Explaining Obama's Role.....To Obama


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
As the contemporary witticism goes....there are two kinds of people....those fearful of Islamic terrorism, and those fearful of second hand smoke.

1. "The Obama administration’s plan to resettle nearly 200,000 [Middle Eastern] refugees in the U.S. over the next two years will have real fiscal and national security implications at a time when the U.S. has taken in more migrants than any other country, ...

... since September 11, 2001, the U.S. has resettled about 1.5 million immigrants from Muslim nations. Some 90 percent receive on food stamps, and 70 percent are receiving free healthcare and cash welfare."
Jeff Sessions Slams Obama Admin’s Plans To Resettle Nearly 200,000 Refugees - Breitbart

a. We on the Right warned that the presidency isn't the place for on-the-job training...but six years in is beyond ridiculous. Someone should let Obama know that he is the President of the people of the United States...and their safety and security is his first obligation.

2. As part of his education, Obama must open a debate with the American people in which he explains the extent to which he has vetted these newly admitted individuals, en masse.
Has he determined the extent of radicalization, of these thousands he has opened America's doors to?

The best way, according to Tawfik Hamid, in his book, “Inside Jihad,” is to ask if they support the following:
A) Killing of Apostates, those who decide to leave the religion

B) Beating of women, and stoning them to death for infractions, genial mutilation

C) Calling Jews Pigs and Monkeys

D) Declaring war on non-Muslims either to convert them, or to have them pay a second-class citizen tax

E) Enslave and rape female war prisoners, as in Darfur

F) Fight and kill Jews as preparation for the end days

G) Kill gays

And....as citizens....would they acknowledge the primacy of the United States Constitution as superior to the Q'ran as a guide for governance?

Declare that you've determined that the attitudes of the tens of thousands you'd like to install in America fit with American values, Obama.

Do it now!
Are you dreaming of the day when you only had the IRA to fear?

Rumor has it that your subscription to this thread was voluntary.

Yet you felt the ineluctable need to counter the essence of the OP......

...but could find nothing in said OP that was in any way, manner, nor form.....erroneous.

The OP irked you, clearly based on the import, the truth therein.

No doubt you Liberals imagine yourselves intelligent...yet you constantly fall short in the ability to provide any indicia that your perspective is more correct than the other side's perspective....
...all I ever see from Liberals/Progressives/Democrats is the patented "is not, is noootttttt" variety of post.

Wanna try again?
3. But Obama has made his decision....one that, as is the case with most Progressive designs, runs counter to the values and history that made America great. It is a corollary to Progressivism that religion must be abolished....after all, it stands in the way of a Marxist, atheist, socialist state.

In short, the aim is to tear down everything that defines Western Civilization.

And, in the thousands of 'refugees' from the Middle East.....Obama sees allies.

a. "VIENNA —Moving among the tens of thousands of Syrian war refugees passing through the train stations of Europe are many who are neither Syrian nor refugees, but hoping to blend into the mass migration and find a back door to the West." Migrants are disguising themselves as Syrians to enter Europe

b. "... the federal government would be increasing its annual total refugee cap from 70,000 to 100,000... said [John] Kerry on Sunday...

Also on Sunday, Hillary Clinton called on the administration to take 65,000 Syrian refugees, ...."
Many ‘Syrian Refugees’ Are Neither Syrian nor Refugees | National Review Online

And this: " Perhaps the most telling statistic is the ratio of men to women and children in the overall migrant population: 72 percent to 13 percent and 15 percent, respectively, according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). " Ibid.
Are you dreaming of the day when you only had the IRA to fear?

Rumor has it that your subscription to this thread was voluntary.

Yet you felt the ineluctable need to counter the essence of the OP......

...but could find nothing in said OP that was in any way, manner, nor form.....erroneous.

The OP irked you, clearly based on the import, the truth therein.

No doubt you Liberals imagine yourselves intelligent...yet you constantly fall short in the ability to provide any indicia that your perspective is more correct than the other side's perspective....
...all I ever see from Liberals/Progressives/Democrats is the patented "is not, is noootttttt" variety of post.

Wanna try again?
There is more danger from bacteria, so I fear no man more........
Are you dreaming of the day when you only had the IRA to fear?

