Extend Statute of Limitations on Bush/Chaney Crimes


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
Rumor had it that Senator Cronyn was holding up Eric Holder's nomination because the Statute of Limitations on a few of Bush/Chaney's crimes are about to expire. Right wingers denied this was happening. Sometimes if it looks/smells/acts/walks/sounds like a duck, then it's a duck.

If Bush/Chaney are innocent, then Republicans should have no problem with extending the Statute of Limitations. Right?

One of the most important recommendations by John Conyers in his 487 page recent report "Reining In The Imperial Presidency" was to extend the statute of limitations on the crimes of Bush and Cheney, to allow a fair opportunity for them to be actually investigated by a real prosecutor. Of course the Justice Department was entirely derelict in enforcing the law as to them while they were still in office. To fully preserve and protect the rule of law, the statute of limitations must be extended now.

And sure enough, just the other day Cheney was out there gloating about how the statute of limitations was expiring on some of their most egregious offenses. For example, the midnight putsch to institute a regime of illegal wiretapping occurred in early March of 2004, not quite 5 years ago. We certainly did not expect Alberto Gonzales, who conspired in all of this, to enforce the law when he was attorney general, did we?

Extend Statute of Limitations Action Page:
Extend the Statute Of Limitations on Bush and Cheney's Wiretapping and War Crimes

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