expect Rams to be back in LA next year.

You should be a sports announcer, 9/11. It's good to see a fan take such an interest in their team. I know football is a business, but when a city loses a football team it effects the whole city. I'm not a Cleveland fan, but when their team left it was crushing. All indications seem that your Rams will be coming home. Where they belong. Looking forward to a brand new era for the LA RAMS.
You should be a sports announcer, 9/11. It's good to see a fan take such an interest in their team. I know football is a business, but when a city loses a football team it effects the whole city. I'm not a Cleveland fan, but when their team left it was crushing. All indications seem that your Rams will be coming home. Where they belong. Looking forward to a brand new era for the LA RAMS.

yeah the Browns leaving Cleveland was indeed crushing for that city.they did not have a team for four years because of the stupid NFL.The Browns have yet to recover from that either because had they stayed,cleveland would have won two superbowls by now because in reality,the Baltimore Ravens are in reality the REAL Cleveland Browns.
interesting read here.the NFL will not be able to stop kronke form moving the Rams back as you can see.

amazing how people around here don't have a clue what an anti trust lawsuit is which is what Kronke can file against them and will easily win in court if he decides to move them this year.:rolleyes-41: and we know he WANTS to move there,so I see this happening sometime before july first,again got to remember,davis did not move the raiders back to Oakland till the end of june in 95.

"A successful antitrust suit against the league could have cost the owners more than $1 billion"

Something interesting I found when I was going through some boxes. I found some back issues of Lindy’s Football Annuals and I found the 1995 edition. Included is an article about the Rams move to St. Louis and a re-cap of how it came about. I thought considering that history looks to repeat and that our St. Louis counterparts keep making some outrageous claims, I thought it would be good to refresh ourselves with some pertinent facts.

“When Carolina and Jacksonville were awarded National Football league franchises in the fall of 1993, St. Louis was left out in the cold.

It appeared that the city, which had been without NFL football since the Cardinals left for Phoenix in 1988, would have a long wait before the sport would return.

A fractured ownership situation that included murky questions concerning the lease for a new stadium being built in downtown St. Louis, made it seem unlikely that the city was capable of attracting another team.

However, several months later, when the Los Angeles Rams let it be known they were interested in leaving the West Coast, St. Louis swung into action. A settlement was negotiated over the lease problem. And a group that dubbed itself FANS, Inc., with former U.S. Senator Thomas Eagleton at the helm, began wooing the Rams.

What followed were months of negotiations. At several points, impasses were reached. But Eagleton persisted. In St. Louis” favor was the new stadium, which would be ready midway through the ’95 season.

Finally on Jan 17, the Rams announced their intention to move to St. Louis. All St. Louis had to do was sell 46,000 personal seat licenses (PSL’s) which gives the buyer the right to then buy tickets. That would raise more than $74 million that would be used to facilitate the move, including paying off about $27 million on bonds the Rams would owe on Anaheim Stadium if they moved.

The fans of St. Louis responded in remarkable fashion. Orders were received for 72,000 licenses – within two weeks. The only bad news was that many fans would be shut out.

All that was then needed was approval by NFL owners. That seemed to be a slam dunk, That wasn’t the case. Many owners wanted a piece of the PSL pie. The league wanted the Rams to contribute to a stadium trust fund that would help replace them in Los Angeles. There was concern over Fox television, which would be losing its NFC team in the L.A. market.

When no agreement was reached at league meetings in Phoenix in March, owners voted against the move. Commissioner Paul Tagliabue insisted “money is the least of the issues.” Yet, negotiations continued.

One month later, at a special meeting in Dallas, the move was approved after the Rams agreed to pay $46 million (up from an offer of $26 million). Still, Tagliabue continued to insist the decision wasn’t about money.

“It did not come down to a money deal with the Rams,” Tagliabue said, after the owners voted 23-6-1 to approve the move. “That is a completely erroneous implication and had very little to do with it. There will be no money paid to the other member clubs of the league. There is a payment called for to the league which may go to NFL charities, or may go to a stadium trust fund. But (money) was the least of our concerns.