Rumor has it that your subscription to this thread was voluntary.

Yet you felt the ineluctable need to counter the essence of the OP......

...but could find nothing in said OP that was in any way, manner, nor form.....erroneous.

The OP irked you, clearly based on the import, the truth therein.

No doubt you Liberals imagine yourselves intelligent...yet you constantly fall short in the ability to provide any indicia that your perspective is more correct than the other side's perspective....
...all I ever see from Liberals/Progressives/Democrats is the patented "is not, is noootttttt" variety of post.

Wanna try again?
There is more danger from bacteria, so I fear no man more........

You continue to work up to your ability.
You must be a Liberal, huh?
3. But Obama has made his decision....one that, as is the case with most Progressive designs, runs counter to the values and history that made America great. It is a corollary to Progressivism that religion must be abolished....after all, it stands in the way of a Marxist, atheist, socialist state.

In short, the aim is to tear down everything that defines Western Civilization.

And, in the thousands of 'refugees' from the Middle East.....Obama sees allies.

a. "VIENNA —Moving among the tens of thousands of Syrian war refugees passing through the train stations of Europe are many who are neither Syrian nor refugees, but hoping to blend into the mass migration and find a back door to the West." Migrants are disguising themselves as Syrians to enter Europe

b. "... the federal government would be increasing its annual total refugee cap from 70,000 to 100,000... said [John] Kerry on Sunday...

Also on Sunday, Hillary Clinton called on the administration to take 65,000 Syrian refugees, ...."
Many ‘Syrian Refugees’ Are Neither Syrian nor Refugees | National Review Online

And this: " Perhaps the most telling statistic is the ratio of men to women and children in the overall migrant population: 72 percent to 13 percent and 15 percent, respectively, according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). " Ibid.

For some reason Obama loves young, muslim men from the middle east. He's not too fond of middle eastern Christians though.:eusa_doh:
3. But Obama has made his decision....one that, as is the case with most Progressive designs, runs counter to the values and history that made America great. It is a corollary to Progressivism that religion must be abolished....after all, it stands in the way of a Marxist, atheist, socialist state.

In short, the aim is to tear down everything that defines Western Civilization.

And, in the thousands of 'refugees' from the Middle East.....Obama sees allies.

a. "VIENNA —Moving among the tens of thousands of Syrian war refugees passing through the train stations of Europe are many who are neither Syrian nor refugees, but hoping to blend into the mass migration and find a back door to the West." Migrants are disguising themselves as Syrians to enter Europe

b. "... the federal government would be increasing its annual total refugee cap from 70,000 to 100,000... said [John] Kerry on Sunday...

Also on Sunday, Hillary Clinton called on the administration to take 65,000 Syrian refugees, ...."
Many ‘Syrian Refugees’ Are Neither Syrian nor Refugees | National Review Online

And this: " Perhaps the most telling statistic is the ratio of men to women and children in the overall migrant population: 72 percent to 13 percent and 15 percent, respectively, according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). " Ibid.

For some reason Obama loves young, muslim men from the middle east. He's not too fond of middle eastern Christians though.:eusa_doh:

And not just 'Middle East Christians'....

  1. Every Leftist is, essentially, a Marxist…even though most eschew the title since the fall of the Soviet Union. Even so, Left-wing ideas are predicated on Marx’s materialist view. Philosophically, the term implies that only material things are real.
    1. Therefore, emotions, such as love, are no more than chemistry. And it suggests that it is only genes and environment that determine our actions, and free will plays no role. And, of course, God and religious beliefs are nonsense.
  2. From Marx on, the Left has fought against religion for the above reason, and because they understood how difficult it is to get religious people to engage in revolution for the purpose of bettering their material lives. Such folks often relegate the material world to lower priority than the spiritual, moral and intellectual world.
    1. While the Judeo-Christian society labels actions as ‘good’ or ‘evil,’ due to morality and/or self-control, the Left sees the results as due to material inequality, i.e., violent crime due to poverty.
    2. The Left has been far more interested in fighting material inequality than tyranny, which is why Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, etc., tend to have the support of Leftists around the world.
    3. The Left is less interested in creating wealth than in distributing it.
  3. End social and economic inequality and one will have Utopia! Sadly, attempts toward creation of utopia in this world lead to dystopia. Which leads to this comparison: conservatives marvel at how good America is, Leftists want to ‘transform’ it.
Prager, chapter 1, “Still The Best Hope”
4. Who are these 'refugees" that Barack Obama is seeding around the country?

