"Existential Threat" explained.

And when you want to be lied to, you ask a professional politician.
While all politicians lie, I don't blame them, I blame us. We don't want to hear the truth. We want a single, simple, bumper-sticker-sized solution to every complex problem. We get what we deserve, not what we want.
I do blame us. We get the government we deserve.

However, I just happen to have a fundamental disagreement with the notion that only the educated can or should be running the government. There are millions of people who have no formal education, yet can run circles around the 'elite' with just native intelligence and integrity. Today, the educated are not so much educated as they are indoctrinated (at least in terms of political philosophy). So, it isn't a matter of anti-intellectualism as it is the fact that the 'educated elite' have proven themselves to be base and untrustworthy.
I'm not sure what you mean by "educated" or "formal education." Truman had post-HS training as a bookkeeper. Eisenhower of course was a West Point grad. Reagan was public school kid and avg student at Eureka College. W had a world class prep and Ivy League pedigree, but it was wasted (pun) on him.

But HS civics, as it used to be, and how a bill becomes a law, and how to read bills and financial documents …… I mean there's no degree in "president." I don't think a Teamster or Electrician really has the skills … unless they move into management or something beyond what those kinds of professions entail. Not to disparage them. I wouldn't want Obama or Trump to wire my house.
Why would you say they don't have the skills? Because their training is in something else? Leadership, native intelligence (common sense), integrity, and a willingness to be open-minded are far more qualifying skills and traits than any number of degrees provided by a University.

As I have said, the ruling class have proved themselves to be utterly untrustworthy, and to a person, they are all 'educated'.
The elites on stage telling us what we need? The arrogance is standard practice! Creepy I’ll end hundreds of thousands of jobs joe showing how much the middle class matters to those elitists
We’ve been hearing a lot about “existential” threats lately so we might want to think about what an existential threat is. The word seems to come from “existentialism” which is a philosophy that gained traction in the mid 1940’s largely though the works of Jean-Paul Sartre, a brilliant, neurotic, French playwright and communist admirer.

Existentialism is based on the precept that a thinking individual can never know what is truly right or truly wrong because existence is too complex to encompass a complete understanding of the physical or metaphysical world. The angst involved is apparently perplexing, so individuals struggle to find a path that they alone are responsible to follow.

People who sit around with too much time on their hands are generally regarded as philosophers and their idle thinking is often adopted and discussed ad nauseum by others who think a lot with too much time on their hands. Though Sartre never advocated for forcing his existential philosophy on the masses, others were all too willing to misuse existential thinking to bolster new movements. Karl Marx was one of those people and so was Adolf Hitler who, like Sartre, spent extended amounts of time locked up and probably should have remained that way.

Taken to the next step, philosophy becomes righteous thinking or weaponized philosophy defined as religion or political ideology and in contemporary society those lines are blurred. When something is described as an “existential threat”, it conveys a fearful warning that followers of a movement may be lost and the movement itself may perish under the light of reexamination.

This is what is happening today in the US with a presidential impeachment. The notion that a nation can only be led by highly educated intellectuals endowed with a special wokeness is being torn asunder by a populist messenger proving through direct concrete action that the notion is a fraud.

At a time when destructive political winds have been blowing the US middle class into a timid globalist sellout, the president has revived the “Big Stick” foreign policy of Teddy Roosevelt and its working. The existential threat is not to the constitution or the people it’s to a parasitic status quo that thinks we are too dumb to fathom a four-syllable-word like Existential.

Impeachment is a political assassination not to save us but to save themselves. If there’s an existential threat its them not the president.
Criminals do what criminals do. Trump is being held to account for his illegal activities. If he hadnt done it we wouldnt be here.

Partisan political hacks do what partisan political hacks do, Trump did not commit a crime or an impeachable offense, yet here we are....
Partisan political hacks, eh? Yes you are. Let's demonstrate this:

What evidence, specifically, would convince you that trump is guilty of the charges laid out in the articles of impeachment?

Again, be specific.
I hate to break it to you kiddo, but existential threats don't have anything to do with existentialism. You are badly confused.
What DO you take them to mean, Crepitus?
An existential threat is a threat to your existance.

conservatives are an existential threat


To the average national IQ.

