"Existential Threat" explained.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
We’ve been hearing a lot about “existential” threats lately so we might want to think about what an existential threat is. The word seems to come from “existentialism” which is a philosophy that gained traction in the mid 1940’s largely though the works of Jean-Paul Sartre, a brilliant, neurotic, French playwright and communist admirer.

Existentialism is based on the precept that a thinking individual can never know what is truly right or truly wrong because existence is too complex to encompass a complete understanding of the physical or metaphysical world. The angst involved is apparently perplexing, so individuals struggle to find a path that they alone are responsible to follow.

People who sit around with too much time on their hands are generally regarded as philosophers and their idle thinking is often adopted and discussed ad nauseum by others who think a lot with too much time on their hands. Though Sartre never advocated for forcing his existential philosophy on the masses, others were all too willing to misuse existential thinking to bolster new movements. Karl Marx was one of those people and so was Adolf Hitler who, like Sartre, spent extended amounts of time locked up and probably should have remained that way.

Taken to the next step, philosophy becomes righteous thinking or weaponized philosophy defined as religion or political ideology and in contemporary society those lines are blurred. When something is described as an “existential threat”, it conveys a fearful warning that followers of a movement may be lost and the movement itself may perish under the light of reexamination.

This is what is happening today in the US with a presidential impeachment. The notion that a nation can only be led by highly educated intellectuals endowed with a special wokeness is being torn asunder by a populist messenger proving through direct concrete action that the notion is a fraud.

At a time when destructive political winds have been blowing the US middle class into a timid globalist sellout, the president has revived the “Big Stick” foreign policy of Teddy Roosevelt and its working. The existential threat is not to the constitution or the people it’s to a parasitic status quo that thinks we are too dumb to fathom a four-syllable-word like Existential.

Impeachment is a political assassination not to save us but to save themselves. If there’s an existential threat its them not the president.
Too many people throw the term "existential threat" to the US around way too frequently, and these are the people that want to cut the DOD budget and give $billions to terrorist supporting states like Iran. Calling Trump an "existential threat" most likely means to "the establishment" drones bought and paid for by K-Street PACs, and/or the Wall Street hacks that want to move another 66,000 US factories to China.
We’ve been hearing a lot about “existential” threats lately so we might want to think about what an existential threat is. The word seems to come from “existentialism” which is a philosophy that gained traction in the mid 1940’s largely though the works of Jean-Paul Sartre, a brilliant, neurotic, French playwright and communist admirer.

Existentialism is based on the precept that a thinking individual can never know what is truly right or truly wrong because existence is too complex to encompass a complete understanding of the physical or metaphysical world. The angst involved is apparently perplexing, so individuals struggle to find a path that they alone are responsible to follow.

People who sit around with too much time on their hands are generally regarded as philosophers and their idle thinking is often adopted and discussed ad nauseum by others who think a lot with too much time on their hands. Though Sartre never advocated for forcing his existential philosophy on the masses, others were all too willing to misuse existential thinking to bolster new movements. Karl Marx was one of those people and so was Adolf Hitler who, like Sartre, spent extended amounts of time locked up and probably should have remained that way.

Taken to the next step, philosophy becomes righteous thinking or weaponized philosophy defined as religion or political ideology and in contemporary society those lines are blurred. When something is described as an “existential threat”, it conveys a fearful warning that followers of a movement may be lost and the movement itself may perish under the light of reexamination.

This is what is happening today in the US with a presidential impeachment. The notion that a nation can only be led by highly educated intellectuals endowed with a special wokeness is being torn asunder by a populist messenger proving through direct concrete action that the notion is a fraud.

At a time when destructive political winds have been blowing the US middle class into a timid globalist sellout, the president has revived the “Big Stick” foreign policy of Teddy Roosevelt and its working. The existential threat is not to the constitution or the people it’s to a parasitic status quo that thinks we are too dumb to fathom a four-syllable-word like Existential.

Impeachment is a political assassination not to save us but to save themselves. If there’s an existential threat its them not the president.
Criminals do what criminals do. Trump is being held to account for his illegal activities. If he hadnt done it we wouldnt be here.
We’ve been hearing a lot about “existential” threats lately so we might want to think about what an existential threat is. The word seems to come from “existentialism” which is a philosophy that gained traction in the mid 1940’s largely though the works of Jean-Paul Sartre, a brilliant, neurotic, French playwright and communist admirer.