Better still....who might they be?

" Syria and Iraq are... home to the world’s most flamboyantly wicked terrorist outfit, the Islamic State .... The CIA estimated last November that the organization was fielding approximately 30,000 fighters in the region, but Russian intelligence has suggested double that number, and Kurdish leaders have protested that the total could be upwards of 200,000.

Furthermore, the Islamic State has demonstrated its ability to attract recruits from well outside its geographical borders. According to the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation, 21,000 foreign volunteers had signed on with the Islamic State as of January; nearly one-fifth were from Western Europe.

— the Islamic State’s ability to manipulate the migrant crisis to its ends is hardly negligible. Given the sheer magnitude of the migration, it is a virtual certainty that terrorist organizations are taking advantage of the crisis to insinuate themselves into Europe."
Many ‘Syrian Refugees’ Are Neither Syrian nor Refugees | National Review Online

5. The FBI Director, James Comey, has said that there are 'sleeper cells' in every state of the Union...

" In less than two years, ISIS has gone from a terror start-up overseas to what FBI Director James Comey calls a “chaotic spider web” in the US, with young Muslim men being radicalized in Illinois and the 49 other states. “Those people exist in every state. I have homegrown violent extremist investigations in every single state. Until a few weeks ago there was 49 states. Alaska had none which I couldn’t quite figure out. But Alaska has now joined the group so we have investigations of people in various stages of radicalizing in all 50 states,” Comey said." ISIS present in all 50 states, FBI director says

So....when Obama blithely told the public not to worry...ISIS was no more than the 'jayvee'....

Was he totally incorrect.....or papering the way to bring the 'jayvee' here?

Someone should let Obama know that he is the President of the people of the United States...and their safety and security is his first obligation.
6. "To date, more than 170,000 people (mostly Christians and Shiites) were killed in Iraq by ISIS. Why is nobody talking about this genocide?" To date, more than 170,000 people (mostly Christians and Shiites) were killed in Iraq by ISIS. Why is nobody talking about this genocide? • /r/Depopulation

But this President simply mitigates the slaughter, providing excuses for the savages......

"And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, [almost 1000 years ago, Obama] people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ.

In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow [by you Democrats, Obama] all too often was justified in the name of Christ.

Michelle and I returned from India -- an incredible, beautiful country, full of magnificent diversity -- but a place where, in past years, religious faiths of all types have, on occasion, been targeted by other peoples of faith, simply due to their heritage and their beliefs -- acts of intolerance that would have shocked Gandhiji (sic), the person who helped to liberate that nation."
Remarks by the President at National Prayer Breakfast

He finds any way he can to excuse the savages.

Muslim savages.

Could he be bringing them into the country?
The plan to end borders, and our sovereignty, is hardly new.

7. Early in their 100-year march toward overthrowing America, the Progressives co-opted the mainline Protestant Church. The leaders of the group embraced Marxism, and demanded open borders, the end of the sovereignty that delineates a nation.

In 1907, a group of Methodists formed the Methodist Federation for Social Service (MFSS). The aim was to influence other Protestant groups. The next day, the group is received by President Theodore Roosevelt in the White House. One of the leaders, Harry F. Ward drafts a Social Creed that will be adopted by the 1908 General Conference and by the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America.
MFSA » History Timeline

a. In the early Twenties the Communist Party made considerable gains in its program to infiltrate the churches. This effort was led by such prominent "American" clergymen as Harry F. Ward ("one of the leading collaborators of, and apologists for, the Soviet Union."...), Jerome Davis, William B. Spofford, and Albert Rhys Williams. at the 1942 convention of the Federal Council of Churchescalled for: Ultimately,"a world government of delegated powers." Complete abandonment of U.S. isolationism. Strong immediate limitations on national sovereignty. International control of all armies and navies. A universal system of money.... Worldwide freedom of immigration. Progressive elimination of all tariff and quota restrictions on world trade .... A "democratically controlled" international bank ....