I'm not sure there are any left. And I got teapartied out because I didn't pass the litmus test … whatever it was.
Dislike freebies. It wasn’t that difficult
We’ve been hearing a lot about “existential” threats lately so we might want to think about what an existential threat is. The word seems to come from “existentialism” which is a philosophy that gained traction in the mid 1940’s largely though the works of Jean-Paul Sartre, a brilliant, neurotic, French playwright and communist admirer.

Existentialism is based on the precept that a thinking individual can never know what is truly right or truly wrong because existence is too complex to encompass a complete understanding of the physical or metaphysical world. The angst involved is apparently perplexing, so individuals struggle to find a path that they alone are responsible to follow.

People who sit around with too much time on their hands are generally regarded as philosophers and their idle thinking is often adopted and discussed ad nauseum by others who think a lot with too much time on their hands. Though Sartre never advocated for forcing his existential philosophy on the masses, others were all too willing to misuse existential thinking to bolster new movements. Karl Marx was one of those people and so was Adolf Hitler who, like Sartre, spent extended amounts of time locked up and probably should have remained that way.

Taken to the next step, philosophy becomes righteous thinking or weaponized philosophy defined as religion or political ideology and in contemporary society those lines are blurred. When something is described as an “existential threat”, it conveys a fearful warning that followers of a movement may be lost and the movement itself may perish under the light of reexamination.

This is what is happening today in the US with a presidential impeachment. The notion that a nation can only be led by highly educated intellectuals endowed with a special wokeness is being torn asunder by a populist messenger proving through direct concrete action that the notion is a fraud.

At a time when destructive political winds have been blowing the US middle class into a timid globalist sellout, the president has revived the “Big Stick” foreign policy of Teddy Roosevelt and its working. The existential threat is not to the constitution or the people it’s to a parasitic status quo that thinks we are too dumb to fathom a four-syllable-word like Existential.

Impeachment is a political assassination not to save us but to save themselves. If there’s an existential threat its them not the president.
Criminals do what criminals do. Trump is being held to account for his illegal activities. If he hadnt done it we wouldnt be here.

Partisan political hacks do what partisan political hacks do, Trump did not commit a crime or an impeachable offense, yet here we are....
Partisan political hacks, eh? Yes you are. Let's demonstrate this:

What evidence, specifically, would convince you that trump is guilty of the charges laid out in the articles of impeachment?

Again, be specific.
None of what was presented . Name the fking crime fkwad? I need a crime to know what evidence to look for!
We’ve been hearing a lot about “existential” threats lately so we might want to think about what an existential threat is. The word seems to come from “existentialism” which is a philosophy that gained traction in the mid 1940’s largely though the works of Jean-Paul Sartre, a brilliant, neurotic, French playwright and communist admirer.

Existentialism is based on the precept that a thinking individual can never know what is truly right or truly wrong because existence is too complex to encompass a complete understanding of the physical or metaphysical world. The angst involved is apparently perplexing, so individuals struggle to find a path that they alone are responsible to follow.

People who sit around with too much time on their hands are generally regarded as philosophers and their idle thinking is often adopted and discussed ad nauseum by others who think a lot with too much time on their hands. Though Sartre never advocated for forcing his existential philosophy on the masses, others were all too willing to misuse existential thinking to bolster new movements. Karl Marx was one of those people and so was Adolf Hitler who, like Sartre, spent extended amounts of time locked up and probably should have remained that way.

Taken to the next step, philosophy becomes righteous thinking or weaponized philosophy defined as religion or political ideology and in contemporary society those lines are blurred. When something is described as an “existential threat”, it conveys a fearful warning that followers of a movement may be lost and the movement itself may perish under the light of reexamination.

This is what is happening today in the US with a presidential impeachment. The notion that a nation can only be led by highly educated intellectuals endowed with a special wokeness is being torn asunder by a populist messenger proving through direct concrete action that the notion is a fraud.

At a time when destructive political winds have been blowing the US middle class into a timid globalist sellout, the president has revived the “Big Stick” foreign policy of Teddy Roosevelt and its working. The existential threat is not to the constitution or the people it’s to a parasitic status quo that thinks we are too dumb to fathom a four-syllable-word like Existential.

Impeachment is a political assassination not to save us but to save themselves. If there’s an existential threat its them not the president.
Criminals do what criminals do. Trump is being held to account for his illegal activities. If he hadnt done it we wouldnt be here.