Existentialism is based on the precept that a thinking individual can never know what is truly right or truly wrong because existence is too complex to encompass a complete understanding of the physical or metaphysical world. The angst involved is apparently perplexing, so individuals struggle to find a path that they alone are responsible to follow.

People who sit around with too much time on their hands are generally regarded as philosophers and their idle thinking is often adopted and discussed ad nauseum by others who think a lot with too much time on their hands. Though Sartre never advocated for forcing his existential philosophy on the masses, others were all too willing to misuse existential thinking to bolster new movements. Karl Marx was one of those people and so was Adolf Hitler who, like Sartre, spent extended amounts of time locked up and probably should have remained that way.

Taken to the next step, philosophy becomes righteous thinking or weaponized philosophy defined as religion or political ideology and in contemporary society those lines are blurred. When something is described as an “existential threat”, it conveys a fearful warning that followers of a movement may be lost and the movement itself may perish under the light of reexamination.

This is what is happening today in the US with a presidential impeachment. The notion that a nation can only be led by highly educated intellectuals endowed with a special wokeness is being torn asunder by a populist messenger proving through direct concrete action that the notion is a fraud.

At a time when destructive political winds have been blowing the US middle class into a timid globalist sellout, the president has revived the “Big Stick” foreign policy of Teddy Roosevelt and its working. The existential threat is not to the constitution or the people it’s to a parasitic status quo that thinks we are too dumb to fathom a four-syllable-word like Existential.

Impeachment is a political assassination not to save us but to save themselves. If there’s an existential threat its them not the president.
Criminals do what criminals do. Trump is being held to account for his illegal activities. If he hadnt done it we wouldnt be here.

Partisan political hacks do what partisan political hacks do, Trump did not commit a crime or an impeachable offense, yet here we are....
We’ve been hearing a lot about “existential” threats lately so we might want to think about what an existential threat is. The word seems to come from “existentialism” which is a philosophy that gained traction in the mid 1940’s largely though the works of Jean-Paul Sartre, a brilliant, neurotic, French playwright and communist admirer.

Existentialism is based on the precept that a thinking individual can never know what is truly right or truly wrong because existence is too complex to encompass a complete understanding of the physical or metaphysical world. The angst involved is apparently perplexing, so individuals struggle to find a path that they alone are responsible to follow.

People who sit around with too much time on their hands are generally regarded as philosophers and their idle thinking is often adopted and discussed ad nauseum by others who think a lot with too much time on their hands. Though Sartre never advocated for forcing his existential philosophy on the masses, others were all too willing to misuse existential thinking to bolster new movements. Karl Marx was one of those people and so was Adolf Hitler who, like Sartre, spent extended amounts of time locked up and probably should have remained that way.

Taken to the next step, philosophy becomes righteous thinking or weaponized philosophy defined as religion or political ideology and in contemporary society those lines are blurred. When something is described as an “existential threat”, it conveys a fearful warning that followers of a movement may be lost and the movement itself may perish under the light of reexamination.

This is what is happening today in the US with a presidential impeachment. The notion that a nation can only be led by highly educated intellectuals endowed with a special wokeness is being torn asunder by a populist messenger proving through direct concrete action that the notion is a fraud.

At a time when destructive political winds have been blowing the US middle class into a timid globalist sellout, the president has revived the “Big Stick” foreign policy of Teddy Roosevelt and its working. The existential threat is not to the constitution or the people it’s to a parasitic status quo that thinks we are too dumb to fathom a four-syllable-word like Existential.

Impeachment is a political assassination not to save us but to save themselves. If there’s an existential threat its them not the president.
Criminals do what criminals do. Trump is being held to account for his illegal activities. If he hadnt done it we wouldnt be here.
So says the supporter of Jewish homicide and the destruction of a people simply because he, and his WANT THEIR HISTORICAL LAND!....Worse than a communist...the Nazi were ALMOST benevolent compared to the muslims!
Too many people throw the term "existential threat" to the US around way too frequently, and these are the people that want to cut the DOD budget and give $billions to terrorist supporting states like Iran. Calling Trump an "existential threat" most likely means to "the establishment" drones bought and paid for by K-Street PACs, and/or the Wall Street hacks that want to move another 66,000 US factories to China.

Your post is an existential threat to the planet.

