to attack or revving up a crowd to go and peacefully protest so they will hopefully have their grievances heard ???
Revving up a crowd to attack or revving up a crowd to go and peacefully protest so they will hopefully have their grievances heard ???
Using the terms "fight" and "combat" to a bunch of goat ropers is not going to incent them to peacefully protest.
How is this, scant evidence?
I wonder why? Are we going to have the corrupt DOJ and FBI help? You realize no one is going to believe a thing they say.
But But But...

I thought this thread was about BELIEVING what the OP says the FBI hasn't found!!!!

Maybe you guys should get your stories straight?
The sad part of your most likely very true statement is that there were many voters who likely voted for Biden based on their fear of a repeat in their cities if he lost. I really anticipated it happening near my area quite frankly, that a Trump win would result in total violence in a nearby city and unrelenting destruction from BLM and Antifa groups along with the additional thuggish looting stragglers. I voted for Trump regardless, and would’ve never considered Biden/Harris.

Putin thanks you.
How is this, scant evidence?
View attachment 533689
LOL, a political symbolic gesture during a politically charged rally, in which depicts the possibility that the "nation" is dying or rather it could be that it's saying that the nation is now "hanging by a rope"..

Once some in the crowd see the symbolic gesture and/or symbol, did they adopt it as their hangman's noose in which would symbolize or embolden their narratives now.
But there was no grand scheme with Roger Stone and Alex Jones and all of these people to storm the Capitol and take hostages."
Yet they still are holding several of these citizens as though they were attempted murderers or assassins or something. They are POLITICAL PRISONERS. Every time a media rep uses the phrase "Insurrection" they are perpetuating a damnable lie.
So they just took advantage of Drumpfs impromptu order to march on the capital and attempt an insurrection?
You're kind of stuck on stupid, huh? Nearly 600 people rounded up and charged with various forms of vandalism or trespassing but after 7 months and an unlimited budget, not ONE charge of insurrection or sedition. IOW, you and everyone like you that have repeated this BS are liars and you know you're lying. Yet you keep doing it. I get the impression that your hate for the BOM and his supporters is so sick that if you could see some of these people executed or jailed for life, you'd CHEER it on with no compunction or conscience at all.
Yet they still are holding several of these citizens as though they were attempted murderers or assassins or something. They are POLITICAL PRISONERS. Every time a media rep uses the phrase "Insurrection" they are perpetuating a damnable lie.
Youre a fucking idiot. You need to do better and stop trying to bullshit your way through life.

Those fucking animals attempted to violently overthrow the government. That's why they are called insurrectionists.

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