Partisan political hacks do what partisan political hacks do, Trump did not commit a crime or an impeachable offense, yet here we are....
Partisan political hacks, eh? Yes you are. Let's demonstrate this:

What evidence, specifically, would convince you that trump is guilty of the charges laid out in the articles of impeachment?

Again, be specific.
None of what was presented . Name the fking crime fkwad
Oh, sorry. That answer doesn't contain any specific examples of evidence.

You already failed this test a while ago, remember?. Shut up and let others fail it, this time.
Criminals do what criminals do. Trump is being held to account for his illegal activities. If he hadnt done it we wouldnt be here.
Come on TT, shake yourself. There's no crime here. And if this attempt falls through there will be another fabricated travesty to take it's place, just like they did with the Russia thing. The truth is, Democrats will hold onto their impeachment dream till the bitter end. If justice is finally served, and that is
what we want, they'll need plenty of jail cells for Comey, Brennen, Strzok, Page. Clapper, McCabe, Rosenstein andthe other deep state POSs.
There is definitely a crime here. You know it and I know it. If you give him a pass on this then the next crooked democrat will do the same. In fact it gives a pass to crooked politicians at all levels to do so.
What is the crime, since you know it?

Swamp Queen Peliser is blackmailing the country, that’s a crime and an abuse of power
Take your pick. Misuse of public funds and various crimes linked to that. You cant use public money to your own benefit in any democracy, only in a dictatorship. You know that but your corrupt soul cant admiit it.
Misuse of public funds? What is that statute big guy? Make believe huh? Btw he has authority to hold money, ask creepy if you don’t fire the prosecutor you don’t get the billion joe! Too. I’d like to know how you go through life with so much conflict in your own head?
Biden was acting in a legal manner in pursuit of US and International interests. Trump was using US money to try and get elected. It really isnt complicated little man.
We’ve been hearing a lot about “existential” threats lately so we might want to think about what an existential threat is. The word seems to come from “existentialism” which is a philosophy that gained traction in the mid 1940’s largely though the works of Jean-Paul Sartre, a brilliant, neurotic, French playwright and communist admirer.

Existentialism is based on the precept that a thinking individual can never know what is truly right or truly wrong because existence is too complex to encompass a complete understanding of the physical or metaphysical world. The angst involved is apparently perplexing, so individuals struggle to find a path that they alone are responsible to follow.

People who sit around with too much time on their hands are generally regarded as philosophers and their idle thinking is often adopted and discussed ad nauseum by others who think a lot with too much time on their hands. Though Sartre never advocated for forcing his existential philosophy on the masses, others were all too willing to misuse existential thinking to bolster new movements. Karl Marx was one of those people and so was Adolf Hitler who, like Sartre, spent extended amounts of time locked up and probably should have remained that way.

Taken to the next step, philosophy becomes righteous thinking or weaponized philosophy defined as religion or political ideology and in contemporary society those lines are blurred. When something is described as an “existential threat”, it conveys a fearful warning that followers of a movement may be lost and the movement itself may perish under the light of reexamination.

This is what is happening today in the US with a presidential impeachment. The notion that a nation can only be led by highly educated intellectuals endowed with a special wokeness is being torn asunder by a populist messenger proving through direct concrete action that the notion is a fraud.

At a time when destructive political winds have been blowing the US middle class into a timid globalist sellout, the president has revived the “Big Stick” foreign policy of Teddy Roosevelt and its working. The existential threat is not to the constitution or the people it’s to a parasitic status quo that thinks we are too dumb to fathom a four-syllable-word like Existential.

Impeachment is a political assassination not to save us but to save themselves. If there’s an existential threat its them not the president.
Criminals do what criminals do. Trump is being held to account for his illegal activities. If he hadnt done it we wouldnt be here.

Partisan political hacks do what partisan political hacks do, Trump did not commit a crime or an impeachable offense, yet here we are....
Partisan political hacks, eh? Yes you are. Let's demonstrate this:

What evidence, specifically, would convince you that trump is guilty of the charges laid out in the articles of impeachment?

Again, be specific.
None of what was presented . Name the fking crime fkwad
Oh, sorry. That answer doesn't contain any specific examples of evidence.