Liberals fucking love to throw that word around,
We’ve been hearing a lot about “existential” threats lately so we might want to think about what an existential threat is. The word seems to come from “existentialism” which is a philosophy that gained traction in the mid 1940’s largely though the works of Jean-Paul Sartre, a brilliant, neurotic, French playwright and communist admirer.

Existentialism is based on the precept that a thinking individual can never know what is truly right or truly wrong because existence is too complex to encompass a complete understanding of the physical or metaphysical world. The angst involved is apparently perplexing, so individuals struggle to find a path that they alone are responsible to follow.

People who sit around with too much time on their hands are generally regarded as philosophers and their idle thinking is often adopted and discussed ad nauseum by others who think a lot with too much time on their hands. Though Sartre never advocated for forcing his existential philosophy on the masses, others were all too willing to misuse existential thinking to bolster new movements. Karl Marx was one of those people and so was Adolf Hitler who, like Sartre, spent extended amounts of time locked up and probably should have remained that way.

Taken to the next step, philosophy becomes righteous thinking or weaponized philosophy defined as religion or political ideology and in contemporary society those lines are blurred. When something is described as an “existential threat”, it conveys a fearful warning that followers of a movement may be lost and the movement itself may perish under the light of reexamination.

This is what is happening today in the US with a presidential impeachment. The notion that a nation can only be led by highly educated intellectuals endowed with a special wokeness is being torn asunder by a populist messenger proving through direct concrete action that the notion is a fraud.

At a time when destructive political winds have been blowing the US middle class into a timid globalist sellout, the president has revived the “Big Stick” foreign policy of Teddy Roosevelt and its working. The existential threat is not to the constitution or the people it’s to a parasitic status quo that thinks we are too dumb to fathom a four-syllable-word like Existential.

Impeachment is a political assassination not to save us but to save themselves. If there’s an existential threat its them not the president.
Criminals do what criminals do. Trump is being held to account for his illegal activities. If he hadnt done it we wouldnt be here.

Wrong, libs MO from day one was to impeach.
We’ve been hearing a lot about “existential” threats lately so we might want to think about what an existential threat is. The word seems to come from “existentialism” which is a philosophy that gained traction in the mid 1940’s largely though the works of Jean-Paul Sartre, a brilliant, neurotic, French playwright and communist admirer.

Existentialism is based on the precept that a thinking individual can never know what is truly right or truly wrong because existence is too complex to encompass a complete understanding of the physical or metaphysical world. The angst involved is apparently perplexing, so individuals struggle to find a path that they alone are responsible to follow.

People who sit around with too much time on their hands are generally regarded as philosophers and their idle thinking is often adopted and discussed ad nauseum by others who think a lot with too much time on their hands. Though Sartre never advocated for forcing his existential philosophy on the masses, others were all too willing to misuse existential thinking to bolster new movements. Karl Marx was one of those people and so was Adolf Hitler who, like Sartre, spent extended amounts of time locked up and probably should have remained that way.

Taken to the next step, philosophy becomes righteous thinking or weaponized philosophy defined as religion or political ideology and in contemporary society those lines are blurred. When something is described as an “existential threat”, it conveys a fearful warning that followers of a movement may be lost and the movement itself may perish under the light of reexamination.

This is what is happening today in the US with a presidential impeachment. The notion that a nation can only be led by highly educated intellectuals endowed with a special wokeness is being torn asunder by a populist messenger proving through direct concrete action that the notion is a fraud.

At a time when destructive political winds have been blowing the US middle class into a timid globalist sellout, the president has revived the “Big Stick” foreign policy of Teddy Roosevelt and its working. The existential threat is not to the constitution or the people it’s to a parasitic status quo that thinks we are too dumb to fathom a four-syllable-word like Existential.

Impeachment is a political assassination not to save us but to save themselves. If there’s an existential threat its them not the president.
Criminals do what criminals do. Trump is being held to account for his illegal activities. If he hadnt done it we wouldnt be here.

Wrong, libs MO from day one was to impeach.

Yeah, from the day he won well before he was even sworn in. President Trump wasn't afforded a honeymoon period like most presidents the vile foaming at the mouth left went after the guy likepigs at a trough from the get go.
We’ve been hearing a lot about “existential” threats lately so we might want to think about what an existential threat is. The word seems to come from “existentialism” which is a philosophy that gained traction in the mid 1940’s largely though the works of Jean-Paul Sartre, a brilliant, neurotic, French playwright and communist admirer.

