Expand The US War In Syria Or Get Out: What Say You?...

Expand US War in Syria Or Get Out

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No one is "OUT" ------Russia is IN, Iran is IN, Turkey is to the North, Assad is IN, Baathism is IN, Caliphatism is IN. The
is IN
I am asking this in perfect innocence, Rosie: Why does that matter to us?

far beyond innocence--------more like INFANTILE

No call for this, she is being open asking you something she really would like to know. There are a lot of assholes here (me included) but she isn't one of them.

yeah-----she is one of them------a head in the sand isolationist.
She deludes herself thru WISHFUL THINKING into imagining that the earth is a HUGE PLANET consisting of unrelated islands of land. ---------a kind of country bumpkin perspective-----
So you aren't too apoplectic to speak. So tell me why Iran and Russia being allies with Syria is going to be harmful. Please.

Iran, Russia, and Syria are involved in a joint program of
world wide IMPERIALISM -----one of the prime ambitions is
thru control of world economy
If ISIS is out, and Assad is there to prevent a power vacuum, what evil (that hasn't always existed in that messed up situation over in the Middle East) do you think will befall from "cutting and running?"
It's probably too late to be a positive factor, but allowing, if not creating, the exodus into Europe we at least helped create an evil.
The civil war and ISIS' emergence was NOT on us. Yes, we left, and the guy WE chose to lead Iraq screwed up and turmoil broke out again and then the Arab Spring happened and ISIS moved into the fray when they saw their opportunity. It is not entirely on us, the crazed bullshit that goes on in the Middle East year after year after year. It will happen if we are there or if we are not. There is no power vacuum if Assad is in power. ISIS has lost its territory. Assad is still getting rid of the rebels that remain. This is a perfect chance to bow out. I'm still waiting for someone to explain why I should care if Assad is allies with Iran and Russia.
There is no more reason for you to care about the slaughter of people in the ME than there was for the US to care about the slaughter of the Europeans in WWII.
I've been a strong advocate for refugees. Who are the Nazi's? Who is being genocided, specifically?

The Kurds.
Really? I heard the Kurds were pretty good at protecting themselves. Guess that's changing?
Just don't forget to say Trump gave birth to whatever evil comes from cutting and running from Syria.
If ISIS is out, and Assad is there to prevent a power vacuum, what evil (that hasn't always existed in that messed up situation over in the Middle East) do you think will befall from "cutting and running?"
It's probably too late to be a positive factor, but allowing, if not creating, the exodus into Europe we at least helped create an evil.
The civil war and ISIS' emergence was NOT on us. Yes, we left, and the guy WE chose to lead Iraq screwed up and turmoil broke out again and then the Arab Spring happened and ISIS moved into the fray when they saw their opportunity. It is not entirely on us, the crazed bullshit that goes on in the Middle East year after year after year. It will happen if we are there or if we are not. There is no power vacuum if Assad is in power. ISIS has lost its territory. Assad is still getting rid of the rebels that remain. This is a perfect chance to bow out. I'm still waiting for someone to explain why I should care if Assad is allies with Iran and Russia.
There is no more reason for you to care about the slaughter of people in the ME than there was for the US to care about the slaughter of the Europeans in WWII.
I've been a strong advocate for refugees. Who are the Nazi's? Who is being genocided, specifically?
You say you are indifferent (why should I care) to the slaughter of people in the ME but that would suggest you should have been indifferent to the slaughter of people in Europe, too.
It's probably too late to be a positive factor, but allowing, if not creating, the exodus into Europe we at least helped create an evil.
The civil war and ISIS' emergence was NOT on us. Yes, we left, and the guy WE chose to lead Iraq screwed up and turmoil broke out again and then the Arab Spring happened and ISIS moved into the fray when they saw their opportunity. It is not entirely on us, the crazed bullshit that goes on in the Middle East year after year after year. It will happen if we are there or if we are not. There is no power vacuum if Assad is in power. ISIS has lost its territory. Assad is still getting rid of the rebels that remain. This is a perfect chance to bow out. I'm still waiting for someone to explain why I should care if Assad is allies with Iran and Russia.
There is no more reason for you to care about the slaughter of people in the ME than there was for the US to care about the slaughter of the Europeans in WWII.
I've been a strong advocate for refugees. Who are the Nazi's? Who is being genocided, specifically?

