expect Rams to be back in LA next year.

this Michael Mason guy here makes complete sense.:thup:

Michael Mason-It's pretty apparent what is happening here. The Rams are doing their stadium in Inglewood while the Raiders and Chargers try to use force to get their stadiums done in their cities. When the Rams move back to LA SD wants a definitive plan in San Diego and if not; I wouldn't be surprised if the Chargers played in The Coliseum or The rose-bowl if that's what it takes to get a stadium done in SD. If not I am sure they will be Stans second tenant but I really do not think the league wants the Chargers in LA long term. I believe they don't want the Raiders In LA either because the Chargers want to be able to get their stadium deal done and with the Raiders remaining in Oakland they can still have their local Orange county to SD business support. Bottom line I see 1 team in LA to appease the Chargers and that would only be the Rams.

this post from Debra Callahan REALLY makes even more sense even and really nails it.she is a very pretty girl no less.Nice to see a woman out there who is really smart about the rams situation as well.

Debra E. Callahan-Have you guys been sent some kool-aid from StL?? Kroenke has entered into contracts with partners, and also got the Mayor of Inglewood into the act. There are numerous parties expending funds and making verbal promises to the print and television medias. That's a sticky wicket to untangle if this is nothing more than a rich man's ruse. Have a little faith. Even if they gave him the StL stadium FOR FREE, that does nothing to address the team's bottom of the barrel valuation or the missed revenues in LA. I simply don't believe that Kroenke would go to this much trouble or expense to save $400 mill on a stadium.

she said what I keep saying,that Kroneke has met with the LA mayor in recent months.:asshole:somethings obviously up.she also mentioned what I did about the rams value being dead last in team value.lol
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still MORE gloom and doom news coming out of St Louis. Things are indeed looking VERY bad for them when their OWN media is now admitting things look very bad for the Rams in the Midwest.:laugh:

There is almost no enthusiasm for state funding of a new football stadium in St. Louis. Some Republicans wondered why Gov. Jay Nixon is pushing the issue so hard.:laugh:

Missouri GOP ponders races debt and a new football stadium The Kansas City Star The Kansas City Star

The fate of Silvey’s bill remains to be seen. But if it becomes law, stadium backers may face an uphill climb to get bonds extended — especially because Silvey estimated it would ultimately place the state $200 million in debt. It will be tough to convince Kansas City lawmakers to get on board, especially after Jackson County residents paid for stadium improvements with local taxes.:asshole:

Kansas City rural legislators don t share Nixon s bullishness on St. Louis stadium St. Louis Public Radio
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this Michael Mason guy here makes complete sense.:thup:

Michael Mason-It's pretty apparent what is happening here. The Rams are doing their stadium in Inglewood while the Raiders and Chargers try to use force to get their stadiums done in their cities. When the Rams move back to LA SD wants a definitive plan in San Diego and if not; I wouldn't be surprised if the Chargers played in The Coliseum or The rose-bowl if that's what it takes to get a stadium done in SD. If not I am sure they will be Stans second tenant but I really do not think the league wants the Chargers in LA long term. I believe they don't want the Raiders In LA either because the Chargers want to be able to get their stadium deal done and with the Raiders remaining in Oakland they can still have their local Orange county to SD business support. Bottom line I see 1 team in LA to appease the Chargers and that would only be the Rams.

this post from Debra Callahan REALLY makes even more sense even and really nails it.she is a very pretty girl no less.Nice to see a woman out there who is really smart about the rams situation as well.

Debra E. Callahan-Have you guys been sent some kool-aid from StL?? Kroenke has entered into contracts with partners, and also got the Mayor of Inglewood into the act. There are numerous parties expending funds and making verbal promises to the print and television medias. That's a sticky wicket to untangle if this is nothing more than a rich man's ruse. Have a little faith. Even if they gave him the StL stadium FOR FREE, that does nothing to address the team's bottom of the barrel valuation or the missed revenues in LA. I simply don't believe that Kroenke would go to this much trouble or expense to save $400 mill on a stadium.

she said what I keep saying,that Kroneke has met with the LA mayor in recent months.:asshole:somethings obviously up.she also mentioned what I did about the rams value being dead last in team value.lol

I guess Inglewood, CA is as good a place as any. It's part of that gigantic, Los Angeles, urban sprawl. I worked in Burbank and El Monte at different periods of my life and I really didn't like that entire region. The overpopulation and gridlock was suffocating but I suppose if LA must have a team and a stadium then Inglewood would be as acceptable as any other portion of that dusty melting pot.

I was born and raised in southern California but I hope (by the grace of God) that I never have a need to return there. The Eagle's "Hotel California" says that once you "check in" you can never check out but I proved them wrong. :banana:

As for the NFL ... it's no longer welcome in my home (via my television). Ever since they banned a tastefully done pro-gun, Super Bowl commercial because it was "too offensive" I've decided that the NFL is "too defensive" due to their anti-2nd-Amendment stance. The NFL can kiss my behind.
KCStar: "Kansas City officials should keep close tabs on it to make sure taxpayers here and their state tax dollars don’t become part of an overly generous deal to keep the NFL in St. Louis."

Good point.:thup: ESPECIALLY since saint Louis is already millions in debt already STILL trying to pay off their current stadium and yet,they even while the city is bankrupt,they STILL think they can raise enough money for a new stadium?:boohoo::biggrin::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

also,notice how St Louis is no longer talking about keep the RAMS in st Louis anymore,just talking about building a stadium for an NFL team?:asshole:
The simple fact is the NFL is run by 32 billionaires. One billionaire wields enormous power. Now, how much power do 32 billionaires wield? Think about it.

The reason there has not been an NFL team in Los Angeles over the last 20 years is about creating leverage to force as many cities as they could to finance new stadiums with tax subsidized dollars.