The church, therefore, in the opinion of the federation, must accept
the Marxist point of view…
The federation, therefore, wants the religious leaders to preach areligious creed, not based upon the Bible and in defense of the American way of life, but one that is based upon the atheistic foundations of the philosophy of Marx. The federation wants the ministers todeclare their judgment against the social economic system under whichAmericans live and prosper today in favor of the Socialist system,which in Russia and the satellite countries has brought the peoples.
Read the eBook Investigation of Communist activities in the New York City area. Hearings (Volume pt. 5-6, pp. 1969-2143) by United States. Congress. House. Committee on Un-Am online for free (page 22 of 24)

Obama is the personification of this aim, global governance under communism. His refusing to establish control of our southern border, and now simply waving large segments of the Middle East in, is an element of this aim.
8. Now, hold on, you say! How could the atheist Progressives, the Marxist acolytes, be allied with religious fundamentalists like the Islamists???

Well....first of all, are they allies?
Have you noticed how Progressives/Liberals/Democrats defend Islamists, and attack as bigots and haters any who tell the truth about the Islamofascists??
That's what allies do.

Any who have studied history have seen the same theme play out. There was Hitler and Stalin....fighting to the death after the Operation Barbarossa in 1941. But both came from the same origin, and were allies up until then.

a. A year after Lenin's death, 1924, the NYTimes published a small article about a newly established party in Germany, the National Socialist Labor Party, which "...persists in believing that Lenin and Hitler can be compared or contrasted...Dr. Goebell's....assertion that Lenin was the greatest man second only to Hitler....and that the difference between communism and the Hitler faith was very slight...." NYTimes November 27, 1925.

b. When Hitler began his advances on other countries, Stalin refused to join the nations talking of stopping him. Stalin was, in fact, pleased that Hitler was destroying the old order throughout Europe. "There will be no parliaments, no trade unions, no armies, no governments....then Stalin will come as the liberator...millions of people will be sitting in concentration camps, hoping someone will liberate them, then Stalin and the Red Army will come and liberate them. That was his plan." Vladimir Bukovsky.

c. But Hitler didn't have the supplies nor resources he needed, so August 23, 1939, Soviet Russia' Foreign Minister Molotov signs the Nazi-Soviet Non-aggression Pact while German Foreign Minister Von Ribbentrop and Soviet leader Josef Stalin look on, while standing under a portrait of Lenin –materials to be provided in later economic agreements.

"1939- At the same time, Stalin helps supply the German war effort, providing the Nazi regime with oil, wood, copper, manganese ore, rubber, grain, and other resources under a trade agreement between the two nations. Stalin views the war against Germany as a conflict "between two groups of capitalist countries", saying there is "nothing wrong in their having a good fight and weakening each other." Georgy Zhukov hero file

Both Hitler and Stalin attacked Poland in 1939.

So....don't overlook the alliance of the Progressives and Islamists.

''The enemy of my enemy is my friend."

Let's not forget that gay activists joined the Progressives-Islamists Alliance...what could be more syncretic??

For all three...Gays and Progressives and Islamists, traditional America is the enemy.
9. While Obama has not vetted the masses of Middle Easterners he has brought in....he has done this:

"Presidential Memorandum -- Creating Welcoming Communities and Fully Integrating Immigrants and Refugees November 21, 2014" Presidential Memorandum -- Creating Welcoming Communities and Fully Integrating Immigrants and Refugees

"...the objective is to plant a “seed community” in Spartanburg that will eventually blossom and transform the city. The federal government is creating communities within communities often pitted against each other economically and culturally..... Unassimilated communities have created problems in Europe, and we are beginning to have similar problems here in the United States (witness Milwaukee, Wis., and Lewiston, Maine),” Jeffrey writes.