The Kurds.
Really? I heard the Kurds were pretty good at protecting themselves. Guess that's changing?

the kurds are UP IN THE MOUNTAINS of Iran, Syria, Iraq,
Turkey and some even in Russia-------BECAUSE THEY HAVE
TO PROTECT THEMSELVES from those whose asses you
prefer to kiss
It's probably too late to be a positive factor, but allowing, if not creating, the exodus into Europe we at least helped create an evil.
The civil war and ISIS' emergence was NOT on us. Yes, we left, and the guy WE chose to lead Iraq screwed up and turmoil broke out again and then the Arab Spring happened and ISIS moved into the fray when they saw their opportunity. It is not entirely on us, the crazed bullshit that goes on in the Middle East year after year after year. It will happen if we are there or if we are not. There is no power vacuum if Assad is in power. ISIS has lost its territory. Assad is still getting rid of the rebels that remain. This is a perfect chance to bow out. I'm still waiting for someone to explain why I should care if Assad is allies with Iran and Russia.
There is no more reason for you to care about the slaughter of people in the ME than there was for the US to care about the slaughter of the Europeans in WWII.
I've been a strong advocate for refugees. Who are the Nazi's? Who is being genocided, specifically?

The Kurds.
Really? I heard the Kurds were pretty good at protecting themselves. Guess that's changing?

We abandoned them again. We always do, Turkey is hunting them down.
It's probably too late to be a positive factor, but allowing, if not creating, the exodus into Europe we at least helped create an evil.
The civil war and ISIS' emergence was NOT on us. Yes, we left, and the guy WE chose to lead Iraq screwed up and turmoil broke out again and then the Arab Spring happened and ISIS moved into the fray when they saw their opportunity. It is not entirely on us, the crazed bullshit that goes on in the Middle East year after year after year. It will happen if we are there or if we are not. There is no power vacuum if Assad is in power. ISIS has lost its territory. Assad is still getting rid of the rebels that remain. This is a perfect chance to bow out. I'm still waiting for someone to explain why I should care if Assad is allies with Iran and Russia.
There is no more reason for you to care about the slaughter of people in the ME than there was for the US to care about the slaughter of the Europeans in WWII.
I've been a strong advocate for refugees. Who are the Nazi's? Who is being genocided, specifically?

The Kurds.
Really? I heard the Kurds were pretty good at protecting themselves. Guess that's changing?
You are listening to the wrong people. The Kurds were good fighters by could not stand up to ISIS and the Shi'ites and Turkey without US support. The US abandoned them to the Shi'ites in Iraq and to Turkey in Syria. But why should you care if they are slaughtered?
...if Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Bay of Pigs, CIA overthrow of Iranian Mosadegh, friends with Iran-then enemy..friends with Iraq--then war, friends with the Taliban-then war, etc doesn't teach you to stay out of these petty squabbles, nothing will
If ISIS is out, and Assad is there to prevent a power vacuum, what evil (that hasn't always existed in that messed up situation over in the Middle East) do you think will befall from "cutting and running?"
It's probably too late to be a positive factor, but allowing, if not creating, the exodus into Europe we at least helped create an evil.
The civil war and ISIS' emergence was NOT on us. Yes, we left, and the guy WE chose to lead Iraq screwed up and turmoil broke out again and then the Arab Spring happened and ISIS moved into the fray when they saw their opportunity. It is not entirely on us, the crazed bullshit that goes on in the Middle East year after year after year. It will happen if we are there or if we are not. There is no power vacuum if Assad is in power. ISIS has lost its territory. Assad is still getting rid of the rebels that remain. This is a perfect chance to bow out. I'm still waiting for someone to explain why I should care if Assad is allies with Iran and Russia.
There is no more reason for you to care about the slaughter of people in the ME than there was for the US to care about the slaughter of the Europeans in WWII.
I've been a strong advocate for refugees. Who are the Nazi's? Who is being genocided, specifically?
You say you are indifferent (why should I care) to the slaughter of people in the ME but that would suggest you should have been indifferent to the slaughter of people in Europe, too.
There is such a thing as caring (as in opening our arms to refugees fleeing those terrible conditions) and supporting UN efforts to send in real relief and supporting the US continuing to fund those efforts and be involved in any meaningful way in bartering a peace there. Believing that we, as a country, have no business there is not "indifference" to the people's suffering.
The civil war and ISIS' emergence was NOT on us. Yes, we left, and the guy WE chose to lead Iraq screwed up and turmoil broke out again and then the Arab Spring happened and ISIS moved into the fray when they saw their opportunity. It is not entirely on us, the crazed bullshit that goes on in the Middle East year after year after year. It will happen if we are there or if we are not. There is no power vacuum if Assad is in power. ISIS has lost its territory. Assad is still getting rid of the rebels that remain. This is a perfect chance to bow out. I'm still waiting for someone to explain why I should care if Assad is allies with Iran and Russia.
There is no more reason for you to care about the slaughter of people in the ME than there was for the US to care about the slaughter of the Europeans in WWII.
I've been a strong advocate for refugees. Who are the Nazi's? Who is being genocided, specifically?

