Exterminate All The Brutes


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Midwest - Trumplandia
If you have HBO and have not seen this 4 part docuseries, you are missing some really enlightening, albeit somewhat depressing, television. It is not only very informative, but the content is really riveting, it's like "Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee" combined with Columbus and the slave trade to explore the deep origins of white supremacy since around 1500, and how it has shaped the world. Raoul Peck produced this, and he also narrates it. Josh Hartnett appears frequently, usually as some white person in charge of brutalizing Indians or Africans.

But even if the subject matter is not something you're interested in, you are guaranteed to learn something, and it is very entertaining, nevertheless. Admittedly, all of this happened, and you can process it however you want to.

Everyone want to escape to white countries. Like I told you leftist faggots before black africans sold black africans for 1,000 years to Arabs before the USA was even a country. You leftist fags prove everyday how SUPREME white countries are by how they treat everyone regardless of race, ethnicity, religion etc. Whites are the most tolerant people on Earth.
Everyone want to escape to white countries. Like I told you leftist faggots before black africans sold black africans for 1,000 years to Arabs before the USA was even a country. You leftist fags prove everyday how SUPREME white countries are by how they treat everyone regardless of race, ethnicity, religion etc. Whites are the most tolerant people on Earth.

Jesus, you're a fucking retard. No further elaboration necessary.
Everyone want to escape to white countries. Like I told you leftist faggots before black africans sold black africans for 1,000 years to Arabs before the USA was even a country. You leftist fags prove everyday how SUPREME white countries are by how they treat everyone regardless of race, ethnicity, religion etc. Whites are the most tolerant people on Earth.

Jesus, you're a fucking retard. No further elaboration necessary.
You can't dispute anything I said you loser leftist.
Everyone want to escape to white countries. Like I told you leftist faggots before black africans sold black africans for 1,000 years to Arabs before the USA was even a country. You leftist fags prove everyday how SUPREME white countries are by how they treat everyone regardless of race, ethnicity, religion etc. Whites are the most tolerant people on Earth.

Jesus, you're a fucking retard. No further elaboration necessary.
You can't dispute anything I said you loser leftist.

I can validate that you are a low grade, feeble minded imbecile. See post #5 for proof.
Everyone want to escape to white countries. Like I told you leftist faggots before black africans sold black africans for 1,000 years to Arabs before the USA was even a country. You leftist fags prove everyday how SUPREME white countries are by how they treat everyone regardless of race, ethnicity, religion etc. Whites are the most tolerant people on Earth.

Jesus, you're a fucking retard. No further elaboration necessary.
You can't dispute anything I said you loser leftist.

I can validate that you are a low grade, feeble minded imbecile. See post #5 for proof.
No Black countries listed? Wonder why?

Top Desired Destinations for Potential Migrants
To which country would you like to move?
2010-20122015-2017Estimated number of adults
%%(in millions)
United States2221158
United Kingdom7434
Saudi Arabia5324
United Arab Emirates2212
New Zealand119
South Africa117
South Korea116
*Less than 0.5%

Countries Where at Least Half of Adults Would Like to Move
Desire to migrate
Sierra Leone71
El Salvador52
Congo (Kinshasa)50
Dominican Republic49
If you have HBO and have not seen this 4 part docuseries, you are missing some really enlightening, albeit somewhat depressing, television. It is not only very informative, but the content is really riveting, it's like "Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee" combined with Columbus and the slave trade to explore the deep origins of white supremacy since around 1500, and how it has shaped the world. Raoul Peck produced this, and he also narrates it. Josh Hartnett appears frequently, usually as some white person in charge of brutalizing Indians or Africans.

But even if the subject matter is not something you're interested in, you are guaranteed to learn something, and it is very entertaining, nevertheless. Admittedly, all of this happened, and you can process it however you want to.


You simple minded small thinking plebe.

Amazing that you can't see through billionaire corporate funded elite propaganda.

Sad really.

If you have HBO and have not seen this 4 part docuseries, you are missing some really enlightening, albeit somewhat depressing, television. It is not only very informative, but the content is really riveting, it's like "Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee" combined with Columbus and the slave trade to explore the deep origins of white supremacy since around 1500, and how it has shaped the world. Raoul Peck produced this, and he also narrates it. Josh Hartnett appears frequently, usually as some white person in charge of brutalizing Indians or Africans.

But even if the subject matter is not something you're interested in, you are guaranteed to learn something, and it is very entertaining, nevertheless. Admittedly, all of this happened, and you can process it however you want to.

