Exhibit at Arizona State: "George Floyd died for us, each and every last one of us ... God chose him.”


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
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Just when you think we've already reached peak insanity, something proves you were wrong.

Imagine using a felon and a drug selling, drug abusing person as symbol of positivity. FFS.

Oh Praise Thee, Most Holy Floyd, Patron Saint of Fentanyl!​


weird how this Floyd thing happened in Minnesota, a supposedly minority-affirming (blue) state..

In any case, I really don't think Chauvin or any of the cops killed this guy. I've heard a lot of news and commentary and I just.. while I listened and at one time thought maybe I was wrong to think this way... I gathered more info and am back to believing that floyd essentially killed himself.. all those drugs.. his crazy lifestyle.. and he was in poor health. It didn't help what Chauvin did, that is true... But if he had not been zoned out on drugs thatday, he'd likely still be here
I sure as hell don't want to be chosen by God if it means getting the crap beat out of you like George Floyd. That was kind of brutal.
weird how this Floyd thing happened in Minnesota, a supposedly minority-affirming (blue) state..

In any case, I really don't think Chauvin or any of the cops killed this guy. I've heard a lot of news and commentary and I just.. while I listened and at one time thought maybe I was wrong to think this way... I gathered more info and am back to believing that floyd essentially killed himself.. all those drugs.. his crazy lifestyle.. and he was in poor health. It didn't help what Chauvin did, that is true... But if he had not been zoned out on drugs thatday, he'd likely still be here
Don't you know anything? God chose him to do those things. And if you don't believe in Floyd, you are damned to hell! :dance:
Just when you think we've already reached peak insanity, something proves you were wrong.

Imagine using a felon and a drug selling, drug abusing person as symbol of positivity. FFS.

Oh Praise Thee, Most Holy Floyd, Patron Saint of Fentanyl!​

He got this country to engage in some well-needed soul searching, even if he was an imperfect vessel.
It cost the liberal taxpayers of Mpls 27 million dollars.
That's Karma.

I bet Floyd's family wouldn't give any of it up to have him back.
I don't mean to sound insensitive, but what makes him stand apart from other people who have died? What about every child that isn't here anymore because of a school shooting? It's been 25 years now since the Columbine shooting and if my memory serves me well enough, one of the female victims was shot because of her decision to stand up for the Lord. The shooter(s) asked if anyone in their presence believed in the Lord and when she said that she did, they killed her.

God bless you and her family always!!!

I don't mean to sound insensitive, but what makes him stand apart from other people who have died? What about every child that isn't here anymore because of a school shooting? It's been 25 years now since the Columbine shooting and if my memory serves me well enough, one of the female victims was shot because of her decision to stand up for the Lord. The shooter(s) asked if anyone in their presence believed in the Lord and when she said that she did, they killed her.

God bless you and her family always!!!


Here's why the girl killed at Columbine wasn't a big deal as the Christo-fascists want her to be. There was no sympathy for the shooters to start with. There was no one saying "Back the Trenchcoat". (Also, that story was probably exaggerated, but never mind.) NO one wanted to look too closely at Columbine, because we might start asking those uncomfortable questions like, "Why do we let any damned idiot buy a gun?"

As for what makes Floyd stand apart, I am reminded of the Old Roger Waters Song about the girl who was killed in Tiananmen Square.

She's everybody's sister
She's symbolic of our failure
She's the one in fifty million

Who can help us to be free...
Because she died on TV

That's the big difference. Yes, the cops have brutally murders a lot of black people over the years, and because no one caught it on camera, they could say things like "He was charging right at me' or "I thought he had a gun" or whatever bullshit they trot out.

But we all watched George Floyd die on TV while a crowd of horrified onlooker pleaded for his life. that's why he was a big deal.

Not because he was a perfect person, he wasn't.
But because he exposed the dark cancer of systematic racism that exists in this country.
Just when you think we've already reached peak insanity, something proves you were wrong.

Imagine using a felon and a drug selling, drug abusing person as symbol of positivity. FFS.

Oh Praise Thee, Most Holy Floyd, Patron Saint of Fentanyl!​


Unbelievable. A career criminal and drug addict died for all of us. That happens almost every day.
Here's why the girl killed at Columbine wasn't a big deal as the Christo-fascists want her to be. There was no sympathy for the shooters to start with. There was no one saying "Back the Trenchcoat". (Also, that story was probably exaggerated, but never mind.) NO one wanted to look too closely at Columbine, because we might start asking those uncomfortable questions like, "Why do we let any damned idiot buy a gun?"

As for what makes Floyd stand apart, I am reminded of the Old Roger Waters Song about the girl who was killed in Tiananmen Square.

She's everybody's sister
She's symbolic of our failure
She's the one in fifty million

Who can help us to be free...
Because she died on TV

That's the big difference. Yes, the cops have brutally murders a lot of black people over the years, and because no one caught it on camera, they could say things like "He was charging right at me' or "I thought he had a gun" or whatever bullshit they trot out.

But we all watched George Floyd die on TV while a crowd of horrified onlooker pleaded for his life. that's why he was a big deal.

Not because he was a perfect person, he wasn't.
But because he exposed the dark cancer of systematic racism that exists in this country.
So every white police officer joined the PD just to shoot blacks and and become members of KKK. Bunch of hyperbole BS.
Just when you think we've already reached peak insanity, something proves you were wrong.

Imagine using a felon and a drug selling, drug abusing person as symbol of positivity. FFS.

Oh Praise Thee, Most Holy Floyd, Patron Saint of Fentanyl!​


Does the exhibit have a life-like statue of St. Floyd holding a gun up against the womb of his pregnant girlfriend with his stash of fentanyl falling out of his pockets?
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