The Kurds.
Really? I heard the Kurds were pretty good at protecting themselves. Guess that's changing?
You are listening to the wrong people. The Kurds were good fighters by could not stand up to ISIS and the Shi'ites and Turkey without US support. The US abandoned them to the Shi'ites in Iraq and to Turkey in Syria. But why should you care if they are slaughtered?
So they're all gone? That was a sucky way to treat an ally.
People are being slaughtered all over the world. Are we supposed to wade into Myramar after what they did to the Rohingya? Invade Libya? What do you think we should do in Venezuela? El Salvador?
Do you see? It is not our fight. I feel bad about the Kurds, though.
It's probably too late to be a positive factor, but allowing, if not creating, the exodus into Europe we at least helped create an evil.
The civil war and ISIS' emergence was NOT on us. Yes, we left, and the guy WE chose to lead Iraq screwed up and turmoil broke out again and then the Arab Spring happened and ISIS moved into the fray when they saw their opportunity. It is not entirely on us, the crazed bullshit that goes on in the Middle East year after year after year. It will happen if we are there or if we are not. There is no power vacuum if Assad is in power. ISIS has lost its territory. Assad is still getting rid of the rebels that remain. This is a perfect chance to bow out. I'm still waiting for someone to explain why I should care if Assad is allies with Iran and Russia.
There is no more reason for you to care about the slaughter of people in the ME than there was for the US to care about the slaughter of the Europeans in WWII.
I've been a strong advocate for refugees. Who are the Nazi's? Who is being genocided, specifically?
You say you are indifferent (why should I care) to the slaughter of people in the ME but that would suggest you should have been indifferent to the slaughter of people in Europe, too.
There is such a thing as caring (as in opening our arms to refugees fleeing those terrible conditions) and supporting UN efforts to send in real relief and supporting the US continuing to fund those efforts and be involved in any meaningful way in bartering a peace there. Believing that we, as a country, have no business there is not "indifference" to the people's suffering.
Of course it is. The bandaides you claim to support will not stop the slaughter but they may soothe your conscience. What does "have no business there" mean? Do you mean there are no profits to be made? Do you mean the US has no business trying to save the lives of people caught in this war? Other than not being white, why would the lives of these people be worth any less to you than the lives of Europeans?
There is no more reason for you to care about the slaughter of people in the ME than there was for the US to care about the slaughter of the Europeans in WWII.
I've been a strong advocate for refugees. Who are the Nazi's? Who is being genocided, specifically?