"It’s astounding that HBO’s new docuseries Exterminate All the Brutes even exists"
haha, no, whats astounding is that this person thinks it is astounding. What would REALLY be astounding is a documentary that accurately depicted the JEWISH dominance of the slave trade to both North and South America, or that noted white christian men and women in Europe and North America were the first humans ever to cast slavery as a moral issue. and actually made it illegal and fouight a war to end it.
If you have HBO and have not seen this 4 part docuseries, you are missing some really enlightening, albeit somewhat depressing, television. It is not only very informative, but the content is really riveting, it's like "Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee" combined with Columbus and the slave trade to explore the deep origins of white supremacy since around 1500, and how it has shaped the world. Raoul Peck produced this, and he also narrates it. Josh Hartnett appears frequently, usually as some white person in charge of brutalizing Indians or Africans.

But even if the subject matter is not something you're interested in, you are guaranteed to learn something, and it is very entertaining, nevertheless. Admittedly, all of this happened, and you can process it however you want to.

"It’s astounding that HBO’s new docuseries Exterminate All the Brutes even exists"
haha, no, whats astounding is that this person thinks it is astounding. What would REALLY be astounding is a documentary that accurately depicted the JEWISH dominance of the slave trade to both North and South America, or that noted white christian men and women in Europe and North America were the first humans ever to cast slavery as a moral issue. and actually made it illegal and fouight a war to end it.

Another clueless fuck.
If you have HBO and have not seen this 4 part docuseries, you are missing some really enlightening, albeit somewhat depressing, television. It is not only very informative, but the content is really riveting, it's like "Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee" combined with Columbus and the slave trade to explore the deep origins of white supremacy since around 1500, and how it has shaped the world. Raoul Peck produced this, and he also narrates it. Josh Hartnett appears frequently, usually as some white person in charge of brutalizing Indians or Africans.

But even if the subject matter is not something you're interested in, you are guaranteed to learn something, and it is very entertaining, nevertheless. Admittedly, all of this happened, and you can process it however you want to.


You simple minded small thinking plebe.

Amazing that you can't see through billionaire corporate funded elite propaganda.

Sad really.

Billionaire corporate funded elite propaganda? What the fuck are you babbling about?

Sad indeed, your intellectual capacity, that is.
If you have HBO and have not seen this 4 part docuseries, you are missing some really enlightening, albeit somewhat depressing, television. It is not only very informative, but the content is really riveting, it's like "Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee" combined with Columbus and the slave trade to explore the deep origins of white supremacy since around 1500, and how it has shaped the world. Raoul Peck produced this, and he also narrates it. Josh Hartnett appears frequently, usually as some white person in charge of brutalizing Indians or Africans.

But even if the subject matter is not something you're interested in, you are guaranteed to learn something, and it is very entertaining, nevertheless. Admittedly, all of this happened, and you can process it however you want to.


You simple minded small thinking plebe.

Amazing that you can't see through billionaire corporate funded elite propaganda.

Sad really.

Billionaire corporate funded elite propaganda? What the fuck are you babbling about?

Sad indeed, your intellectual capacity, that is.

My intellectual capacity huh?

I know the root and origin of the crap you believe. You don't even have the "intellectual capacity," to understand what I am talking about. . . You just admitted it.

You know why this is? BECAUSE I READ. . . and you passively let yourself be fed lies.

Propaganda (1928)

by Edward Bernays​

"THE conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.
We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. . . . "
Everyone want to escape to white countries. Like I told you leftist faggots before black africans sold black africans for 1,000 years to Arabs before the USA was even a country. You leftist fags prove everyday how SUPREME white countries are by how they treat everyone regardless of race, ethnicity, religion etc. Whites are the most tolerant people on Earth.
Not so.
Everyone want to escape to white countries. Like I told you leftist faggots before black africans sold black africans for 1,000 years to Arabs before the USA was even a country. You leftist fags prove everyday how SUPREME white countries are by how they treat everyone regardless of race, ethnicity, religion etc. Whites are the most tolerant people on Earth.
Not so.
Really? Please cite an example of White people seeking asylum in a non-White country. Cue the Jeopardy music.
Everyone want to escape to white countries. Like I told you leftist faggots before black africans sold black africans for 1,000 years to Arabs before the USA was even a country. You leftist fags prove everyday how SUPREME white countries are by how they treat everyone regardless of race, ethnicity, religion etc. Whites are the most tolerant people on Earth.
Not so.
Really? Please cite an example of White people seeking asylum in a non-White country. Cue the Jeopardy music.
You have to prove your assertion, not me.

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