Trust this, the owners are as about making money as they are about their teams winning. In fact I would say most owners are MORE about the business aspect of it than they are about the "integrity" of the game. The use the word "safety" the way government does. As a justifiable reason to fine ignorant uneducated millionaires for whatever reason that can be classified as concerns of "safety."

When Art Modell of the Browns received the offer from Baltimore that they would fund a new stadium through public funding, and offered to pay him 50 million just to agree to move there, Modell had no real choice, did he?

What did all of the other owners want to know after that? Where the fuck is my deal? That, is what they were asking. So, soon after the Browns left Cleveland, it was during this same period that the NFL moved teams out of LA. In order to create leverage to bully cities one by one to have public funing for new stadiums be built.

Denver owner was one of the first. He went so far as to remove the D from their old helmets. Most of the teams new stadiums were built from tax dollars, and virtually all of them threatened to move to LA. Look up Minnesota. They were the last team, and Goodell went to Minnesota to show the city that they were indeed moving to LA.

There are a lot more things the owners do that would surprise many.

Modell at least left the team name in Cleveland so he might have saved himself from burning in hell unlike the bitch who had her husband murdered off so she could inherit the team and move it to st Louis her hometown.did you know about that one?

also.amazingly,it doesn't sound like you are aware of the announcement that kronke made in early January of aquiring an additional 300acres of land in addition to the 60 acres he bought last year and making the announcement that he plans to build an NFL stadium there near the forum?

after that announcement came out,not only has the st louis media come out and now say that THEY don't think the rams will be in st Louis past this year which is really funny cause they been calling people like me nutcases the past year for suggesting they would come back to LA:asshole:

but everybody that came on here trolling my thread in the beginning last september saying that kronke was just using that land purchase for leverage for a new stadium,they all have done EXACTLY what I predicted they would do back then.they have NOW done an about face and back peddled claiming they never said the rams would never come back to LA.which is funny cause I asked them back then will they be too arrogant to admit they are wrong when the rams come back and they never answered the question,so NOW they are doing what I said they WOULD do back then,ever since that announcement came out early in January,they have all either lied and said they never said that,or they have left and not returned to admit how stupid they were.:asshole:

I have to laugh at all the fools who said they would not be moving back and have lied as I said they would back then because they seem to be stupid in the fact that this place keeps records of things you said in the past.:asshole: so what do they do? they come on and accuse ME of being the liar just like the trolls they are.:asshole:

oh and the situation with the Vikings and the rams using LA for leverage for a new stadium is completely different like night and day.when the Vikings were talking about moving to LA,you had city and county officials going all over the place lobbying corporations and having constant talks with the Vikings for a new stadium in the prior years before that.NONE of that has gone on in st Louis.plus st Louis is bankrupt,they talk about a new stadium,but they are in millions in debt already for the stadium they play in now so even if they are serious about getting a new stadium which from the plans they have presented,they don't look serious at all,they have no way to fund the stadium.:asshole:

and see that's the REASON why kronke is moving to LA either this year or for sure next year,is because of money.playing in the 2nd biggest media market in the country,the value of his team alone triples which makes him three times richer. remember the sale of the clippers,how the value of it was increased because it was in LA?

I have been saying they were moving back to LA for about 15 years now. There will be another team, and like NY there will be two teams most likely that will share one stadium. One AFC team, and one NFC team. I predict the Chargers will be in LA with the Rams.

Anyway, there are all sorts of things the NFL does. Their blatant lies that the owners lost money due to overhead a few years ago with the lock out was just that ridiculous.

Robert Kraft bought the Pats in 1994 for 174 million dollars. In 2009, their valuation was estimated at 1.4 billion dollars. That is around a 976% increase in valuation. Those valuations are not just numbers thrown out there and made up. They are based on the a teams ability to generate cash.

The NFL has at least 4 billion dollar revenue streams it did not have in the 80s. NFL Network to name one, Madden Football which a billion dollar product (all video gaming rights is under this), fantasy football phenomenon is certainly a billion dollar industry. To say nothing of the fact that at least 70% of all merchandise sold is done over the internet which directly cuts out the middle man. That is vast overhead that is saved. Did I mention how many stadiums are financed publicly where the owners receive windfall profits through socialist means?

The scams are vast. Do not get me started on how Tebow was forced on the Jets so they could get his jersey sold in the biggest market in the world and how Michael Sam was drafted by the ONE TEAM that did not need him the most. The Rams were so deep at DE, and we know they did not need him. He was drafted and immediately his jersey was sold and wouldn't you know it was third in jerseys sold.

The list goes on and on. What do you think the owners discuss in their annual meeting where there are strict gag rules?

hey owl,since you are one of only about a handful of posters to have come on here that has logic and common sense that understands that IF there is a second team in LA besides the Rams from the AFC,it will be the chargers. this sportswriter here agrees with us about it that it will be the chargers.

If Rams Move To L.A. Raiders To St. Louis NFL News SportsGrid

How was it that YOU had enough common sense to know its going to be the chargers and not the raiders by chance?
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interesting stuff.it looks like the shit is REALLY about to hit the fan now.that things are really beginning to take shape and kick off.:):banana::clap2::clap2::clap2::thup:

This is a big night for our longtime cause! Please, if you have any chance to make it to the Inglewood council meeting tonight, please support our movement and try to attend! "A proposal by the owner of the St. Louis Rams to build an 80,000-seat NFL stadium will go before the Inglewood City Council Tuesday night in what could be a major step forward in the drive to bring a franchise to the Los Angeles area."