The Kurds.
Really? I heard the Kurds were pretty good at protecting themselves. Guess that's changing?
You are listening to the wrong people. The Kurds were good fighters by could not stand up to ISIS and the Shi'ites and Turkey without US support. The US abandoned them to the Shi'ites in Iraq and to Turkey in Syria. But why should you care if they are slaughtered?
So they're all gone? That was a sucky way to treat an ally.
People are being slaughtered all over the world. Are we supposed to wade into Myramar after what they did to the Rohingya? Invade Libya? What do you think we should do in Venezuela? El Salvador?
Do you see? It is not our fight. I feel bad about the Kurds, though.
You don't even seem to understand what you claim to be opposed to. What does air strikes in Syria to disable Assad's air force and helicopter fleet have to do with an invasion of Libya. Between five to seven hundred thousand people have been killed in Syria in the last six years, the vast majority of them civilians and millions have been made homeless refugees and you feel it is sufficient to say tsk, tsk, tsk and see what's on TV.
The civil war and ISIS' emergence was NOT on us. Yes, we left, and the guy WE chose to lead Iraq screwed up and turmoil broke out again and then the Arab Spring happened and ISIS moved into the fray when they saw their opportunity. It is not entirely on us, the crazed bullshit that goes on in the Middle East year after year after year. It will happen if we are there or if we are not. There is no power vacuum if Assad is in power. ISIS has lost its territory. Assad is still getting rid of the rebels that remain. This is a perfect chance to bow out. I'm still waiting for someone to explain why I should care if Assad is allies with Iran and Russia.
There is no more reason for you to care about the slaughter of people in the ME than there was for the US to care about the slaughter of the Europeans in WWII.
I've been a strong advocate for refugees. Who are the Nazi's? Who is being genocided, specifically?
You say you are indifferent (why should I care) to the slaughter of people in the ME but that would suggest you should have been indifferent to the slaughter of people in Europe, too.
There is such a thing as caring (as in opening our arms to refugees fleeing those terrible conditions) and supporting UN efforts to send in real relief and supporting the US continuing to fund those efforts and be involved in any meaningful way in bartering a peace there. Believing that we, as a country, have no business there is not "indifference" to the people's suffering.
Of course it is. The bandaides you claim to support will not stop the slaughter but they may soothe your conscience. What does "have no business there" mean? Do you mean there are no profits to be made? Do you mean the US has no business trying to save the lives of people caught in this war? Other than not being white, why would the lives of these people be worth any less to you than the lives of Europeans?
Maybe I need to answer that by asking you a question: Why is it our business? Because people are being killed? I already asked you, I think, if we are to wade into every country where people are being killed. Or starving. Is that what you are proposing we do? If not, how does Syria rate our attention when not every country does?
The civil war and ISIS' emergence was NOT on us. Yes, we left, and the guy WE chose to lead Iraq screwed up and turmoil broke out again and then the Arab Spring happened and ISIS moved into the fray when they saw their opportunity. It is not entirely on us, the crazed bullshit that goes on in the Middle East year after year after year. It will happen if we are there or if we are not. There is no power vacuum if Assad is in power. ISIS has lost its territory. Assad is still getting rid of the rebels that remain. This is a perfect chance to bow out. I'm still waiting for someone to explain why I should care if Assad is allies with Iran and Russia.
There is no more reason for you to care about the slaughter of people in the ME than there was for the US to care about the slaughter of the Europeans in WWII.
I've been a strong advocate for refugees. Who are the Nazi's? Who is being genocided, specifically?

The Kurds.
Really? I heard the Kurds were pretty good at protecting themselves. Guess that's changing?

the kurds are UP IN THE MOUNTAINS of Iran, Syria, Iraq,
Turkey and some even in Russia-------BECAUSE THEY HAVE
TO PROTECT THEMSELVES from those whose asses you
prefer to kiss
Well, I'm glad they aren't dead. I'm not kissing any ass, Rosie. Watch your mouth, girl.
There is no more reason for you to care about the slaughter of people in the ME than there was for the US to care about the slaughter of the Europeans in WWII.
I've been a strong advocate for refugees. Who are the Nazi's? Who is being genocided, specifically?
You say you are indifferent (why should I care) to the slaughter of people in the ME but that would suggest you should have been indifferent to the slaughter of people in Europe, too.
There is such a thing as caring (as in opening our arms to refugees fleeing those terrible conditions) and supporting UN efforts to send in real relief and supporting the US continuing to fund those efforts and be involved in any meaningful way in bartering a peace there. Believing that we, as a country, have no business there is not "indifference" to the people's suffering.
Of course it is. The bandaides you claim to support will not stop the slaughter but they may soothe your conscience. What does "have no business there" mean? Do you mean there are no profits to be made? Do you mean the US has no business trying to save the lives of people caught in this war? Other than not being white, why would the lives of these people be worth any less to you than the lives of Europeans?
Maybe I need to answer that by asking you a question: Why is it our business? Because people are being killed? I already asked you, I think, if we are to wade into every country where people are being killed. Or starving. Is that what you are proposing we do? If not, how does Syria rate our attention when not every country does?
So 500,000 people being killed and millions becoming homeless refugees doesn't rate you attention? What number would? Would 5,000,000 dead rate your attention? Would any number? Apparently not. Saying we shouldn't try to end the suffering and death in Syria unless we are willing to go into every country having difficulties is just a way of expressing your indifference to the suffering and death going on in Syria. Why stop one murder if you are not going to stop them all? Why stop one rape if you are not going to stop them all? Why help one country if you are not going to help them all?