... the word “assimilation” is no longer used by the resettlement agencies and their friends in the federal government. Rather, the new buzzword is “integration.” The goal of integration is to have a multitude of diverse cultures living side by side in “coexistence” but never assimilating..... Of the more than 500 Syrian refugees brought to the U.S. so far this past year, 90 percent of them have been Muslim, Corcoran said." List Of 190 Cities Where Obama Will Be Placing Syrian Muslim Refugees - Page 2 of 2 - Truth And Action

A senior FBI counter-terrorism official, Michael Steinbach, testified before the House homeland security committee and admitted that the U.S. lacks the capability to properly screen out terrorists and terrorist sympathizers from the ranks of the U.N. refugee program.
Syrian refugee program called ‘back door for jihadists’

So.....exactly what is the role of the President of the United States, Obama?
10. Yet another peek into the worldview that innervates this President:
He has his army flunkies take away awards for bravery if American soldiers perform too well against Muslim adversaries:

Captain Golsteyn was alone running in the open through enemy gun fire that had over 80 men pinned down, and from the crow’s nest on top of FOB McQueary it looked like Captain Golsteyn was alone fighting 30 enemy fighters out in the poppy fields,” the narrative says.

Dodging fire, he ran to a spot from which he could unleash rifle fire to provide cover for the medical evacuation. Enemy reinforcements of about 80 Taliban arrived, increasing a barrage of small arms fire. The Green Beret again exposed himself to fire to gain positive identification of the target, which in turn allowed a Navy F-18 Hornet to hit the compound with two 500-pound satellite-guided bombs.
....ArmySecretary John McHugh unilaterally canceling the Silver Star, one of the military’s highest honors, for a former Green Beret officer.....even though he has not been charged with any offenses. The Army now is seeking to release him with a less-than-honorable discharge."
Army's withdrawal of officer's Silver Star sparks ire of Congress - Washington Times

The Obama official's objection? "... killing a terrorist who was making improvised explosive devices (IEDs), the weapon that has killed more Americans in Afghanistanthan any other. "
10. Yet another peek into the worldview that innervates this President:
He has his army flunkies take away awards for bravery if American soldiers perform too well against Muslim adversaries:

Captain Golsteyn was alone running in the open through enemy gun fire that had over 80 men pinned down, and from the crow’s nest on top of FOB McQueary it looked like Captain Golsteyn was alone fighting 30 enemy fighters out in the poppy fields,” the narrative says.

Dodging fire, he ran to a spot from which he could unleash rifle fire to provide cover for the medical evacuation. Enemy reinforcements of about 80 Taliban arrived, increasing a barrage of small arms fire. The Green Beret again exposed himself to fire to gain positive identification of the target, which in turn allowed a Navy F-18 Hornet to hit the compound with two 500-pound satellite-guided bombs.
....ArmySecretary John McHugh unilaterally canceling the Silver Star, one of the military’s highest honors, for a former Green Beret officer.....even though he has not been charged with any offenses. The Army now is seeking to release him with a less-than-honorable discharge."
Army's withdrawal of officer's Silver Star sparks ire of Congress - Washington Times

The Obama official's objection? "... killing a terrorist who was making improvised explosive devices (IEDs), the weapon that has killed more Americans in Afghanistanthan any other. "

The man killed was never connected to bomb making. Why did you leave that part out.
11. Heaven forfend Americans behaving as Americans, showing the sort of values that the Founders of this nation evinced.

If they do....well...they have to deal with the fake in the White House:

"U.S. Soldiers Told to Ignore Sexual Abuse of Boys by Afghan Allies"

12. Any familiar with history recognize the same disavowal of American values by Franklin Roosevelt:
On March 26, 1945, Army Chief of Staff George C. Marshall issued the following order: "Censor all stories, delete criticism Russian treatment." This was aimed at those Americans who had been POWs of the Red Army. Note that some 20,000 US soldiers were never returned.

a. FDR died April 12th..but, based on Roosevelt's hand-picked protege, George Marshall's order, the White House clearly knew of the following prior to that:

" By May 15, 1945, the Pentagon believed 25,000 American POWs "liberated" by the Red Army were still being held hostage to Soviet demands that all "Soviet citizens" be returned to Soviet control, "without exception" and by force if necessary, as agreed to at the Yalta Conference in February 1945.

When the U.S. refused to return some military formations composed of Soviet citizens, such as the First Ukrainian SS Division, Stalin retaliated by returning only 4,116 of the hostage American POWs. On June 1, 1945, the United States Government issued documents, signed by General Dwight D. Eisenhower, explaining away the loss of approximately 20,000 POWs remaining under Stalin's control."

National Alliance of Families

Both Marshall and Eisenhower were hand picked functionaries by Roosevelt because they would do his bidding, without a hesitation.


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