Rams Owner s Drive for Los Angeles-Area Stadium Plan Reaches Key Step NBC Southern California

as usual in their ramblings about the NFL sayng no team could move to LA in the 2015 season,as always,they leave out the key fact that roger goddel is not the NFL,that he works for the owners not the other way around.that what thw ownrs vote for is all that counts and they all want them in LA.the owners vote again wont take place till june.some people cant seem to grasp that around here that that is why this is not over yet.:cuckoo:

I have to believe that Kroneke made the annoucement to build his stadium there in LA because he knew he has the 24 votes needed by the owners which is why he will probably wait till june like the raiders did back in 95 to move them.
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interesting stuff.it looks like the shit is REALLY about to hit the fan now.that things are really beginning to take shape and kick off.:):banana::clap2::clap2::clap2::thup:

This is a big night for our longtime cause! Please, if you have any chance to make it to the Inglewood council meeting tonight, please support our movement and try to attend! "A proposal by the owner of the St. Louis Rams to build an 80,000-seat NFL stadium will go before the Inglewood City Council Tuesday night in what could be a major step forward in the drive to bring a franchise to the Los Angeles area."

Rams Owner s Drive for Los Angeles-Area Stadium Plan Reaches Key Step NBC Southern California

as usual in their ramblings about the NFL sayng no team could move to LA in the 2015 season,as always,they leave out the key fact that roger goddel is not the NFL,that he works for the owners not the other way around.that what thw ownrs vote for is all that counts and they all want them in LA.the owners vote again wont take place till june.some people cant seem to grasp that around here that that is why this is not over yet.:cuckoo:

I have to believe that Kroneke made the annoucement to build his stadium there in LA because he knew he has the 24 votes needed by the owners which is why he will probably wait till june like the raiders did back in 95 to move them.

Good luck seems as good a place as any.
The simple fact is the NFL is run by 32 billionaires. One billionaire wields enormous power. Now, how much power do 32 billionaires wield? Think about it.

The reason there has not been an NFL team in Los Angeles over the last 20 years is about creating leverage to force as many cities as they could to finance new stadiums with tax subsidized dollars.

Trust this, the owners are as about making money as they are about their teams winning. In fact I would say most owners are MORE about the business aspect of it than they are about the "integrity" of the game. The use the word "safety" the way government does. As a justifiable reason to fine ignorant uneducated millionaires for whatever reason that can be classified as concerns of "safety."

When Art Modell of the Browns received the offer from Baltimore that they would fund a new stadium through public funding, and offered to pay him 50 million just to agree to move there, Modell had no real choice, did he?

What did all of the other owners want to know after that? Where the fuck is my deal? That, is what they were asking. So, soon after the Browns left Cleveland, it was during this same period that the NFL moved teams out of LA. In order to create leverage to bully cities one by one to have public funing for new stadiums be built.

Denver owner was one of the first. He went so far as to remove the D from their old helmets. Most of the teams new stadiums were built from tax dollars, and virtually all of them threatened to move to LA. Look up Minnesota. They were the last team, and Goodell went to Minnesota to show the city that they were indeed moving to LA.

There are a lot more things the owners do that would surprise many.

Modell at least left the team name in Cleveland so he might have saved himself from burning in hell unlike the bitch who had her husband murdered off so she could inherit the team and move it to st Louis her hometown.did you know about that one?

also.amazingly,it doesn't sound like you are aware of the announcement that kronke made in early January of aquiring an additional 300acres of land in addition to the 60 acres he bought last year and making the announcement that he plans to build an NFL stadium there near the forum?

after that announcement came out,not only has the st louis media come out and now say that THEY don't think the rams will be in st Louis past this year which is really funny cause they been calling people like me nutcases the past year for suggesting they would come back to LA:asshole:

but everybody that came on here trolling my thread in the beginning last september saying that kronke was just using that land purchase for leverage for a new stadium,they all have done EXACTLY what I predicted they would do back then.they have NOW done an about face and back peddled claiming they never said the rams would never come back to LA.which is funny cause I asked them back then will they be too arrogant to admit they are wrong when the rams come back and they never answered the question,so NOW they are doing what I said they WOULD do back then,ever since that announcement came out early in January,they have all either lied and said they never said that,or they have left and not returned to admit how stupid they were.:asshole:

I have to laugh at all the fools who said they would not be moving back and have lied as I said they would back then because they seem to be stupid in the fact that this place keeps records of things you said in the past.:asshole: so what do they do? they come on and accuse ME of being the liar just like the trolls they are.:asshole:

oh and the situation with the Vikings and the rams using LA for leverage for a new stadium is completely different like night and day.when the Vikings were talking about moving to LA,you had city and county officials going all over the place lobbying corporations and having constant talks with the Vikings for a new stadium in the prior years before that.NONE of that has gone on in st Louis.plus st Louis is bankrupt,they talk about a new stadium,but they are in millions in debt already for the stadium they play in now so even if they are serious about getting a new stadium which from the plans they have presented,they don't look serious at all,they have no way to fund the stadium.:asshole:

and see that's the REASON why kronke is moving to LA either this year or for sure next year,is because of money.playing in the 2nd biggest media market in the country,the value of his team alone triples which makes him three times richer. remember the sale of the clippers,how the value of it was increased because it was in LA?

I have been saying they were moving back to LA for about 15 years now. There will be another team, and like NY there will be two teams most likely that will share one stadium. One AFC team, and one NFC team. I predict the Chargers will be in LA with the Rams.

Anyway, there are all sorts of things the NFL does. Their blatant lies that the owners lost money due to overhead a few years ago with the lock out was just that ridiculous.

Robert Kraft bought the Pats in 1994 for 174 million dollars. In 2009, their valuation was estimated at 1.4 billion dollars. That is around a 976% increase in valuation. Those valuations are not just numbers thrown out there and made up. They are based on the a teams ability to generate cash.

