Exclusive: Trump thinks Americans will engage in an Armed revolt if deep state tries to remove him

Prosecuting the criminal activities of a President calls for self defense?

Defeating Hillary in 2016 was not a criminal offense. Though you Democrats sure wish that were so.

It seems it may have been with illegal and undeclared interaction with the Russians, campaign finance violations, illegal payments

If these things are true......Do you agree Trump should be held accountable?

Only if they can prove that Trump willingly colluded with Russia to impact the election. Everything else is meh.

Colluding with someone to impact an election is not illegal.
And this is where the deplorable trump-defenders are at.

On the side of the law? You fucking idiot, I'm proud to be there. COLLUSION to influence an election isn't illegal.
Defeating Hillary in 2016 was not a criminal offense. Though you Democrats sure wish that were so.

It seems it may have been with illegal and undeclared interaction with the Russians, campaign finance violations, illegal payments

If these things are true......Do you agree Trump should be held accountable?

Only if they can prove that Trump willingly colluded with Russia to impact the election. Everything else is meh.

Colluding with someone to impact an election is not illegal.
And this is where the deplorable trump-defenders are at.

He is right. It is not technically illegal. Sorry facts don't care about your feelings.
Sorry dude.

18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason
Prosecuting the criminal activities of a President calls for self defense?

Defeating Hillary in 2016 was not a criminal offense. Though you Democrats sure wish that were so.

It seems it may have been with illegal and undeclared interaction with the Russians, campaign finance violations, illegal payments

If these things are true......Do you agree Trump should be held accountable?

If I find out you raped little boys I believe you should be held accountable for being a pedophile rapist.

Oh , maybe you are, we better investigate you and everyone you know and if someone lies that means YOU are guilty, right? Or are only conservatives to be held to such standards?

This entire thing is disingenuous. It isn't illegal to meet with Russians, you aren't required to report meeting with Russians.

As for campaign violations, are you saying that what was not a campaign finance violation for Edwards is a campaign violation for Trump?

As for illegal payments, it isn't illegal to pay a woman to keep her mouth shut after having sex with her.
It is not illegal for you or I to meet with Russians. It is not even illegal for Trump to meet with Russians

However, if he meets with Russians during his campaign he must disclose it. He met with Russians at the same time they were hacking DNC emails. He lied about Russian contact. He was offering concessions to Russia at the same time they were releasing damaging information on Hillary. He was offering Putin a $30 million suite in Moscow Trump Tower at the time he was running for election

Which warrants an investigation into his dealings with Russia

Agreed. So far all Mueller has discovered is that Trump likes hot women. Thanks Bob.
So you've been at his side for every minute of his investigation and know everything he's found out?
President Trump told a prominent media figure during a phone call last week that he thinks the American people will revolt if the deep state tries to remove him from office via impeachment or any other method because Americans are “too well armed”.
Exclusive: Trump Thinks Americans WIll Engage in an Armed Revolt if Deep State Tries to Remove Him From Office

YOu can be sure some trendy leftist loon will turn this into everything it's not. Have Trump look like a stuck up bastard is what they do best. The severe mental cases will always argue.

They are so high and mighty, there will always be revolt when you try to remove American Freedom bitch!!
He's right.
Exclusive: Trump thinks Americans will engage in an Armed revolt if deep state tries to remove him

How about if the voters remove him? Will that work?
Exclusive: Trump thinks Americans will engage in an Armed revolt if deep state tries to remove him

How about if the voters remove him? Will that work?
Obviously. The "establishment" far too compromised to do it without a smoking gun.
Exclusive: Trump thinks Americans will engage in an Armed revolt if deep state tries to remove him

How about if the voters remove him? Will that work?
Which voters?

Removing Trump means only one thing. The vote can not be relied upon to choose leaders. The Republic is essentially dead. The nation divided between two hostile factions. Acts to effect removal of the next president will begin immediately after the rigged election.
Exclusive: Trump thinks Americans will engage in an Armed revolt if deep state tries to remove him

How about if the voters remove him? Will that work?
Which voters?

Removing Trump means only one thing. The vote can not be relied upon to choose leaders. The Republic is essentially dead. The nation divided between two hostile factions. Acts to effect removal of the next president will begin immediately after the rigged election.
I thought the EC was relied upon to choose leaders? Thats what happened to Drumpf. He lost the popular election.
There will be no general uprising. There will be an increase of what we already have. Small skirmishes. Mobs on both sides attacking others. Protests getting increasingly violent. And the same kind of all out attacks on Democrat socialists that you now see on Republicans.
Study Michael Collins and how he led the IRA to run out the Brits, the most powerful Empire in the World at the time.
Once national fissures get this wide and deep, the whole idea of governance by wise and thoughtful individuals becomes unrealistic. Anyone going into the arena knows it's a bloodsport. They will be mercilessly attacked. Their families will be attacked. The people attracted to this kind of risk are corrupt. They are in the game to grab as much as they can before they are driven or scared off. Nothing survives after that.
There will be no general uprising. There will be an increase of what we already have. Small skirmishes. Mobs on both sides attacking others. Protests getting increasingly violent. And the same kind of all out attacks on Democrat socialists that you now see on Republicans.
Study Michael Collins and how he led the IRA to run out the Brits, the most powerful Empire in the World at the time.
We aren't Irish.

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