Minnesota Somalian “refugees” charged w stealing $250 million meant for feeding kids

Curious to know how they exploited the funds, and where's the accountability for those in Congress who were warned they were distributing COVID money with no real ways to prevent fraud...kind of like how they implemented mail-in voting.
Mail in voting works well except in the minds of the phantom 2000 Mules fiction and others.
Why are you pretending this happens a lot?


Compared to the level of WHITE theft of covid funds (said to be hundreds of billions of PPP funds), it's chicken feed, but it's a chance to crap all over black immigrants.

This is back in the news because the first of the of those indicted have come to trial, and not all of them were convicted.

Curious to know how they exploited the funds, and where's the accountability for those in Congress who were warned they were distributing COVID money with no real ways to prevent fraud...kind of like how they implemented mail-in voting.

The federal government has NOTHING to do with mail in voting. All elections are managed by the states in which they're held, so your analogy is completely false.

Also, the states have been doing mail in voting, since the Civil War, so it was hardly a new concept.
Not like today where nearly half the ballots are mail-ins.

The states handled it well. They already knew how to do mail in voting. The ONLY reason it was a problem for Republicans is Republicans can't win if all citizens vote. That's why they've been closing polling stations in Democratic neighbourhoods

The ONLY problem with mail-in voting was that Republicans kept lying about it.
The states handled it well. They already knew how to do mail in voting. The ONLY reason it was a problem for Republicans is Republicans can't win if all citizens vote. That's why they've been closing polling stations in Democratic neighbourhoods

The ONLY problem with mail-in voting was that Republicans kept lying about it.
Look at PA. The state constitution bans no-excuse mail-in ballots but the dem gov in 2020 sent out millions of them. That's how blatant the cheating is when you allow mail-in voting.
Third world migrants see nothing wrong with this. To them, scamming the system is just part of everyday life. Expect all charges to be dropped since they're black.

I used to live in Minnesota for several years and worked for a convenience store chain. The area I lived was home to a bunch of refugees who came here from somewhere, I can't remember where. But I do know that at the time the government gave each family $20,000 which many of them used to immediately buy a new car and they would come into my store to buy canned corn and used it as bait for fishing. They would drive around in their new government paid for cars and fish all day and not work. Residents were jealous of them for having new cars and just fishing all day long.
Look at PA. The state constitution bans no-excuse mail-in ballots but the dem gov in 2020 sent out millions of them. That's how blatant the cheating is when you allow mail-in voting.

A pandemic isn't sufficient "excuse" for you?

That's how STUPID that assessment is.

The reason Republicans were so pissed about mail in voting is that they had spent the 4 years Trump was in office closing polling stations in minority and inner city neighbourhoods - especially those areas with heavy turnout for Democrat candidates. And then they voted by MAIL.

Republicans are trying to STOP minorities and poor people from voting. They certainly didn't think there was cheating when Republicans were using mail in voting for their elderly voters. Only when black people started using it did it become "corrupt" and "easy to cheat".
Third world migrants see nothing wrong with this. To them, scamming the system is just part of everyday life. Expect all charges to be dropped since they're black.

For anyone found guilty of such despicable behavior... maximum jail sentences... no possibility of parole...

And deport 'em once they've served their full sentences...

If that means stripping some of them of acquired citizenship... that's OK too... screw 'em...
I used to live in Minnesota for several years and worked for a convenience store chain. The area I lived was home to a bunch of refugees who came here from somewhere, I can't remember where. But I do know that at the time the government gave each family $20,000 which many of them used to immediately buy a new car and they would come into my store to buy canned corn and used it as bait for fishing. They would drive around in their new government paid for cars and fish all day and not work. Residents were jealous of them for having new cars and just fishing all day long.
$20,000!!! If true, that's a wild story.
I say we let all 8 billion people or whatever it is move to the USA.


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