The NFL has at least 4 billion dollar revenue streams it did not have in the 80s. NFL Network to name one, Madden Football which a billion dollar product (all video gaming rights is under this), fantasy football phenomenon is certainly a billion dollar industry. To say nothing of the fact that at least 70% of all merchandise sold is done over the internet which directly cuts out the middle man. That is vast overhead that is saved. Did I mention how many stadiums are financed publicly where the owners receive windfall profits through socialist means?

The scams are vast. Do not get me started on how Tebow was forced on the Jets so they could get his jersey sold in the biggest market in the world and how Michael Sam was drafted by the ONE TEAM that did not need him the most. The Rams were so deep at DE, and we know they did not need him. He was drafted and immediately his jersey was sold and wouldn't you know it was third in jerseys sold.

The list goes on and on. What do you think the owners discuss in their annual meeting where there are strict gag rules?

hey owl,since you are one of only about a handful of posters to have come on here that has logic and common sense that understands that IF there is a second team in LA besides the Rams from the AFC,it will be the chargers. this sportswriter here agrees with us about it that it will be the chargers.

If Rams Move To L.A. Raiders To St. Louis NFL News SportsGrid

How was it that YOU had enough common sense to know its going to be the chargers and not the raiders by chance?

Well, the rumor has been there for a while. The greatest evidence to support it was the fact that they would be moving is the fact that San Diego has not built them a new stadium with tax dollars.

Alex Spanos will now make one last push to get the city to build a new stadium. Qualcom stadium is a 50 year old stadium and is one of the oldest in the league.

There will be a massive push to San Diego to pass an ordinance to finance a new one, or they will be moving to LA. Just like most teams have done. Last one being Minnesota. They caved. There is a good chance San Diego will too.
Inglewood City Council was so afraid the public vote in June & the new St Louis stadium offer would keep Kronke in St Louis, they had a late night meeting & vote last night. The vote adopts a new redevelopment plan without calling a public vote, effectively kick-starting construction and sidestepping lengthy environmental review of issues such as noise, traffic and air pollution. Eric Geller, urged the council to "plant those shovels in the dirt tomorrow morning."

The new St Louis stadium offer would only cost Kronke 20% of what it will cost him to move to LA. That is a much greater return on investment than he will get moving the Rams to LA.
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The simple fact is the NFL is run by 32 billionaires. One billionaire wields enormous power. Now, how much power do 32 billionaires wield? Think about it.

The reason there has not been an NFL team in Los Angeles over the last 20 years is about creating leverage to force as many cities as they could to finance new stadiums with tax subsidized dollars.

Trust this, the owners are as about making money as they are about their teams winning. In fact I would say most owners are MORE about the business aspect of it than they are about the "integrity" of the game. The use the word "safety" the way government does. As a justifiable reason to fine ignorant uneducated millionaires for whatever reason that can be classified as concerns of "safety."

When Art Modell of the Browns received the offer from Baltimore that they would fund a new stadium through public funding, and offered to pay him 50 million just to agree to move there, Modell had no real choice, did he?

What did all of the other owners want to know after that? Where the fuck is my deal? That, is what they were asking. So, soon after the Browns left Cleveland, it was during this same period that the NFL moved teams out of LA. In order to create leverage to bully cities one by one to have public funing for new stadiums be built.

Denver owner was one of the first. He went so far as to remove the D from their old helmets. Most of the teams new stadiums were built from tax dollars, and virtually all of them threatened to move to LA. Look up Minnesota. They were the last team, and Goodell went to Minnesota to show the city that they were indeed moving to LA.

There are a lot more things the owners do that would surprise many.

Modell at least left the team name in Cleveland so he might have saved himself from burning in hell unlike the bitch who had her husband murdered off so she could inherit the team and move it to st Louis her hometown.did you know about that one?

also.amazingly,it doesn't sound like you are aware of the announcement that kronke made in early January of aquiring an additional 300acres of land in addition to the 60 acres he bought last year and making the announcement that he plans to build an NFL stadium there near the forum?

after that announcement came out,not only has the st louis media come out and now say that THEY don't think the rams will be in st Louis past this year which is really funny cause they been calling people like me nutcases the past year for suggesting they would come back to LA:asshole:

but everybody that came on here trolling my thread in the beginning last september saying that kronke was just using that land purchase for leverage for a new stadium,they all have done EXACTLY what I predicted they would do back then.they have NOW done an about face and back peddled claiming they never said the rams would never come back to LA.which is funny cause I asked them back then will they be too arrogant to admit they are wrong when the rams come back and they never answered the question,so NOW they are doing what I said they WOULD do back then,ever since that announcement came out early in January,they have all either lied and said they never said that,or they have left and not returned to admit how stupid they were.:asshole:

I have to laugh at all the fools who said they would not be moving back and have lied as I said they would back then because they seem to be stupid in the fact that this place keeps records of things you said in the past.:asshole: so what do they do? they come on and accuse ME of being the liar just like the trolls they are.:asshole:

oh and the situation with the Vikings and the rams using LA for leverage for a new stadium is completely different like night and day.when the Vikings were talking about moving to LA,you had city and county officials going all over the place lobbying corporations and having constant talks with the Vikings for a new stadium in the prior years before that.NONE of that has gone on in st Louis.plus st Louis is bankrupt,they talk about a new stadium,but they are in millions in debt already for the stadium they play in now so even if they are serious about getting a new stadium which from the plans they have presented,they don't look serious at all,they have no way to fund the stadium.:asshole:

and see that's the REASON why kronke is moving to LA either this year or for sure next year,is because of money.playing in the 2nd biggest media market in the country,the value of his team alone triples which makes him three times richer. remember the sale of the clippers,how the value of it was increased because it was in LA?

