Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. Their failed arguments are examined here:

What about that life being ended in private affects you?

The fact left are in denial about it, and the impact that has, for starts.

Left has a problem with real life, as an example on topic, there's our founding document, for instance....the real inconvenient truth, not some Gore BS:

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.-
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.-

The men that wrote that didn’t regard fetal life to be created equal with born life or that fetal lives are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,

So what is your point? Born life is not at risk when a woman denies life to a fetus inside het own body.
The fact left are in denial about it, and the impact that has, for starts.

I am not in denial. I am asking you what is the impact that an abortion procedure has on you and the society in which you live?

I want to hear from you specifically what that impact is.
As a nation if we encourage young women to hold off until their late 30s to have kids that will help the nation immensely.
There are none more stupid on the rights of women to have safe reasonable legal access to abortion than white Republican Christian MAGA men and women.
Oh, I’m MAGA and I think women should have complete and total access to the birth control method known as abortion. And since they should have this access as a birth control method, should they refuse its use, they should be solely responsible for the resulting birth.

And, that being the case, except within a legal marriage, and after DNA tests concluded the husband is the child’s father, court ordered child support should be abolished.

Look at me, a MAGA progressive!
Waiting until later in life just is so much better but hey be dumb and get married at 20. Divorced by 25. Divorce is a saving grace.
I’m a white male like you but I am not a Christian. My first daughter was born when I was dirt poor and twenty and my wife was 19. Three years later we welcomed our second daughter to our family. In their twenties those two gave me four grandkids and those four grand kids gave me two great grandkids so far. My third daughter came to me through marriage when she was six. We are so close because I quit moving around the country for my work and in her twenties she gave her mom and I a grandaughter last year in June. Because I am retired and my wife kids not I am having the great joy in life of providing day care for this baby. First birthday is coming soon.

Your Christian negativity about this great country of ours bluntly sickens me because what kind of country are MAGA pissed off negative asshole Christian’s offering my grandkids. You are so Christian that you can’t vote against Trump by voting for Biden. You are enabling that my grandkids be cursed to live under some form of dark authoritarianism instead of self-governed optimism. You are a sad man really.
they should be solely responsible for the resulting birth.
having access to safe legal abortion does not mean MAGA stupid men can fuck women and tell them they have to get an abortion because they don’t want to pay for kid he helped create,

How selfish can you MAGA white males get?
The conservative justices on the Supreme Court are all Catholic. The decision to overturn Roe versus wade was a white male Christian nationalist religious driven decision in violation of the constitution

"Evangelicals considered abortion a “Catholic issue” through most of the 1970s, and there is little in the history of evangelicalism to suggest that abortion would become a point of interest. Even James Dobson, who later became an implacable foe of abortion, acknowledged after the Roe decision that the Bible was silent on the matter and that it was plausible for an evangelical to hold that “a developing embryo or fetus was not regarded as a full human being”.

Paul Weyrich (founder of the Heritage foundation) tried to make a point to his religious right brethren that the religious right did not come together in response to the Roe decision. No, Weyrich insisted, what got the movement going as a political movement was the attempt on the part of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to rescind the tax-exempt status of Bob Jones University because of its racially discriminatory policies, including a ban on interracial dating that the university maintained until 2000."

Because abortion involves ending a life.

It depends on beliefs, values and morals

Shame you werent aborted because the way i see it, you are unwanted cells.

Full term gestation has been the experience of women for 2 million years.

She has an option to cross the state lines
Then rational Christians and rational theists and rational atheists and every rational believers in all belief systems ever devised by man can govern themselves and their copulation habits and thus do not ever have that ooops moment.

My question remains why must states force full term gestation on all women who have that oooops moment? What is the reason white Christian nationalist minded states do that but normal secular minded states do not?
As soon as you give men equal rights!
If the nation ever goes against contraception then it's in big trouble. That would be pure immoral. There is no basis for being against contraception.
having access to safe legal abortion does not mean MAGA stupid men can fuck women and tell them they have to get an abortion because they don’t want to pay for kid he helped create,

How selfish can you MAGA white males get?
Ah, see that is the issue, they can't tell women to have an abortion, but can't have a say if they do not want them to have one killing their child!
having access to safe legal abortion does not mean MAGA stupid men can fuck women and tell them they have to get an abortion because they don’t want to pay for kid he helped create,

How selfish can you MAGA white males get?

My proposal doesn’t force anyone to do anything.

Why are you so anti choice?

And, who says men wouldn’t support the child. The law couldn’t stop a man from voluntarily support the child. It simply does not force either to become parents. A very progressive ideal.

You a closet conservative?
Ah, see that is the issue, they can't tell women to have an abortion, but can't have a say if they do not want them to have one killing their child!
Men should make their preference known about giving birth to the child worked out with a woman before leaving their joy juice in the autonomous bi body part known as s vagina. IF NOT YES STFU about it.
HeyNorm I
My proposal doesn’t force anyone to do anything
It forces women to give up financial and parental support when she is morally against abiurtii.

Society has a duty to protect a woman and a baby who she decides will be born

Your deadbeat dead lotta stupid.
HeyNorm I

It forces women to give up financial and parental support when she is morally against abiurtii.

Society has a duty to protect a woman and a baby who she decides will be born

Your deadbeat dead lotta stupid.
All the sudden you got very emotional.

So are you now for forcing parenthood on individuals?

How anti choice can you get?

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