However, the Rams had threatened to move anyway and file suit against the league. A successful antitrust suit against the league could have cost the owners more than $1 billion.

Even Tagliabue acknowledged, “The desire to have peace and not be at war was a big factor.”

Said Jonathan Kraft, son of New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft, “About five or six owners didn’t want to get the other owners into litigation, so they switched their votes.”

Which means, quite clearly, this was all about money. It doesn’t matter whose pocket the bucks go into. Money was the issue and money was at the core of every negotiation that took place in the entire process.

Aside from the $46 million, $29 million of which was considered a relocation fee (almost four times what Cardinals owner Bill Bidwell paid when he moved), the Rams agreed to pay 50 percent of any losses claimed by Fox TV up to $12.5 million. The Rams also agreed that if the NFL expands in the next 10 years and a team is not put the Los Angeles area, they will forego a $13 million expansion cut.

As it was, Rams club president John Shaw thought the cost prohibitive. He seemed to be looking forward to a fight.

“I advised Georgia (Frontiere) and Stan (Kroenke) not to accept the NFL’s offer,” Shaw said. “I thought it had become too pricey. But it’s their team and it was their decision to make.”

Kroenke, from Columbia, Mo., became a part-owner of the Rams when the move was approved, having bought 30 percent of the club for $60 million.

In the end, the owners, including Frontiere, wisely realized it was better to take/pay the money and run rather than risk a disruptive lawsuit. After all, we also know lawsuits cost a lot of…money. It was also clear the owners wanted to exact a pound of flesh from the Rams, whom they consider opportunists.

We all know no other NFL owner would have done the same if they had the chance. Right?

- Howard Balzer”
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yep. thats what I been saying all along for the past year is if there is a team from the AFC that moves there,it will be the Chargers.

This is what will go down.The Rams will move to Inglewood probably later this year "remember the Raiders did not move back to oakland til the end of june in 95.kronke is just waiting for the owners to vote on it which is not scheduled till june.something I did not know about till a few weeks ago." and the Chargers join them in Carson next year.

If the chargers are stupid enough to do this and leave san diego it will be disaterous for them because they have a ZERO fan base in LA and near it but this is the NFL and they are idiots and dont understand these things.
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Goldman Sachs to underwrite Chargers move to LA, including operating losses.

Goldman Sachs to finance Chargers possible move ProFootballTalk

Here is a great video on the meeting that place yesterday on the stadium situation for the Chargers.

Chargers fans chime in on new stadium plan FOX5 San Diego San Diego news weather traffic sports from KSWB

here is another video from ESPN about it.very informative.

San Diego Chargers fans favor Qualcomm site for new stadium - ESPN

also a good one.

The Raiders are very close to getting a deal done in Oakland.I cant see the Chargers not getting one as well,this is clearly just leverage for both teams.this would be disasterous for the NFL if they moved to carson and shared with the Raiders.

If they started building a stadium in carson making it clear the Raiders and Chargers were leaving them,you would have a lameduck product in san diego and in Oakland for 2 or 3 years with empty stadiums because the fans would not show up knowing they were leaving them.

That's why I feel confidant that kronke will make the move to LA later THIS year. He has made it clear he doesn't want to stay in St Louis with the announcement of building an NFL stadium in LA and the Rams already have horrible fan support as it is.

If he goes back and plays one more year there,then again,you are looking at a lameduck product on the field.nobody in the NFL wants that.:D
the owners would rather have their team play in front of a loud sold out hostile crowd like in seattle or green bay than have them play in front of empty crowds.

Plus the chargers have no fanbase in LA or Carson and the Raiders have only a limited one so you would have no support in carson from fans there for either team and the fans in Oakland and san diego would feel betrayed and not go see them as they said in that video.

