Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. Their failed arguments are examined here:

A woman is not a government. When the fetus is part of her body and without its own consciousness she is not required to give due process to what she does not want to be there.
How are you defining consciousness? In the later stages of development, it actually does have a consciousness by most agreed upon definitions.
A fetus is inside an individual’s body and according to Dr. James Dobson “a developing embryo or fetus was not regarded as a full human being”.

Opinions vary on the matter, but even a pro-choice individual has to define when life should legally begin. 10 years ago, most pro-choice people defined it as the last trimester. Now, it appears that many believe life doesn't legally begin until birth, and yet, the murder of a pregnant woman in many pro-abortion jurisdictions still counts as a double homicide in many cases.
It falls to the individual as well when an inalienable right is not enumerated in the Bill of Rights such as the right of bodily autonomy.

I suspect your Calvinistic Christianity makes you suspect of individuals having rights outside of your religious belief if not specifically mentioned in the constitution.
I'm suspect of democratic governments and humanity in general, but that's neither here nor there. While I do lean Calvinist now, I wasn't particularly impressed with democracy or humanity even when I was an atheist. As the famous quote goes, "the best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter."

Nonetheless, I do support the notion that states can regulate various aspects of life that aren't covered by the Constitution. The Bill of Rights doesn't specify a right to bodily autonomy, although, if we're going there, why did so many advocates of "bodily autonomy" ignore that concept with things like vax mandates?
As the famous quote goes, "the best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter."
As long as you are willing to lick the jackboot of whoever has convinced the police and military and a good share of the citizenry and corporate interests that a dictatorship is the best way to keep civil order much better than all the stupid voters and their elected officials can.
What is a person? 240623 {post•349}. progressive hunter Jun’24 Swiap: a person is an individual human being distinguishable from anyone else,, and since a child at conception has their own unique DNA distinguishable from anyone else that makes them a person,, prgrssvhntr 240624 Swiap00349

Look at this failed argument; How many zygotes has Saint_Progressivehunter been able to distinguish between the zygote sbd and the person the zygote is inside?

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