Executive Order 1110


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Executive Order 1110

A death sentence for sitting president.
You almost gotta laugh at the low information they have been pumping out in union run schools for the last fifty years. I bet the essay "JFK why he inspired me" has been assigned about ten million times and the kiddies only get a passing grade if they say something nice. It doesn't matter if they invent it. It's all the same.

so says the troll who insists that oswald was the lone assassin.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Executive Order 1110

A death sentence for sitting president.
no president since him has reinstated that order because they know they will suffer the same fate he did if they do.

Things like that you mention are just alittle too complicated for trolls like whitehall for instance to comprehend.:lol:
Inspire yourself. Don't sit around waiting for someone else to do it.

Although I do find it amusing that JFK was famous for "ask not what your country can do for you, but what YOU can do for YOUR country".

Barry is more along the lines:

"Forget everything you know - we'll take care of you".

And people say that America's best days are ahead of it……...:cuckoo:

They are. obama won't be in office forever.

The people who say that americas best days are ahead of them or think things will get any better when Obama is out of office better stop smoking that crack.We are living in a police state now and that will never change as long as we have this corrupt ONE PARTY system of demopublicans and reprocrats as a president.:rolleyes:

from here on out,every single president that gets in office will be worse than the previous one just like they have been for the past 50 years.:cuckoo:

Getting Obama out of office wont solve anything.Obama is not the problem.this corrupt two party system IS.we need a third party president in office that will serve the people instead of wall street and the bankers like every president since Kennedy has done.:cuckoo:

the president is just a puppet for the bankers and does what they tell him.If he doesnt,they end up like kennedy.every incoming president that comes in knows they will suffer the same fate he did if they dont do their willing bidding.

Kennedy was killed because he wasnt doing what they told him to do.He was stepping on some very powerful toes in washington.
Executive Order 1110

A death sentence for sitting president.

Not surprisingly,I see many posters ignored this post of Votto's because this executive order he signed was why the bankers had the CIA kill him.

He was our last REAL president we had.He wasnt a puppet for the establishment willing to do their bidding.:rolleyes:

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