I have been saying they were moving back to LA for about 15 years now. There will be another team, and like NY there will be two teams most likely that will share one stadium. One AFC team, and one NFC team. I predict the Chargers will be in LA with the Rams.

Anyway, there are all sorts of things the NFL does. Their blatant lies that the owners lost money due to overhead a few years ago with the lock out was just that ridiculous.

Robert Kraft bought the Pats in 1994 for 174 million dollars. In 2009, their valuation was estimated at 1.4 billion dollars. That is around a 976% increase in valuation. Those valuations are not just numbers thrown out there and made up. They are based on the a teams ability to generate cash.

The NFL has at least 4 billion dollar revenue streams it did not have in the 80s. NFL Network to name one, Madden Football which a billion dollar product (all video gaming rights is under this), fantasy football phenomenon is certainly a billion dollar industry. To say nothing of the fact that at least 70% of all merchandise sold is done over the internet which directly cuts out the middle man. That is vast overhead that is saved. Did I mention how many stadiums are financed publicly where the owners receive windfall profits through socialist means?

The scams are vast. Do not get me started on how Tebow was forced on the Jets so they could get his jersey sold in the biggest market in the world and how Michael Sam was drafted by the ONE TEAM that did not need him the most. The Rams were so deep at DE, and we know they did not need him. He was drafted and immediately his jersey was sold and wouldn't you know it was third in jerseys sold.

The list goes on and on. What do you think the owners discuss in their annual meeting where there are strict gag rules?

hey owl,since you are one of only about a handful of posters to have come on here that has logic and common sense that understands that IF there is a second team in LA besides the Rams from the AFC,it will be the chargers. this sportswriter here agrees with us about it that it will be the chargers.

If Rams Move To L.A. Raiders To St. Louis NFL News SportsGrid

How was it that YOU had enough common sense to know its going to be the chargers and not the raiders by chance?

Well, the rumor has been there for a while. The greatest evidence to support it was the fact that they would be moving is the fact that San Diego has not built them a new stadium with tax dollars.

Alex Spanos will now make one last push to get the city to build a new stadium. Qualcom stadium is a 50 year old stadium and is one of the oldest in the league.

There will be a massive push to San Diego to pass an ordinance to finance a new one, or they will be moving to LA. Just like most teams have done. Last one being Minnesota. They caved. There is a good chance San Diego will too.

Yeah I have to believe San Diego will cave like Minnesota did as well and in the end get something done because they cant afford to lose the Chargers.If they did,all they would have left is the padres and that's not much to get excited about for sports fans in southern California.

the Chargers situation is much more serious than the Raiders is because as I been saying,the Raiders have a billionaire investor onboard ready to finance the new stadium so money is not an issue with them. with the Raiders,they will get something done in the end cause they have nowhere else to go.The billionaire investor they have has said he will only finance the stadium if they stay in Oakland which is why they will stay and not go anywhere,not Carson,not San Antonio.just Oakland.whats holding up the Raiders is politics between the city and the county

I was thinking you had done your research and knew that LA was not an option for them because of the fact the majority of the owners are sore at Al Davis for suing the league to move to LA and plus the city council a year ago voted against them coming there,thats why I know this media thing on the Chargers and Raiders sharing a stadium is for pure leverage for both in the fact LA is not an option for the Raiders.

the Chargers on the other hand,i have not heard one single word on them having a billionaire investor so if any team from the AFC joins the Rams,it would be them.their stadium situation is more critical.

In the end though I think you are correct that they get a stadium deal as well just lie the Vikings did.it took the Vikings over 10 years as well to get something done.just like the Raiders,for over ten years they also were talking about moving to San Antonio or LA.

so the Chargers and Raiders will more than likely get their stadium deals and the Rams will be back in LA either this year or next and in the meantime,the NFL will probably continue using cities like San Antonio,St Louis,or even LONDON :asshole:as leverage for new stadiums for other teams looking for a new stadium as Minnesota did for over ten years with the Vikings saying they would move to LA or San Antonio several times in that timeframe.

The Rams EASILY make the best case for a move to LA over the Raiders and Chargers and why they will get the nod over them.Not only do they have the history and the tradition,they have an owner with deep pockets to bring them there which is imperative in that the owners want an owner with deep pockets to be the tenant and Kronke is that man.Neither Spanos or Davis have deep pockets.

But most importantly why the Rams have the best case for relocation? for the second year in a row,they ranked 2nd to last in NFL attendance.all you got to do to see how horrible their fan support is is watch their games from the last 5 years or so.the upper deck is completely blacked out on tv cause nobody sits up there hardly.

where as you can see from this picture here of a Raiders game in Oakland this year,the place was is a sellout.ALL of their games were like that this year,sold out. I posted a pic of a chargers game this year before to and it showed they also draw sold out crowds.I'll try to find that one of the chargers again.

Timeline Photos - Keep the Raiders in Oakland Facebook

so the chargers and raiders have NO CASE for relocation to Carson.A big factor in a team being allowed to relocate to another city is fan support.The Raiders have that and so do the Chargers.The Rams though on the other hand,do not.:asshole: so they will easily get the nod over them despite what troll rightwinger keeps saying.:asshole:

and here is the proof in the pudding that the Rams ranked second to dead last in NFL attendance ranking 31st out of the 32 teams with the Vikings being the only team worse than them.:asshole:

31 St. Louis 8 456,146 57,018 8640.0 8 543,266 67,908 10900.0 16 999,412 62,463 9740.0
32 Minnesota 8 417,906 52,238 - 8 522,517 65,314 9390.0 16 940,423 58,776 16900.0

the Vikings you got to remember,are playing in a COLLEGE facility right now and have to face the burdon of fridged weather outdoors,whats the Rams excuse?:asshole:

congrats to the jaguars.Last year they ranked dead last in attendance "WITH THE RAMS BEING SECOND TO DEAD LAST OF COURSE,hee hee." but jumped up a few notches this year.
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The simple fact is the NFL is run by 32 billionaires. One billionaire wields enormous power. Now, how much power do 32 billionaires wield? Think about it.

