Zone1 Explaining Jesus to a Jew

In the discussion of the status of birds in terms of food, there is no language of "clean" or "unclean" -- Lev 11 says that eating certain birds is not allowed because these birds are described as "sheketz" (despicable). The Torah provides a list of unacceptable birds by name. Because we don't know the exact translations of the forbidden birds, we have strong traditions dictating what birds may or may not be eaten. As there is no tradition that a dodo is acceptable, it would not be eaten, but the term "unclean" wouldn't really apply.

And someone who tries to proselytize in the anonymity of the internet and who dodges challenges and runs away from salient points would be a chicken. And therefore, edible.
Is it really any wonder why Jesus ended up saying, "eat this"? lol...
Well thank you for clearing that up, which only confirms what I have been telling you.
That the language referring to the snake is completely different from the language referring to acceptable and not acceptable food items? Great!
And you continue to draw weird connections even though I have alerted you to the fact that the text does not support your understanding.

Great, just like Pontius Pilate!
IMHO a very interesting line (or LIEne) in the NT written by MATTHEW of all
people. He was (according to legend) a jew----in fact a "tax collector" (aka
shill for Rome) Handwashing is a very JEWISH thing----so Jewish that "excessive"
handwashing was considered a sign of JUDAIZING during the Inquisition. That
the GRAND ROMAN CRUCIFIER would "wash his hands" of one of the thousands
of crucifixions over which he presided is IMHO a prime example of BLACK HUMOR.
Was Matthew trying to TELL US SOMETHING?
IMHO a very interesting line (or LIEne) in the NT written by MATTHEW of all
people. He was (according to legend) a jew----in fact a "tax collector" (aka
shill for Rome) Handwashing is a very JEWISH thing----so Jewish that "excessive"
handwashing was considered a sign of JUDAIZING during the Inquisition. That
the GRAND ROMAN CRUCIFIER would "wash his hands" of one of the thousands
of crucifixions over which he presided is IMHO a prime example of BLACK HUMOR.
Was Matthew trying to TELL US SOMETHING?
I don't know the Greek for the phrase and whether it predates the biblical use as an idiom meaning to absolve the self of responsibility. As you well know, in Judaism, hand washing is a show of accepting responsibility.
Is it really any wonder why Jesus ended up saying, "eat this"? lol...
right----in the Hypnagogic Hallucination of Paul----
the Apikoros guy. for the record---Hypnagogic hallucinations
are manifestations of toxic delirium
IMHO a very interesting line (or LIEne) in the NT written by MATTHEW of all
people. He was (according to legend) a jew----in fact a "tax collector" (aka
shill for Rome) Handwashing is a very JEWISH thing----so Jewish that "excessive"
handwashing was considered a sign of JUDAIZING during the Inquisition. That
the GRAND ROMAN CRUCIFIER would "wash his hands" of one of the thousands
of crucifixions over which he presided is IMHO a prime example of BLACK HUMOR.
Was Matthew trying to TELL US SOMETHING?
At the end of seven days the word of the Lord came to me: “Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the people of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me. When I say to a wicked person, ‘You will surely die,’ and you do not warn them or speak out to dissuade them from their evil ways in order to save their life, that wicked person will die for their sin, and I will hold you accountable for their blood. But if you do warn the wicked person and they do not turn from their wickedness or from their evil ways, they will die for their sin; but you will have saved yourself. Ezekiel 3:16-19
I don't know the Greek for the phrase and whether it predates the biblical use as an idiom meaning to absolve the self of responsibility. As you well know, in Judaism, hand washing is a show of accepting responsibility.
I don't know either-----but I don't think it's greek or roman. The Romans, in particular,
mocked that jewish preoccupation with HANDWASHING
At the end of seven days the word of the Lord came to me: “Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the people of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me. When I say to a wicked person, ‘You will surely die,’ and you do not warn them or speak out to dissuade them from their evil ways in order to save their life, that wicked person will die for their sin, and I will hold you accountable for their blood. But if you do warn the wicked person and they do not turn from their wickedness or from their evil ways, they will die for their sin; but you will have saved yourself. Ezekiel 3:16-19

Don't tell anyone but I have carefully chosen and am preparing a he-goat "without blemish" for ritual slaughter for the expiation of sin. Its a secret! The flesh will satisfy the hunger of billions.

The fat cut from the flesh and thrown on the fire is a soothing and fragrant offering to the Lord.
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In the discussion of the status of birds in terms of food, there is no language of "clean" or "unclean" -- Lev 11 says that eating certain birds is not allowed because these birds are described as "sheketz" (despicable). The Torah provides a list of unacceptable birds by name. Because we don't know the exact translations of the forbidden birds, we have strong traditions dictating what birds may or may not be eaten. As there is no tradition that a dodo is acceptable, it would not be eaten, but the term "unclean" wouldn't really apply.

And someone who tries to proselytize in the anonymity of the internet and who dodges challenges and runs away from salient points would be a chicken. And therefore, edible.
All Christian bible versions use the term unclean.
as far as I know----the person who USHERS in an UTOPIAN AGE of peace
That's what Jesus Christ is going to do.

the heavenly prescribed religion is for humanity to bring to fruition the triumph together, themselves - for the heavens final judgement for remission to paradise - their own deeds are the recipe for their salvation.

the christian is whistling in the wind, servitude will accomplish nothing, jesus did not die for anyone else's sins they accomplished purity themselves before they perished is their heavenly example. to follow.
the heavenly prescribed religion is for humanity to bring to fruition the triumph together, themselves - for the heavens final judgement for remission to paradise - their own deeds are the recipe for their salvation.

the christian is whistling in the wind, servitude will accomplish nothing, jesus did not die for anyone else's sins they accomplished purity themselves before they perished is their heavenly example. to follow.
I can provide a cushy life for myself while here on earth, but that doesn't get me into heaven.
I wouldn't call this person a nachash. Why would I?

Because he is trying to beguile people into setting aside divine law, just like the nachash in the fairy tale, which would cause their separation from God, death, and descent into the wilderness, the realm of the dead.

Because he is trying to beguile people into setting aside divine law, just like the nachash in the fairy tale, which would cause their separation from God, death, and descent into the wilderness, the realm of the dead.

I have never heard a Hebrew speaking person refer to a person as NACHASH----as far
as I know-----it just AIN'T idiomatic

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