Existentialism is based on the precept that a thinking individual can never know what is truly right or truly wrong because existence is too complex to encompass a complete understanding of the physical or metaphysical world. The angst involved is apparently perplexing, so individuals struggle to find a path that they alone are responsible to follow.

People who sit around with too much time on their hands are generally regarded as philosophers and their idle thinking is often adopted and discussed ad nauseum by others who think a lot with too much time on their hands. Though Sartre never advocated for forcing his existential philosophy on the masses, others were all too willing to misuse existential thinking to bolster new movements. Karl Marx was one of those people and so was Adolf Hitler who, like Sartre, spent extended amounts of time locked up and probably should have remained that way.

Taken to the next step, philosophy becomes righteous thinking or weaponized philosophy defined as religion or political ideology and in contemporary society those lines are blurred. When something is described as an “existential threat”, it conveys a fearful warning that followers of a movement may be lost and the movement itself may perish under the light of reexamination.

This is what is happening today in the US with a presidential impeachment. The notion that a nation can only be led by highly educated intellectuals endowed with a special wokeness is being torn asunder by a populist messenger proving through direct concrete action that the notion is a fraud.

At a time when destructive political winds have been blowing the US middle class into a timid globalist sellout, the president has revived the “Big Stick” foreign policy of Teddy Roosevelt and its working. The existential threat is not to the constitution or the people it’s to a parasitic status quo that thinks we are too dumb to fathom a four-syllable-word like Existential.

Impeachment is a political assassination not to save us but to save themselves. If there’s an existential threat its them not the president.
Criminals do what criminals do. Trump is being held to account for his illegal activities. If he hadnt done it we wouldnt be here.

Wrong, libs MO from day one was to impeach.

Yeah, from the day he won well before he was even sworn in. President Trump wasn't afforded a honeymoon period like most presidents the vile foaming at the mouth left went after the guy likepigs at a trough from the get go.
He used his office for personal advantage. How is that not an offence?
We’ve been hearing a lot about “existential” threats lately so we might want to think about what an existential threat is. The word seems to come from “existentialism” which is a philosophy that gained traction in the mid 1940’s largely though the works of Jean-Paul Sartre, a brilliant, neurotic, French playwright and communist admirer.

Existentialism is based on the precept that a thinking individual can never know what is truly right or truly wrong because existence is too complex to encompass a complete understanding of the physical or metaphysical world. The angst involved is apparently perplexing, so individuals struggle to find a path that they alone are responsible to follow.

People who sit around with too much time on their hands are generally regarded as philosophers and their idle thinking is often adopted and discussed ad nauseum by others who think a lot with too much time on their hands. Though Sartre never advocated for forcing his existential philosophy on the masses, others were all too willing to misuse existential thinking to bolster new movements. Karl Marx was one of those people and so was Adolf Hitler who, like Sartre, spent extended amounts of time locked up and probably should have remained that way.

Taken to the next step, philosophy becomes righteous thinking or weaponized philosophy defined as religion or political ideology and in contemporary society those lines are blurred. When something is described as an “existential threat”, it conveys a fearful warning that followers of a movement may be lost and the movement itself may perish under the light of reexamination.

This is what is happening today in the US with a presidential impeachment. The notion that a nation can only be led by highly educated intellectuals endowed with a special wokeness is being torn asunder by a populist messenger proving through direct concrete action that the notion is a fraud.

At a time when destructive political winds have been blowing the US middle class into a timid globalist sellout, the president has revived the “Big Stick” foreign policy of Teddy Roosevelt and its working. The existential threat is not to the constitution or the people it’s to a parasitic status quo that thinks we are too dumb to fathom a four-syllable-word like Existential.

Impeachment is a political assassination not to save us but to save themselves. If there’s an existential threat its them not the president.
Criminals do what criminals do. Trump is being held to account for his illegal activities. If he hadnt done it we wouldnt be here.
Specifically what law did he break? Not hearsay but what law?
We’ve been hearing a lot about “existential” threats lately so we might want to think about what an existential threat is. The word seems to come from “existentialism” which is a philosophy that gained traction in the mid 1940’s largely though the works of Jean-Paul Sartre, a brilliant, neurotic, French playwright and communist admirer.

