Experts say US sex abstinence program doesn't work

So does cutting off the genitals. That doesn't mean its a smart or practical way of doing things.

So does your taking up the anus....but the MOST practical way is to not engage in the act in the first place.....then pregnancy is impossible...

Way to prevent a hangover....don't over indulge
Way to prevent of falling off a horse...don't get on the damn thing in the first place

The simple solutions are not the only solutions, but they are usually the best solutions.....
So does your taking up the anus....but the MOST practical way is to not engage in the act in the first place.....then pregnancy is impossible...

How exactly is it a practical solution to advocate something that only a tiny minority of individuals will listen too?
How exactly is it a practical solution to advocate something that only a tiny minority of individuals will listen too?

"Practical" depends on your point of view....

abstinence is practical because its easy, everyone without exception can do it, and its 100% effective.....nothing, short of sterilization comes close...

The fact that everyone WON'T do it is irrelevant...but for those that won't, others ways can be adopted....
Refusing to teach it is like refusing to teach mathematics because some kids don't like it.
"Practical" depends on your point of view....

Not really, no.

abstinence is practical because its easy, everyone without exception can do it, and its 100% effective.....nothing, short of sterilization comes close...

Obviously its not easy, considering only a tiny minority actually practice it.

The fact that everyone WON'T do it is irrelevant...but for those that won't, others ways can be adopted....

No, its not irrelevant at all. Its retarded to think that something can be practical if individuals won't actually follow the advice.

And no other ways can't be adopted if they are taught abstinence only. Thats the entire point.
Refusing to teach it is like refusing to teach mathematics because some kids don't like it.

LMAO...and you were lecturing me about being unable to follow a conversation?

Nobody here has said we shouldn't teach abstinence. Its just useless to teach it alone.
Not really, no.

Obviously its not easy, considering only a tiny minority actually practice it.

No, its not irrelevant at all. Its retarded to think that something can be practical if individuals won't actually follow the advice.

And no other ways can't be adopted if they are taught abstinence only. Thats the entire point.

Well, there you go....I never said abstinence should be the only thing taught....
what I did say is..
"The indisputable fact is.....abstinence works every time...without even one failure, ever..."

So whats the "practical" to prevent the lung cancer caused by cigarettes...

Change to cigars....?
How about a pipe ???

How about abstaining from cigarettes? ...Bingo..Practical and 100% effective
"Its retarded to think that something can be practical if individuals won't actually follow the advice."
The fact that everyone WON'T do it is irrelevant..

And, this is why we are at a point where your stupid fucking abstinance only opinoins gives us increased pregnancy and stds..

good job.

You are the one who said it was pointless to teach it because kids don't listen.:eusa_wall:

Abstinance ONLY

and yes, we are at this point because, as it turns out (li9ke we've been saying this whole time), you and your dogma junkie influence on public policy is a failure.

PWNED by life.
The fact that everyone WON'T do it is irrelevant..

And, this is why we are at a point where your stupid fucking abstinance only opinoins gives us increased pregnancy and stds..

good job.


Not really. ABstinence only is about as effective as sex ed only.

It doesn't add to the problem, but it doesn't help, either.
Not really. ABstinence only is about as effective as sex ed only.

It doesn't add to the problem, but it doesn't help, either.

I hope you take a second to re read what you just posted. I'm giving you the change to correct your own logical error before I dive into it with claws extended.

what the fuck is "sex ed only", baba? Trying to make a point that you think sounds more profound than it really is?
I hope you take a second to re read what you just posted. I'm giving you the change to correct your own logical error before I dive into it with claws extended.

what the fuck is "sex ed only", baba? Trying to make a point that you think sounds more profound than it really is?

Maybe YOU need to take a second and re-read my post....then apologize..
I'll wait.....try #49...
I hope you take a second to re read what you just posted. I'm giving you the change to correct your own logical error before I dive into it with claws extended.

what the fuck is "sex ed only", baba? Trying to make a point that you think sounds more profound than it really is?

I don't recall abstinence being encouraged or taught in sex ed. It was all about all the "options" and the ways to circumvent pregnancy chemically, physically, or afterwards....with the understanding that underaged sex is aok.
I don't recall abstinence being encouraged or taught in sex ed. It was all about all the "options" and the ways to circumvent pregnancy chemically, physically, or afterwards....with the understanding that underaged sex is aok.

Funny, my experience pushed abstinance while providing education on other necessary methods of prevention and birth control.

I get the impression that you call anything other than Abstinence only sex ed "sex ed only"
"Its retarded to think that something can be practical if individuals won't actually follow the advice."

Its not practical. It should be taught because a small minority of kids will follow it, but its not practical.
Not really. ABstinence only is about as effective as sex ed only.

It doesn't add to the problem, but it doesn't help, either.

No, its really not.

The study you linked to said 86% of the decrease was caused by learning about STDs and contraceptives. 14% was the abstinence stuff.

Not as effective at all. One is FAR more effective than the other.
Funny, my experience pushed abstinance while providing education on other necessary methods of prevention and birth control.

I get the impression that you call anything other than Abstinence only sex ed "sex ed only"

I'm sure you do. Your impressions are usually incorrect.

You must be younger than me. I was finished with high school in the 80s. We were never taught in school anything other than what I stated.

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