Exposed! Why Little Bob Corker suddenly changed his vote to “yes” on the tax bil

But it will never change because they have us too busy fighting each other over "left vs right". As long as we view the "other" side as evil and the enemy those in power win and we all lose. A divided populus is much easier to control.

The country is not this divided by accident, it was by design.
We need term limits. Without them NOTHING will ever change because the voting public by and large is ignorant

Wrong, we need an educated public to adequately vote on what our elected officials do, not what they say.

Sadly, too many people have been fooled by fake news - Fox and Breitbart for example - and lies by demagogues and charlatans like trump.

You're as dumb as the people I mentioned if you think the public will ever vote based on real knowledge.

We need term limits to protect the rest of us from people like you and the average voter.

Explain why and what you you believe might be the consequences of such a plan. I'm sure you've thought all of this out, given your endorsement.

BTW, did you vote for Trump, and why?
Why should I explain anything to you or any other leftard on this board?

You all cried and cried for a link with proof to my first post stating that the ACA was passed with purchased votes just like this situation.
I got back home and dug up a link with proof and NOT A SINGLE ONE OF YOU asshats who demanded the link bothered to admit I was right or even ackowledge the link at all.

Go play in the street, I'm done here.

Tissue? You made a statement on term limits, you support it. You don't need to research anything, explain why!

The fact is you don't think, you echo, and that is the biggest question. Why?
We need term limits. Without them NOTHING will ever change because the voting public by and large is ignorant

Wrong, we need an educated public to adequately vote on what our elected officials do, not what they say.

Sadly, too many people have been fooled by fake news - Fox and Breitbart for example - and lies by demagogues and charlatans like trump.

You're as dumb as the people I mentioned if you think the public will ever vote based on real knowledge.

We need term limits to protect the rest of us from people like you and the average voter.

Explain why and what you you believe might be the consequences of such a plan. I'm sure you've thought all of this out, given your endorsement.

BTW, did you vote for Trump, and why?
Why should I explain anything to you or any other leftard on this board?

You all cried and cried for a link with proof to my first post stating that the ACA was passed with purchased votes just like this situation.
I got back home and dug up a link with proof and NOT A SINGLE ONE OF YOU asshats who demanded the link bothered to admit I was right or even ackowledge the link at all.

Go play in the street, I'm done here.

Tissue? You made a statement on term limits, you support it. You don't need to research anything, explain why!

The fact is you don't think, you echo, and that is the biggest question. Why?
I've called for term limits on this board since I joined. The only one parroting anything is you.

Fuck off now troll
Wrong, we need an educated public to adequately vote on what our elected officials do, not what they say.

Sadly, too many people have been fooled by fake news - Fox and Breitbart for example - and lies by demagogues and charlatans like trump.

You're as dumb as the people I mentioned if you think the public will ever vote based on real knowledge.

We need term limits to protect the rest of us from people like you and the average voter.

Explain why and what you you believe might be the consequences of such a plan. I'm sure you've thought all of this out, given your endorsement.

BTW, did you vote for Trump, and why?
Why should I explain anything to you or any other leftard on this board?

You all cried and cried for a link with proof to my first post stating that the ACA was passed with purchased votes just like this situation.
I got back home and dug up a link with proof and NOT A SINGLE ONE OF YOU asshats who demanded the link bothered to admit I was right or even ackowledge the link at all.

Go play in the street, I'm done here.

Tissue? You made a statement on term limits, you support it. You don't need to research anything, explain why!

The fact is you don't think, you echo, and that is the biggest question. Why?
I've called for term limits on this board since I joined. The only one parroting anything is you.

Fuck off now troll

LOL. Written ^^^ like the punk you are.
You're as dumb as the people I mentioned if you think the public will ever vote based on real knowledge.

We need term limits to protect the rest of us from people like you and the average voter.

Explain why and what you you believe might be the consequences of such a plan. I'm sure you've thought all of this out, given your endorsement.

BTW, did you vote for Trump, and why?
Why should I explain anything to you or any other leftard on this board?

You all cried and cried for a link with proof to my first post stating that the ACA was passed with purchased votes just like this situation.
I got back home and dug up a link with proof and NOT A SINGLE ONE OF YOU asshats who demanded the link bothered to admit I was right or even ackowledge the link at all.

Go play in the street, I'm done here.

Tissue? You made a statement on term limits, you support it. You don't need to research anything, explain why!

The fact is you don't think, you echo, and that is the biggest question. Why?
I've called for term limits on this board since I joined. The only one parroting anything is you.