You already failed this test a while ago, remember?. Shut up and let others fail it, this time.
I’m waiting for a crime definition. Name it! I don’t need evidence of nothing , nothing is nothing
Come on TT, shake yourself. There's no crime here. And if this attempt falls through there will be another fabricated travesty to take it's place, just like they did with the Russia thing. The truth is, Democrats will hold onto their impeachment dream till the bitter end. If justice is finally served, and that is
what we want, they'll need plenty of jail cells for Comey, Brennen, Strzok, Page. Clapper, McCabe, Rosenstein andthe other deep state POSs.
There is definitely a crime here. You know it and I know it. If you give him a pass on this then the next crooked democrat will do the same. In fact it gives a pass to crooked politicians at all levels to do so.
What is the crime, since you know it?

Swamp Queen Peliser is blackmailing the country, that’s a crime and an abuse of power
Take your pick. Misuse of public funds and various crimes linked to that. You cant use public money to your own benefit in any democracy, only in a dictatorship. You know that but your corrupt soul cant admiit it.
Misuse of public funds? What is that statute big guy? Make believe huh? Btw he has authority to hold money, ask creepy if you don’t fire the prosecutor you don’t get the billion joe! Too. I’d like to know how you go through life with so much conflict in your own head?
Biden was acting in a legal manner in pursuit of US and International interests. Trump was using US money to try and get elected. It really isnt complicated little man.
For what? Explain what the prosecutor needed removed from? That old creepy needed to interfere. You know, our interest.

I know what for for creepy’s interest. But how for our country?
What DO you take them to mean, Crepitus?
An existential threat is a threat to your existance.

conservatives are an existential threat


To the average national IQ.

I'm not sure there are any left. And I got teapartied out because I didn't pass the litmus test … whatever it was.
Dislike freebies. It wasn’t that difficult
Like letting billion dollar companies pay no taxes?
Come on TT, shake yourself. There's no crime here. And if this attempt falls through there will be another fabricated travesty to take it's place, just like they did with the Russia thing. The truth is, Democrats will hold onto their impeachment dream till the bitter end. If justice is finally served, and that is
what we want, they'll need plenty of jail cells for Comey, Brennen, Strzok, Page. Clapper, McCabe, Rosenstein andthe other deep state POSs.
There is definitely a crime here. You know it and I know it. If you give him a pass on this then the next crooked democrat will do the same. In fact it gives a pass to crooked politicians at all levels to do so.
What is the crime, since you know it?

Swamp Queen Peliser is blackmailing the country, that’s a crime and an abuse of power
Take your pick. Misuse of public funds and various crimes linked to that. You cant use public money to your own benefit in any democracy, only in a dictatorship. You know that but your corrupt soul cant admiit it.
Misuse of public funds? What is that statute big guy? Make believe huh? Btw he has authority to hold money, ask creepy if you don’t fire the prosecutor you don’t get the billion joe! Too. I’d like to know how you go through life with so much conflict in your own head?
Biden was acting in a legal manner in pursuit of US and International interests. Trump was using US money to try and get elected. It really isnt complicated little man.
Come on dude. Biden committed extortion with US taxpayer money. Trump was only doing his job, enforcing our laws. Hell, falling asleep in Church is worse than what Trump did. No crime.
An existential threat is a threat to your existance.

conservatives are an existential threat


To the average national IQ.

I'm not sure there are any left. And I got teapartied out because I didn't pass the litmus test … whatever it was.
Dislike freebies. It wasn’t that difficult
Like letting billion dollar companies pay no taxes?
Sure they do. Post pne
If you want understand what an "existential threat" looks like you'll have to wait just a little longer. John Durham's investigation is an authentic existential threat not just to the legacy of the Obama administration but to the reputations and likely the freedom of many Obama officials.

The unexpected 2016 election results set into motion extra-constitutional abuses that are going to lead to a corrective carpet bombing of the FBI, DOJ, NSA and the FISA Courts. But the scorched earth is going to encompass much more.

Obama's legacy will be destroyed so completely that he will occupy a place in history right alongside Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. There is no way Obama can escape culpability.

Hillary Clinton is probably going to spend the rest of her life fighting charges of sedition against the US Constitution. This is coming; prepare for it.

Comey, Clapper and many others will be lucky to escape prison time. Impeachment will be eclipsed by the evidence that is coming.

It felt good writing this.
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