Zone1 Explaining Jesus to a Jew

Mr Nutz DENIES 2000 years of history-----first, second and third Reichs

heredity idolatry - jewish messiah - is colloquial pandering for a specific group of people - and has nothing to do with religion or heavenly mandates ...

and is the basic flaw judaism deliberately makes - and is the 1st century correction they refuse to accept. is their problem and error. they - judaism - have only themselves without a heavenly origin and is not a religion. truth be told.
right ---drug use can also result in episodes of TOXIC DELIRIUM
Is that really the best you can do rosie?

LSD was first synthesized by Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann in 1938 from lysergic acid, a chemical derived from the hydrolysis of ergotamine, an alkaloid found in ergot, a fungus that infects grain.

I bet the prophets, the founders of your religion, ate some funky bread and were tripping their balls off.

What then? You would have put them in a straight jacket to help them? lol...What a gal!
Because he is trying to beguile people into setting aside divine law, just like the nachash in the fairy tale, which would cause their separation from God, death, and descent into the wilderness, the realm of the dead.

If that's your poetic bent then good luck with that.
Is that really the best you can do rosie?

LSD was first synthesized by Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann in 1938 from lysergic acid, a chemical derived from the hydrolysis of ergotamine, an alkaloid found in ergot, a fungus that infects grain.

I bet the prophets, the founders of your religion, ate some funky bread and were tripping their balls off.

What then? You would have put them in a straight jacket to help them? lol...
or mushrooms or even WEED for Toxic delirium ----NOPE---just remove the toxin
Unclean, in context of food, just means unfit for consumption. From טָמֵא (H2930) (Strong's)
That Hebrew word is "impure" and is used sometimes to mean "a state of spiritual unacceptableness" and sometimes more generically for "not acceptable" without being technically "spiritually excluded". It has nothing to do with cleanliness.
I have never heard a Hebrew speaking person refer to a person as NACHASH----as far
as I know-----it just AIN'T idiomatic
Ok, so call them a serpent, like you never called anyone a snake.

FYI the pharaoh wore a serpent on his headdress. but maybe that has nothing to do with the fairy tale designed to educate people and their children who just came out of bondage in Egypt. Right.

--I IS
UNIQUE) will recognize the FACT that "JESUS" quotes him incessantly.

no, your black heart is what you claim regardless a coincidental likeness both of which evolved from the religion of antiquity without any relevance to moses the liar.

hillel as well as jesus condemned the commandments of moses, judaism - used to persecute and victimize the innocent - the red hearted know the difference
Ok so call them a serpent, like you never called anyone a snake.

FYI the pharaoh wore a serpent on his headdress. but maybe that has nothing to do with the fairy tale, designed to educate people and their children who just came out of bondage in Egypt. Right.

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Even the native American feathered headdress is an iteration of the 'gilded serpent' found worldwide.
actually, we don't talk about him because we don't care. But if you need paranoia to keep afloat, rock on.
Of course you never talk about him, Jews never talk about Jesus or anything New Testament, or Old Testament courses that are uncomfortable.

Jews are intentionally kept in the dark about their own Messiah. It’s shocking how many Jews have never even heard the words from their own Tanakh:

That Hebrew word is "impure" and is used sometimes to mean "a state of spiritual unacceptableness" and sometimes more generically for "not acceptable" without being technically "spiritually excluded". It has nothing to do with cleanliness.
My Rabbi puts it this way:

You come home from vacation and find a dead, rotting squirrel in your fridge. After getting rid of the food and the squirrel, you clean the fridge and disinfect it with bleach. The fridge is clean, but is it ever going to be "clean" enough for you to use again? There are a lot of Hebrew words that don't truly translate into anything but a concept.
Of course you never talk about him, Jews never talk about Jesus or anything New Testament, or Old Testament courses that are uncomfortable.

Jews are intentionally kept in the dark about their own Messiah. It’s shocking how many Jews have never even heard the words from their own Tanakh:

that's hilarious!
I really wish you had the background to see why that was the funniest video you could possibly have shown.
I teach in a school. We teach Isaiah 53 to hundreds of students, year in and year out. The fact that it isn't read in the synagogue is immaterial -- huge chunks of the prophets and almost all of the writings are not read in the synagogue. Only a small set of prophetic writings are read in the synagogue because they were chosen to echo the weekly Torah reading -- this was a practice inserted when reading the torah was outlawed. So if a section isn't related to one of the 53 torah portions, it doesn't get added to the service.

Nothing is forbidden or outlawed and the claim that anyone is intentionally kept in the dark is conspiracy paranoia at its finest.

Here is some more info

and the claim that the rabbis all saw 53 as about the messiah is horribly misleading. In fact, i would suggest reading Contra Celsum
chapter 55
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