Fuck off now troll

LOL. Written ^^^ like the punk you are.
A case for term limits

Exposed for the dumbass you are.
Trump asked for "simplification". It appears they tried to Lard it up to satisfy RINO and Big Tax States. I suppose to get the economy going, Trump threw up his hands and was forced to take this first step. Remember, he said 20% non-negotionable. The evil bastards made it 21%, instead gave 2% last minute cut to the evil offset CA state taxes to the rich.

When Obama care got rammed thru? Cornhusker kickback......something up to Maine...on and on thru that phony stimulus to ACA. Grandpa is correct. All dirty all day long.

Finally, I thought Corker had to quit? Flake? A few other scum trying to raid the treasury on the way out? Not surprised.
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Trickle uP Economics 101


A lik for all the DUMBFUKS in this thread who seem to think that only the GOP buys votes.

The New Louisiana Purchase: Obamacare's $4.3 Billion Boondoggle

Now you can all go to hell for playing stupid. It's what you deserve ya liberal lying twats

And that was just to get one vote!

This is different because they are personally benefitting. Political favors are far different from personally benefitting from a piece of legislation.

Uuummmmm.....even if they bring something "back to their states", they get paid by somebody I would suspect. the dirty ones don't work for free. Almost every Dem and most RINO are disgusting.
LOL. Written ^^^ like the punk you are.

Don't read Grumpy DooDah anymore - waste o bandwidth :wink:
You notice when I gave the link he demanded earlier in the thread he ignored it. Then when I proved to him I am not a Trump term limit bandwagoner he disappeared... Not to mention he changed the subject TWO TIMES when confronted with facts. He's a cowardly pussy.

It's clear who here is the hack unworthy of reading and who isn't.

Are you like him?
We should be. This is the same tactic that was used to pass the ACA.

But it will never change because they have us too busy fighting each other over "left vs right". As long as we view the "other" side as evil and the enemy those in power win and we all lose. A divided populus is much easier to control.

The country is not this divided by accident, it was by design.
Getting along is way overrated

you serve your overlords well. They count on people like you to keep the country divided so they have no resistance to their plans. And as your reward you will get some crumbs added to your paycheck for a few years till you are actually paying them more than you are now, all while you are whistling past the graveyard
Sorry, I’ve been self-employed for over 20 years… And debt-free for that

Debt free? You must have found a ton of aluminum cans.
Na, the Easiest thing in the world is to spend less than what you have
Calm down nobody is getting some special tax cut Christ almighty. Go learn the difference between C corps and pass-through's, then business income vs labor income. Then return and continue reading.

More than half of all businesses are pass-through which are taxed at individual income tax rates. C corps are taxed at corporate rates. What just happened to the corporate tax rate for C corps...yes they got a huge corporate tax cut reduced to 21%.

But since more than half of all businesses are pass-throughs they have to also do something for them. Otherwise C corps under the new 21% tax rate will receive a big tax cut while pass-throughs get shafted.

Hence the tax bill allows pass-through businesses to treat a PORTION of the pass-through income as business income not labor income at a reduced rate to keep things relatively equal between C corps and pass-through. You libs should love this, its about fairness.
If true he has to face his constituents.

I'm happy that he is voting yes though
That is the way the game is played.
Are you tired yet, of them laughing at you, as they play it?
We should be. This is the same tactic that was used to pass the ACA.

But it will never change because they have us too busy fighting each other over "left vs right". As long as we view the "other" side as evil and the enemy those in power win and we all lose. A divided populus is much easier to control.

The country is not this divided by accident, it was by design.

Honestly, I think this is one of the downsides to the internet. When these political conversations take place primarily in anonymous forums, people tend to get real disrespectful and hostile, the people who do tend to stand out in the memories of those arguing with them, thus it's very easy to get the impression that those with the opposing political viewpoints are hateful psychopaths. To some degree, maybe they are, because I have a hunch that it's only the threat of potential violent reprisal that keeps people like that civil in face-to-face conversations.

On the other hand, the sudden prevalence of social justice theory in our academia and popular culture isn't helping. Telling everyone that life is one big power struggle between teams defined by race, gender, and sexual preference is a surefire way to make a lot of people hate each other for no good reason. This privilege narrative based entirely on group identity and stereotypes, near as I can tell, is little different from what the Dutch did in Rwanda with all that Hutu and Tutsi nonsense.
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Little Bob Corker swore he would never vote for the Trump tax plan. He is now voting for it. One good thing about those dirty swamp alligators is you can always buy them when you need them.

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