The reason there has not been an NFL team in Los Angeles over the last 20 years is about creating leverage to force as many cities as they could to finance new stadiums with tax subsidized dollars.

Trust this, the owners are as about making money as they are about their teams winning. In fact I would say most owners are MORE about the business aspect of it than they are about the "integrity" of the game. The use the word "safety" the way government does. As a justifiable reason to fine ignorant uneducated millionaires for whatever reason that can be classified as concerns of "safety."

When Art Modell of the Browns received the offer from Baltimore that they would fund a new stadium through public funding, and offered to pay him 50 million just to agree to move there, Modell had no real choice, did he?

What did all of the other owners want to know after that? Where the fuck is my deal? That, is what they were asking. So, soon after the Browns left Cleveland, it was during this same period that the NFL moved teams out of LA. In order to create leverage to bully cities one by one to have public funing for new stadiums be built.

Denver owner was one of the first. He went so far as to remove the D from their old helmets. Most of the teams new stadiums were built from tax dollars, and virtually all of them threatened to move to LA. Look up Minnesota. They were the last team, and Goodell went to Minnesota to show the city that they were indeed moving to LA.

There are a lot more things the owners do that would surprise many.

Modell at least left the team name in Cleveland so he might have saved himself from burning in hell unlike the bitch who had her husband murdered off so she could inherit the team and move it to st Louis her hometown.did you know about that one?

also.amazingly,it doesn't sound like you are aware of the announcement that kronke made in early January of aquiring an additional 300acres of land in addition to the 60 acres he bought last year and making the announcement that he plans to build an NFL stadium there near the forum?

after that announcement came out,not only has the st louis media come out and now say that THEY don't think the rams will be in st Louis past this year which is really funny cause they been calling people like me nutcases the past year for suggesting they would come back to LA:asshole:

but everybody that came on here trolling my thread in the beginning last september saying that kronke was just using that land purchase for leverage for a new stadium,they all have done EXACTLY what I predicted they would do back then.they have NOW done an about face and back peddled claiming they never said the rams would never come back to LA.which is funny cause I asked them back then will they be too arrogant to admit they are wrong when the rams come back and they never answered the question,so NOW they are doing what I said they WOULD do back then,ever since that announcement came out early in January,they have all either lied and said they never said that,or they have left and not returned to admit how stupid they were.:asshole:

I have to laugh at all the fools who said they would not be moving back and have lied as I said they would back then because they seem to be stupid in the fact that this place keeps records of things you said in the past.:asshole: so what do they do? they come on and accuse ME of being the liar just like the trolls they are.:asshole:

oh and the situation with the Vikings and the rams using LA for leverage for a new stadium is completely different like night and day.when the Vikings were talking about moving to LA,you had city and county officials going all over the place lobbying corporations and having constant talks with the Vikings for a new stadium in the prior years before that.NONE of that has gone on in st Louis.plus st Louis is bankrupt,they talk about a new stadium,but they are in millions in debt already for the stadium they play in now so even if they are serious about getting a new stadium which from the plans they have presented,they don't look serious at all,they have no way to fund the stadium.:asshole:

and see that's the REASON why kronke is moving to LA either this year or for sure next year,is because of money.playing in the 2nd biggest media market in the country,the value of his team alone triples which makes him three times richer. remember the sale of the clippers,how the value of it was increased because it was in LA?

I have been saying they were moving back to LA for about 15 years now. There will be another team, and like NY there will be two teams most likely that will share one stadium. One AFC team, and one NFC team. I predict the Chargers will be in LA with the Rams.

Anyway, there are all sorts of things the NFL does. Their blatant lies that the owners lost money due to overhead a few years ago with the lock out was just that ridiculous.

Robert Kraft bought the Pats in 1994 for 174 million dollars. In 2009, their valuation was estimated at 1.4 billion dollars. That is around a 976% increase in valuation. Those valuations are not just numbers thrown out there and made up. They are based on the a teams ability to generate cash.

The NFL has at least 4 billion dollar revenue streams it did not have in the 80s. NFL Network to name one, Madden Football which a billion dollar product (all video gaming rights is under this), fantasy football phenomenon is certainly a billion dollar industry. To say nothing of the fact that at least 70% of all merchandise sold is done over the internet which directly cuts out the middle man. That is vast overhead that is saved. Did I mention how many stadiums are financed publicly where the owners receive windfall profits through socialist means?

The scams are vast. Do not get me started on how Tebow was forced on the Jets so they could get his jersey sold in the biggest market in the world and how Michael Sam was drafted by the ONE TEAM that did not need him the most. The Rams were so deep at DE, and we know they did not need him. He was drafted and immediately his jersey was sold and wouldn't you know it was third in jerseys sold.

The list goes on and on. What do you think the owners discuss in their annual meeting where there are strict gag rules?

hey owl,since you are one of only about a handful of posters to have come on here that has logic and common sense that understands that IF there is a second team in LA besides the Rams from the AFC,it will be the chargers. this sportswriter here agrees with us about it that it will be the chargers.

If Rams Move To L.A. Raiders To St. Louis NFL News SportsGrid

How was it that YOU had enough common sense to know its going to be the chargers and not the raiders by chance?

Well, the rumor has been there for a while. The greatest evidence to support it was the fact that they would be moving is the fact that San Diego has not built them a new stadium with tax dollars.

Alex Spanos will now make one last push to get the city to build a new stadium. Qualcom stadium is a 50 year old stadium and is one of the oldest in the league.