Existentialism is based on the precept that a thinking individual can never know what is truly right or truly wrong because existence is too complex to encompass a complete understanding of the physical or metaphysical world. The angst involved is apparently perplexing, so individuals struggle to find a path that they alone are responsible to follow.

People who sit around with too much time on their hands are generally regarded as philosophers and their idle thinking is often adopted and discussed ad nauseum by others who think a lot with too much time on their hands. Though Sartre never advocated for forcing his existential philosophy on the masses, others were all too willing to misuse existential thinking to bolster new movements. Karl Marx was one of those people and so was Adolf Hitler who, like Sartre, spent extended amounts of time locked up and probably should have remained that way.

Taken to the next step, philosophy becomes righteous thinking or weaponized philosophy defined as religion or political ideology and in contemporary society those lines are blurred. When something is described as an “existential threat”, it conveys a fearful warning that followers of a movement may be lost and the movement itself may perish under the light of reexamination.

This is what is happening today in the US with a presidential impeachment. The notion that a nation can only be led by highly educated intellectuals endowed with a special wokeness is being torn asunder by a populist messenger proving through direct concrete action that the notion is a fraud.

At a time when destructive political winds have been blowing the US middle class into a timid globalist sellout, the president has revived the “Big Stick” foreign policy of Teddy Roosevelt and its working. The existential threat is not to the constitution or the people it’s to a parasitic status quo that thinks we are too dumb to fathom a four-syllable-word like Existential.

Impeachment is a political assassination not to save us but to save themselves. If there’s an existential threat its them not the president.
Criminals do what criminals do. Trump is being held to account for his illegal activities. If he hadnt done it we wouldnt be here.
Specifically what law did he break? Not hearsay but what law?

The law the idiot lib made up in his tiny little pea brain.
We’ve been hearing a lot about “existential” threats lately so we might want to think about what an existential threat is. The word seems to come from “existentialism” which is a philosophy that gained traction in the mid 1940’s largely though the works of Jean-Paul Sartre, a brilliant, neurotic, French playwright and communist admirer.

Existentialism is based on the precept that a thinking individual can never know what is truly right or truly wrong because existence is too complex to encompass a complete understanding of the physical or metaphysical world. The angst involved is apparently perplexing, so individuals struggle to find a path that they alone are responsible to follow.

People who sit around with too much time on their hands are generally regarded as philosophers and their idle thinking is often adopted and discussed ad nauseum by others who think a lot with too much time on their hands. Though Sartre never advocated for forcing his existential philosophy on the masses, others were all too willing to misuse existential thinking to bolster new movements. Karl Marx was one of those people and so was Adolf Hitler who, like Sartre, spent extended amounts of time locked up and probably should have remained that way.

Taken to the next step, philosophy becomes righteous thinking or weaponized philosophy defined as religion or political ideology and in contemporary society those lines are blurred. When something is described as an “existential threat”, it conveys a fearful warning that followers of a movement may be lost and the movement itself may perish under the light of reexamination.

This is what is happening today in the US with a presidential impeachment. The notion that a nation can only be led by highly educated intellectuals endowed with a special wokeness is being torn asunder by a populist messenger proving through direct concrete action that the notion is a fraud.

At a time when destructive political winds have been blowing the US middle class into a timid globalist sellout, the president has revived the “Big Stick” foreign policy of Teddy Roosevelt and its working. The existential threat is not to the constitution or the people it’s to a parasitic status quo that thinks we are too dumb to fathom a four-syllable-word like Existential.

Impeachment is a political assassination not to save us but to save themselves. If there’s an existential threat its them not the president.
Criminals do what criminals do. Trump is being held to account for his illegal activities. If he hadnt done it we wouldnt be here.

Wrong, libs MO from day one was to impeach.

Yeah, from the day he won well before he was even sworn in. President Trump wasn't afforded a honeymoon period like most presidents the vile foaming at the mouth left went after the guy likepigs at a trough from the get go.
He used his office for personal advantage. How is that not an offence?
Just think if Biden didn't break the law Trump wouldn't of asked about it.
We’ve been hearing a lot about “existential” threats lately so we might want to think about what an existential threat is. The word seems to come from “existentialism” which is a philosophy that gained traction in the mid 1940’s largely though the works of Jean-Paul Sartre, a brilliant, neurotic, French playwright and communist admirer.