I see the Raiders and Chargers eventually getting their stadium deals done. Spanos has said he wants to stay in san diego and davis has said he wants to stay in Oakland where Kronke it is well known,wants to move to Inglewood.

also word is from one NFL owner and well known sources within the NFL,that he will sue the NFL if they don't approve his move this year.:thup:

can you say LEVERAGE?
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great piece on the Rams here.in this video in the lower right hand corner,this CBS newscaster tells it like it is when he says st louis is going to have a VERY difficult time convincing Kronke to stay in st louis.:up:

the article here on the other hand is ignorant saying he will have a hard time getting the 24 votes needed.never mind the fact that the owners never wanted them to leave LA in the first place,that they all voted AGAINST it and only changed their stance on it when the bitch threatened to sue the NFL in an anti trust lawsuit and the the NFL has been trying for two decades now to get a team back in LA.:biggrin:

LOOK Possible stadium design for Rams to stay in St. Louis - CBSSports.com
ESPN's Frank Hartman talks with St Louis sportwriter Jim Cusumono
great listen.


Love the part where he says-" I don't want to say zero,but I would say the chances of Kronke keeping the Rams in St Louis,are practically zero."

he then goes on to say as well-" I would say that it is 100% that the NFL wont be able to tell Kronke that he has to stay in St Louis."

further proof of what I was saying way back in august that Kronke for usre has one foot out the door.:biggrin:

a great link here on roggins radio sports show in LA. The botton one I just listened to was on the chargers situation.roggin confirmed what I been saying recently about the rams,saying we will know in the next 120 days or so on if the rams will be in LA THIS YEAR saying we will have to wait till then to find out.thats why I keep saying its not over just yet,wont be till the end of june.

Audio The Beast 980

will be talking more about the LA situation on those other radio broadcasts as well listed there that took place this month on the LA situation as I listen to them.

On hour 1 from the feb 24th broadcast Roggins goes on to say-If the Inglewood stadium passes tonight the Rams will be fast tracking.The Raiders and Chargers would have to get into a time machine to catch up with them.the carson deal is swiss cheese.It has lots of holes in it. tickets are cheap in St Louis,everything costs a lot less there,thats why kronke wants to move.

Hour 2-If it is voted in,the carson site it seems will not ever happen.It went to the vote of the people not council,its done. mayour butts-we're going to make this happen.
LA news announcer Kaylee Heck talks about the Rams coming to Inglewood speaking with BRING BACK THE LOS ANGELES RAMS director Tom Bateman.

great listen here on roggins radio show on wed 2-25-hr 3

he goes on to say-stan kronke is far ahead.Kronke is well ahead of everyone.He is in the red zone.The others are at the five yard line.would kronke consider alex spanos as a second tenant? maybe but spanos and the chargers would not go for it.

the NFL wants two teams but not two stadiums.Here is what i see happening ideally long term.the NFL wants ONE now.a number of years from now you have an expansion team and this is why.it comes with a 4 or 5 billion dollar franchise fee.who gets that money? the owners.

The Rams are on the fast track to coming to Inglewood I believe here is why.I asked mayor butts after the meeting if he recieved a congratulary email or text from the Rams tonight? know what he said? He said-I rather not say anything about that.

That means he did.

it wont be immediately,but there will be two teams here.

Audio The Beast 980
a great link here on roggins radio sports show in LA. The botton one I just listened to was on the chargers situation.roggin confirmed what I been saying recently about the rams,saying we will know in the next 120 days or so on if the rams will be in LA THIS YEAR saying we will have to wait till then to find out.thats why I keep saying its not over just yet,wont be till the end of june.

Audio The Beast 980

will be talking more about the LA situation on those other radio broadcasts as well listed there that took place this month on the LA situation as I listen to them.

on fred roggins the beast on 3-3-15 hr 1 he talks about how stan when he made the additional land purchase in January,that he said to the owners-Im going to go.Im going to build this.

before that,all teams wer elooking at each other waiting for the other to make the first move.not anymore.stan kronke is still in the lead.thats the only thing that matters.
Rams to LA; Jaguars to St. L; Raiders to San Antoinio.

Now, if the NFL would only hire professional, full time well trained officials born with common sense, the game might once again be interesting.

Today's games last three plus hours, which includes maybe 20 minutes of actual play, an hour and forty minutes of commercials plus 20 more minutes of time outs for penalty's which had zero impact on the actual game.

All of which has made watching football into a giant waste of time, IMO. TGFBB, it's spring, Play Ball!

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