There will be a massive push to San Diego to pass an ordinance to finance a new one, or they will be moving to LA. Just like most teams have done. Last one being Minnesota. They caved. There is a good chance San Diego will too.

Yeah I have to believe San Diego will cave like Minnesota did as well and in the end get something done because they cant afford to lose the Chargers.If they did,all they would have left is the padres and that's not much to get excited about for sports fans in southern California.

the Chargers situation is much more serious than the Raiders is because as I been saying,the Raiders have a billionaire investor onboard ready to finance the new stadium so money is not an issue with them. with the Raiders,they will get something done in the end cause they have nowhere else to go.The billionaire investor they have has said he will only finance the stadium if they stay in Oakland which is why they will stay and not go anywhere,not Carson,not San Antonio.just Oakland.whats holding up the Raiders is politics between the city and the county

I was thinking you had done your research and knew that LA was not an option for them because of the fact the majority of the owners are sore at Al Davis for suing the league to move to LA and plus the city council a year ago voted against them coming there,thats why I know this media thing on the Chargers and Raiders sharing a stadium is for pure leverage for both in the fact LA is not an option for the Raiders.

the Chargers on the other hand,i have not heard one single word on them having a billionaire investor so if any team from the AFC joins the Rams,it would be them.their stadium situation is more critical.

In the end though I think you are correct that they get a stadium deal as well just lie the Vikings did.it took the Vikings over 10 years as well to get something done.just like the Raiders,for over ten years they also were talking about moving to San Antonio or LA.

so the Chargers and Raiders will more than likely get their stadium deals and the Rams will be back in LA either this year or next and in the meantime,the NFL will probably continue using cities like San Antonio,St Louis,or even LONDON :asshole:as leverage for new stadiums for other teams looking for a new stadium as Minnesota did for over ten years with the Vikings saying they would move to LA or San Antonio several times in that timeframe.

The Rams EASILY make the best case for a move to LA over the Raiders and Chargers and why they will get the nod over them.Not only do they have the history and the tradition,they have an owner with deep pockets to bring them there which is imperative in that the owners want an owner with deep pockets to be the tenant and Kronke is that man.Neither Spanos or Davis have deep pockets.

But most importantly why the Rams have the best case for relocation? for the second year in a row,they ranked 2nd to last in NFL attendance.all you got to do to see how horrible their fan support is is watch their games from the last 5 years or so.the upper deck is completely blacked out on tv cause nobody sits up there hardly.

where as you can see from this picture here of a Raiders game in Oakland this year,the place was is a sellout.ALL of their games were like that this year,sold out. I posted a pic of a chargers game this year before to and it showed they also draw sold out crowds.I'll try to find that one of the chargers again.

Timeline Photos - Keep the Raiders in Oakland Facebook

so the chargers and raiders have NO CASE for relocation to Carson.A big factor in a team being allowed to relocate to another city is fan support.The Raiders have that and so do the Chargers.The Rams though on the other hand,do not.:asshole: so they will easily get the nod over them despite what troll rightwinger keeps saying.:asshole:

and here is the proof in the pudding that the Rams ranked second to dead last in NFL attendance ranking 31st out of the 32 teams with the Vikings being the only team worse than them.:asshole:

31 St. Louis 8 456,146 57,018 8640.0 8 543,266 67,908 10900.0 16 999,412 62,463 9740.0
32 Minnesota 8 417,906 52,238 - 8 522,517 65,314 9390.0 16 940,423 58,776 16900.0

the Vikings you got to remember,are playing in a COLLEGE facility right now and have to face the burdon of fridged weather outdoors,whats the Rams excuse?:asshole:

congrats to the jaguars.Last year they ranked dead last in attendance "WITH THE RAMS BEING SECOND TO DEAD LAST OF COURSE,hee hee." but jumped up a few notches this year.

one other thing that just occurred to me about this whole carson thing with the chargers and raiders how it will never fly is that USC and UCLA have both said their facilitys will be able to only host ONE team while waiting for a new stadium and they have said that the raiders are not welcome to play in their facility.:ahole-1:

so kronke will get the thumbs up to move to LA before the chargers or raiders do so this charger/raider nonsense is obviously just for leverage for new stadiums for spanos and davis.:ahole-1:the same so called leverage one poster here was claiming kronke was using the land purchase for for a new stadium in st Louis.:ahole-1:
a great link here on roggins radio sports show in LA. The botton one I just listened to was on the chargers situation.roggin confirmed what I been saying recently about the rams,saying we will know in the next 120 days or so on if the rams will be in LA THIS YEAR saying we will have to wait till then to find out.thats why I keep saying its not over just yet,wont be till the end of june.

Audio The Beast 980

will be talking more about the LA situation on those other radio broadcasts as well listed there that took place this month on the LA situation as I listen to them.
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this ESPN sportscaster is ALSO saying what I just got done saying basically.that the raiders and chargers are using it as leverage saying they are both further along in their stadium talks than what is being widely reported.

I really liked the part he mentioned on one of the NFL owners and several sources in the NFL have said that he will move regardless of what the owners vote on in june.I think this sports guy knows they are moving this year though,he is just trying to cover it up.i know how the media works.lol.

Just came across THIS quote here by an LA contact of mine.This just confirms what I mentioned earlier in one of my previous posts what Dan Dierdorf was saying how in the entire time that he broadcast monday night games and the Raiders were in LA,all their Monday night games were all on the road because they could never sell out their home games.something the LOS ANGELES Rams never had trouble doing in the 70's and 80's:biggrin:

Here is his quote below.lol.I could not copy and paste it so I had to write it down,grrrrr.

Did you know that in 1984 the Raiders first home game after their superbowl win drew only 46,269 where the Rams first game that same year drew 65,403?

