Experts say US sex abstinence program doesn't work

If you'r going to teach them anything at all, teach it ALL to them. Abstinence IS the safest policy. Teach them about the protection, but that's not enough. Make a field trip to the HIV/AIDS ward at a hospital mandatory with the class. Let them see the possible consequences of irresponsible sexual behavior.

The Bush League is pushing Abstinence Only Sex Ed, to appease social conservatives. You have described in general terms the Abstinence Plus Sex Ed program, which has a much better track record. I'm not sure if it has the "scared straight" component, though. Most, if not all, liberals, endorse Abstinence Plus.

Welcome, gunny. Turn away from the Dark Side.
It's a little more complex an issue than blaming it on "rabid religious types."

Yes it is.

It's a double-edged sword, and both arguments need to be weighed against the other, and religion is not the sole reason in the "con" column. It's a copout to discussing the topic trying to point a finger at "religion" as "the" reason.

Feel free to weigh the two arguments against each other. One keeps kids from getting pregnant, one doesn't. The religion argument comes in when your looking at why people support the argument that doesn't work.

The first, one undeniable fact is that abstinence is "the" only 99 44/100% sure-fire prevention of contracting STDs. That isn't a religious belief nor a moral judgement -- it's fact.

Ah, yes, 99.9% isn't good enough, for this issue we must have 100%. Alrighty then.

Second, minors having sex are irresponsible.

Oh? And why is that? Because you don't think they should be doing it?

Few of them if any are going to commit a spur of the moment, emotional and irresponsible act but somehow remember to go get a condom first.

Merely because YOU think its irresponsible doesn't mean they consider it irresponsible, that its spur of the moment, or emotional. Further this is pure unfounded speculation.

If you'r going to teach them anything at all, teach it ALL to them. Abstinence IS the safest policy. Teach them about the protection, but that's not enough. Make a field trip to the HIV/AIDS ward at a hospital mandatory with the class. Let them see the possible consequences of irresponsible sexual behavior.

Of course. Nobody is saying abstinence shouldn't be mentioned. But you CAN have sex safely.

I don't care if scares the Hell out of them. In fact, it should. It beats the alternative.

No, it shouldn't. Scaring the hell out of people is hard to do without it being very transparent what you are doing. Thats what they do with the DARE program. Try to scare kids off of doing drugs. The DARE program is correlated with a slight increase in drug use, by the way.
It's a little more complex an issue than blaming it on "rabid religious types."

It's a double-edged sword, and both arguments need to be weighed against the other, and religion is not the sole reason in the "con" column. It's a copout to discussing the topic trying to point a finger at "religion" as "the" reason.

The first, one undeniable fact is that abstinence is "the" only 99 44/100% sure-fire prevention of contracting STDs. That isn't a religious belief nor a moral judgement -- it's fact.

Second, minors having sex are irresponsible. Few of them if any are going to commit a spur of the moment, emotional and irresponsible act but somehow remember to go get a condom first. That's whether or not they've been taught how to screw safely by the school. trying to lay that on "rabid religious types" is lame.

If you'r going to teach them anything at all, teach it ALL to them. Abstinence IS the safest policy. Teach them about the protection, but that's not enough. Make a field trip to the HIV/AIDS ward at a hospital mandatory with the class. Let them see the possible consequences of irresponsible sexual behavior.

I don't care if scares the Hell out of them. In fact, it should. It beats the alternative.

No, to be totally honest, considering the last 8 years of your dogma junkie drivel it IS their fault for limiting the education of kids who might have avoided shit but couldn't because THEY were too busy hoping jebus would intervene...

TEACH IT ALL to them?

no shit. Seems like I recall MY side clamering on about that while the DOGMA JUNKIE was busy handing out gay fucking cheap rings and bracelets? True love WHAT, dude? Oh yea, finds the necessary excuse for rationalizing sex.
There was a huge drop in the numbers of teenaged pregnancies in the 90s or 80s, I don't remember which, and it can be attributed directly to re-introducing the concept of abstinence to kids.

What isn't addressed in the article (and I've no doubt that those involved are active in the pro-choice and who knows how many other political movements) is the fact that sex education and the availability of abortion doesn't bring down the instance of stds and teen pregnancy either. In fact, both of those things sky rocked with the advent of sex education in the schools and free birth control and abortions.
The indisputable fact is.....abstinence works every time...without even one failure, ever...:eusa_snooty:
I know. And it's idiotic that the left keeps whining about it. Even the posters in the state buildings that show the methods of birth control and the reliability show abstinence at 100 percent.

I don't see a problem with telling kids that.
There was a huge drop in the numbers of teenaged pregnancies in the 90s or 80s, I don't remember which, and it can be attributed directly to re-introducing the concept of abstinence to kids.

I know. And it's idiotic that the left keeps whining about it. Even the posters in the state buildings that show the methods of birth control and the reliability show abstinence at 100 percent.

I don't see a problem with telling kids that.

Feel free to tell them that. Just don't tell them that while simultaneously leaving out information about condoms/birth control/stds, etc, etc.
Abstinence is not the equivalent of cutting off genitals. Nice try, though.

I never said we shouldn't teach kids about sex. I believe they should be told that abstinence is the best way to avoid pregnancy and STDs, however. Because it is.

"The pregnancy rate among U.S. women aged 15–19 has declined steadily—from 117 pregnancies per 1,000 women in 1990 to 75 per 1,000 women in 2002.[4]

• Approximately 14% of the decline in teen pregnancy between 1995 and 2002 was due to teens’ delaying sex or having sex less often, while 86% was due to an increase in sexually experienced teens’ contraceptive use.[5]"
Abstinence is not the equivalent of cutting off genitals. Nice try, though.

Who said it was?

I never said we shouldn't teach kids about sex. I believe they should be told that abstinence is the best way to avoid pregnancy and STDs, however. Because it is.

If kids engage in it, which they won't.

"The pregnancy rate among U.S. women aged 15–19 has declined steadily—from 117 pregnancies per 1,000 women in 1990 to 75 per 1,000 women in 2002.[4]

• Approximately 14% of the decline in teen pregnancy between 1995 and 2002 was due to teens’ delaying sex or having sex less often, while 86% was due to an increase in sexually experienced teens’ contraceptive use.[5]"

Well cheers. So the large majority of it is due to contraceptives. Hence, we should teach kids how to use them.
The indisputable fact is.....abstinence works every time...without even one failure, ever...:eusa_snooty:

uh, CLEARLY this is true.

thankfully, no dogma junkie christians ever get preggers out of wedlock. Such a thing might just make your profound input seem less than impressive.
And a large percentage is due to abstinence. So you should teach that, as well.

yea.. schools wil now promote underage fucking just because abstinance ONLY programs have been proven worthless.

There's that anger, again.

You do realize you're arguing against teaching something that works. Which is exactly what you claim makes you mad about Christians when they don't want sex ed taught to their kids.
There's that anger, again.

You do realize you're arguing against teaching something that works. Which is exactly what you claim makes you mad about Christians when they don't want sex ed taught to their kids.

abstinance DOESN'T work for everyone. Thats the point of this thread, baba. Sure, it MAY work for some kids but, LIKE WE SEE IN THIS THING WE CALL REALITY, Abstinance only is a complete FAILURE.

in other words, Real life PWNED your goofy sex ed program.

christians can take their kids out of sex ed and teach em all the skills they need to wind up on welfare as a breeder for jebus.
There's that anger, again.

You do realize you're arguing against teaching something that works. Which is exactly what you claim makes you mad about Christians when they don't want sex ed taught to their kids.

Notice that Shogun said abstinence ONLY. You do know what that means, yes?

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