Existentialism is based on the precept that a thinking individual can never know what is truly right or truly wrong because existence is too complex to encompass a complete understanding of the physical or metaphysical world. The angst involved is apparently perplexing, so individuals struggle to find a path that they alone are responsible to follow.

People who sit around with too much time on their hands are generally regarded as philosophers and their idle thinking is often adopted and discussed ad nauseum by others who think a lot with too much time on their hands. Though Sartre never advocated for forcing his existential philosophy on the masses, others were all too willing to misuse existential thinking to bolster new movements. Karl Marx was one of those people and so was Adolf Hitler who, like Sartre, spent extended amounts of time locked up and probably should have remained that way.

Taken to the next step, philosophy becomes righteous thinking or weaponized philosophy defined as religion or political ideology and in contemporary society those lines are blurred. When something is described as an “existential threat”, it conveys a fearful warning that followers of a movement may be lost and the movement itself may perish under the light of reexamination.

This is what is happening today in the US with a presidential impeachment. The notion that a nation can only be led by highly educated intellectuals endowed with a special wokeness is being torn asunder by a populist messenger proving through direct concrete action that the notion is a fraud.

At a time when destructive political winds have been blowing the US middle class into a timid globalist sellout, the president has revived the “Big Stick” foreign policy of Teddy Roosevelt and its working. The existential threat is not to the constitution or the people it’s to a parasitic status quo that thinks we are too dumb to fathom a four-syllable-word like Existential.

Impeachment is a political assassination not to save us but to save themselves. If there’s an existential threat its them not the president.
Criminals do what criminals do. Trump is being held to account for his illegal activities. If he hadnt done it we wouldnt be here.

Wrong, libs MO from day one was to impeach.

Yeah, from the day he won well before he was even sworn in. President Trump wasn't afforded a honeymoon period like most presidents the vile foaming at the mouth left went after the guy likepigs at a trough from the get go.
He used his office for personal advantage. How is that not an offence?

Ukraine joe used his VP to get his druggie son a cush job. That wasn't an offense. Trump didn't even do that.
We’ve been hearing a lot about “existential” threats lately so we might want to think about what an existential threat is. The word seems to come from “existentialism” which is a philosophy that gained traction in the mid 1940’s largely though the works of Jean-Paul Sartre, a brilliant, neurotic, French playwright and communist admirer.

Existentialism is based on the precept that a thinking individual can never know what is truly right or truly wrong because existence is too complex to encompass a complete understanding of the physical or metaphysical world. The angst involved is apparently perplexing, so individuals struggle to find a path that they alone are responsible to follow.

People who sit around with too much time on their hands are generally regarded as philosophers and their idle thinking is often adopted and discussed ad nauseum by others who think a lot with too much time on their hands. Though Sartre never advocated for forcing his existential philosophy on the masses, others were all too willing to misuse existential thinking to bolster new movements. Karl Marx was one of those people and so was Adolf Hitler who, like Sartre, spent extended amounts of time locked up and probably should have remained that way.

Taken to the next step, philosophy becomes righteous thinking or weaponized philosophy defined as religion or political ideology and in contemporary society those lines are blurred. When something is described as an “existential threat”, it conveys a fearful warning that followers of a movement may be lost and the movement itself may perish under the light of reexamination.

This is what is happening today in the US with a presidential impeachment. The notion that a nation can only be led by highly educated intellectuals endowed with a special wokeness is being torn asunder by a populist messenger proving through direct concrete action that the notion is a fraud.

At a time when destructive political winds have been blowing the US middle class into a timid globalist sellout, the president has revived the “Big Stick” foreign policy of Teddy Roosevelt and its working. The existential threat is not to the constitution or the people it’s to a parasitic status quo that thinks we are too dumb to fathom a four-syllable-word like Existential.

Impeachment is a political assassination not to save us but to save themselves. If there’s an existential threat its them not the president.
Criminals do what criminals do. Trump is being held to account for his illegal activities. If he hadnt done it we wouldnt be here.

Wrong, libs MO from day one was to impeach.

Yeah, from the day he won well before he was even sworn in. President Trump wasn't afforded a honeymoon period like most presidents the vile foaming at the mouth left went after the guy likepigs at a trough from the get go.
He used his office for personal advantage. How is that not an offence?

You have evidence of that claim? Then call Mueller/Schiff/Nadler/Pelosi and tell them about it. The press will thank you.

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