The Oakland Raiders may have won a superbowl in Los Angeles,but no one here cared.:biggrin:

and here is my previous post on Dierdorf talking about their Monday night games being on the road again.lol

In fact, Dierdorf points to his “Monday Night Football” days, when he ...was an analyst on the series from 1987-98. “MNF” showed 15 Raiders games from 1987 through ’94, their final season in California. “Do you know how many of those were played in Los Angeles?” Dierdorf asked. “None. We couldn’t afford to have Los Angeles blacked out, because the Raiders didn’t sell out. The Raiders were always on the road when they were on ‘Monday Night Football... If you’re afraid to have a home game because it might not sell out for ‘Monday Night Football,’ what does that tell you about the level of support?” ........before Dierdorf criticizes Los Angeles attendance, he should recognize that his St. Loujis Cardinals never averaged larger than 50,000 people in the stands during his playing career and never ranked higher than 19th in attendance during his time playing for Big Red.

and people around here think the NFL wants THESE clowns,a team that could not draw well the year AFTER they won the superbowl to LA,a team that has been a joke that last ten years plus?

and the chargers? they have even a FAR WORSE fanbase in LA than the raiders do and they think the NFL will actually seriously go for this carson deal?
One of the problems with the Raiders selling out is that they tend to attract a pretty rough crowd. Any time I have been to a Raider game it was a mess of fights in the stands, drunk fans, and just jerks making asses of themselves. Hard to get people to go to the game when they know they are going to have to deal with that kind of crap. That and that they suck so who would really want to pay the money to see them get creamed anyhow?
One of the problems with the Raiders selling out is that they tend to attract a pretty rough crowd. Any time I have been to a Raider game it was a mess of fights in the stands, drunk fans, and just jerks making asses of themselves. Hard to get people to go to the game when they know they are going to have to deal with that kind of crap. That and that they suck so who would really want to pay the money to see them get creamed anyhow?
yeah thats one of the reasons the NFL owners will never approve the carson deal with the chargers and raiders,they want LA well represented and that wont ever happen with the Raiders there.

they have said it has to be the RIGHT TEAM with the RIGHT FIT.doesnt sound like the Raiders.lol now the chargers it decribes but they have a ZERO fanbase in LA so that would not work.

I was at a chiefs game here in kc once for a preseason game and the guy sitting next to me was from California and he said that if you go to a raiders game in Oakland wearing a chiefs jersey,they'll beat you up. with an A'S game,its okay if you go in with colors from the opposing team,the raiders though not so.

Howie long said he was afraid for his familys when he took them to raider games in LA because of how violent the fans were there.they aren't as bad in Oakland,they don't behave there either but not anything like they were in LA though.
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check it out,here is what I was talking about earlier how the raiders and chargers draw good crowds for their games in their cities.
in both cases,you have a packed house.

Have a Chargers Stadium Question Ask Mark Fabiani Yourself NBC 7 San Diego

Timeline Photos - Keep the Raiders in Oakland Facebook

and the Rams? well in a MONDAY NIGHT game no less,in a game against their long time rival the 49ers,just 5 minutes before kickoff,steve young was talking about the Rams maybe being gone after the 2014 season and he said -you have an owner who wants to be there,and look around,i don't know why he would want to stay,look at all these empty seats.

that says it all right there.:asshole:
a great link here on roggins radio sports show in LA. The botton one I just listened to was on the chargers situation.roggin confirmed what I been saying recently about the rams,saying we will know in the next 120 days or so on if the rams will be in LA THIS YEAR saying we will have to wait till then to find out.thats why I keep saying its not over just yet,wont be till the end of june.

Audio The Beast 980

will be talking more about the LA situation on those other radio broadcasts as well listed there that took place this month on the LA situation as I listen to them.

wow good thing I listened to that botton one on the chargers when I did,looks like it got deleted since then.here is more evidence that the chargers will be the second team from the AFC that goes to LA if there is another team,after listening to the second one from the bottom,looks like spanos wont even meet with the major of san diego which is what kronke is doing with the governor in st Louis.

this whole carson raiders/chargers thing is clearly just for leverage for a new stadium,why would davis share with spanos when the NFL suggested he share Levi stadium with the niners and he wouldn't do that? lol not happening.
First off: No one in L.A. wants an NFL Team. L.A. is over run with Illegal Aliens from Central and South America who watch Soccer (Futbol). They don't really care for the NFL.

So when the talking heads on ESPN or any other sports show say that there is fan support for team, they're full of sh*t.

In that case the LA Rams should return to LA and so should the Americans. The Pittsburgh Steelers' home field is in Pittsburgh. The LA Rams' home field should be in LA. Makes more sense. Want soccer? Go home, where they play soccer. LA is Ram Fan territory.
:thup:this post here nails it WHY the Rams will be back in LA in 2016 IF " and that's a major if",they don't come back this year.

Sunday, March 1, 2015... today is the Measuring Date as set forth in the Amended and Restated St. Louis NFL Lease and the Edward Jones Dome officially, as of today, does not rank in the "First Tier" of NFL stadiums. The importance of this fact seems lost on some and dismissed by others, but it is at the center of the Rams position on their status with regard to staying in St. Louis or moving back to Los Angeles.

Whatever "good faith" arguments are thrown around, the fact of ...the matter is that providing a "First Tier" stadium was at the heart of St. Louis' proposal to lure the Rams to the Gateway City. Had such a "good faith" commitment by St. Louis interests not been made, it is unlikely that the Rams would have moved to St. Louis at all.

This comes down to a simple unarguable fact: the St. Louis Regional Convention and Sports Complex Authority failed to provide a "First Tier" stadium for the Rams as they were contractually obligated to. This has now become a simple case of "Breach of Contract" and there is not a court in the country that would not side with the Rams, should this matter be litigated.

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