Exposing trans fraud

LOL....You might be on to something there. They nailed a defrocked priest the next county over for kiddy diddling.
They who?

The Deep State globalists?

Maybe they framed the guy to make him look bad -- as part of Soros' attacks on Christians and stuff

It's fun to see you guys go in and out of your conspiratorial delusions....
Why don't you speak to the issue instead of making lame insults that a 3rd grader might make?

The fact of the matter is that the medical complex knows a cash cow when they see one. It matters not to them if it's a minor or adult to be subjected to their butchery because they know it's a cash cow that keeps on giving with further procedures.
Also because it's a psychiatric disorder - so you can't run some tests and conclusively prove - yup, it's cancer, or diabetes or .... 'But the "doctor" says puberty blockers are the only way to properly treat my child's dysphoria.'
There are thousands of people around the world getting surgery to change their sex... its a fad... but what happens when it all goes wrong?... what will these doctors do when the lawsuits begin to fly at them?...
I'm sure that the patients have to sign a release form.
I'm sure that the patients have to sign a release form.

A "release form" doesn't release any doctor from malpractice if he gave the patient a faulty diagnosis or unreasonable expectations during the consultation.

That is the information, after all, that the patient relied on to make the decision to get the de-dicking.
I'm sure that the patients have to sign a release form.
If you are not in good mental condition the signature means nothing... the doctor is the professional... the patient is suffering from a mental disorder and is not held to any release form he or she signs....
Why don't libs just promote playing dress up, instead of running around with the mutilation and the hormone abuse?

If a homo just does the dress up routine- for weeks, months or even years- sooner or later he will realize how stupidass he looks and will be able to just shower up, get a hair cut and get into a man's suit, putting it past him. It doesn't "commit" him to long term freakdom.
If you are not in good mental condition the signature means nothing... the doctor is the professional... the patient is suffering from a mental disorder and is not held to any release form he or she signs....
I have never been, nor am I now, in a "good mental condition". My signature is gold.
The Same Goes for Circumcision

Circumcision has long been considered to have health benefits for the dudes who get it, reducing the incidence of a number of serious diseases.

During WW2, army doctors gave it to a lot of recruits whether they wanted it or not. To this day, circumcision is also being encouraged to reduce disease in a number of African countries.

We can argue about the efficacy of it, but isn't being done to change someone's orientation or some other silliness but for serious reasons.
I have never been, nor am I now, in a "good mental condition". My signature is gold.
You don't get it... the waver can be argued in court to be invalid for that reason... just keep watching its gonna happen... hell If you google it I bet you can find ongoing litigation concerning gender altering surgery... I mean we aren't talking a tooth implant here... this is a radical invasive procedure with unknown side affects....
America. Look how all the NWO shillbots and NPCs try to push you away from God and claim "religious leaders" are the pedos, not the people manipulating and mutilating children.

They are pure evil. In Hell, those who aid and abet child abusers burn along side them.

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