Because if you are a decent person, you do what you can and regret that you cannot do more.
jeezus h krist -- RW derps slobber about killing every muslim on the damn planet but when they start killing each other they want a war so they can protect them ... these idgets are clinically insane.

get the hell out of the mid east - we never should have been there to begin with .. its going on TWO FUCKIN' DECADES - HELLOOOOOOOO - WE AINT WINNING JACK SHIT.

Trump is damned if he does damned if he doesn't on Syria, its Obama's fault. Obama drew a red line talking tough, showing his ass pretending to be a tough guy he draws a red line. Then when Syria crossed it the moron tries to claim it wasn't his red line it was the worlds red line and he cuts and runs. Well now Trump has to clean up Obama's mess.

So Trump, if he does nothing and pulls out and he will get the blame for not stopping the gas attacks. If he bombs Syria to rubble and he'll get blamed for that.
Maybe he'll just bomb a couple of airports, like last time.
I don't see why the United States is "responsible" for stopping his gas attacks. Isn't that against international law or something? I'm asking. I really don't know the answer to that.

This wouldn't be America's problem except Obama ran his big mouth about gas attack red lines so now what?
We walk away. Obama isn’t president.

Yes I'm sure Dem's will applaud Trump for walking away and not use this as a campaign attack ad /extreme sarcasm
Iraq sure was a loser politically.

Dem's rooting for failure, Dem's declaring the war was lost, the liberal media 24/7 coverage of troops wounded and killed. Funny sometime in late Jan 2009 that all stopped. Thanks for reminding me how vile Dem's are, they are lower than dog food.
There is no more reason for you to care about the slaughter of people in the ME than there was for the US to care about the slaughter of the Europeans in WWII.
I've been a strong advocate for refugees. Who are the Nazi's? Who is being genocided, specifically?

The Kurds.
Really? I heard the Kurds were pretty good at protecting themselves. Guess that's changing?

the kurds are UP IN THE MOUNTAINS of Iran, Syria, Iraq,
Turkey and some even in Russia-------BECAUSE THEY HAVE
TO PROTECT THEMSELVES from those whose asses you
prefer to kiss
Well, I'm glad they aren't dead. I'm not kissing any ass, Rosie. Watch your mouth, girl.

lots of them are dead------your pal Saddam gassed them----leaving thousands of dead infants rotting in the sun in Northern
Iraq-----Turks ALSO murder them wholesale -----Syrians----slaughter them via incarceration and torture. Where have you
been? Fleeing to the mountains is a time honored custom
in Islamic infected shit holes. The Yazidis are the remnants of BAGHDAD ZOROASTRIANS-----it was Zoroastrians that provided Arabic with a script------but with the invasion of Iraq --they became an oppressed minority------so they fled. In my
own little life I have been acquainted with a jewish kurd from
Iran. Such an entity does exist------people who fled the filth you advocate. A distant "in-law" of mind told me that his jewish community also FLED to the mountains in Turkey. Your contention is
Let's just ignore all the victims EXCEPT ----right now----the
YEMENIS ----under the control of the shills of Iran-----taking
bombs because of IRANIAN AGGRESSION?. I am all for
declawing Iran and their shills----HOUTHIS
Maybe he'll just bomb a couple of airports, like last time.
I don't see why the United States is "responsible" for stopping his gas attacks. Isn't that against international law or something? I'm asking. I really don't know the answer to that.

This wouldn't be America's problem except Obama ran his big mouth about gas attack red lines so now what?
We walk away. Obama isn’t president.

Yes I'm sure Dem's will applaud Trump for walking away and not use this as a campaign attack ad /extreme sarcasm
Iraq sure was a loser politically.

Dem's rooting for failure, Dem's declaring the war was lost, the liberal media 24/7 coverage of troops wounded and killed. Funny sometime in late Jan 2009 that all stopped. Thanks for reminding me how vile Dem's are, they are lower than dog food.

so grab an AR and go protect them FIDO.

talk is cheaper than dog food.

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