Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. Their failed arguments are examined here:

Is the state having a biological function

Having a baby is a biological function, not a religious,experience.

That is a very strange comment considering that to Catholics the moment of conception is an extremely important religious experience betwixt a male and a female and the God of Abraham himself. According to legend, the God of Abraham chose that biological function to appear on the planet in a stable full of farm animals on earth a couple thousand years ago?

So conception is a religious experience for many Christian’s but not all.

Jewish teaching holes that the God of Abraham breathes the soul into our mortal bodies at birth. Thus making taking our first breath as we exit the birth canal to be a very religious experience for both the baby and the mother and the father iif nvolved at that point.

What you posted Saint Evilcatbreath lacks credibility when confronted with the religious realities of Judeo-Christian experience and dogma.
That is a very strange comment considering that to Catholics the moment of conception is an extremely important religious experience betwixt a male and a female and the God of Abraham himself. According to legend, the God of Abraham chose that biological function to appear on the planet in a stable full of farm animals on earth a couple thousand years ago?

So conception is a religious experience for many Christian’s but not all.

Jewish teaching holes that the God of Abraham breathes the soul into our mortal bodies at birth. Thus making taking our first breath as we exit the birth canal to be a very religious experience for both the baby and the mother and the father iif nvolved at that point.

What you posted Saint Evilcatbreath lacks credibility when confronted with the religious realities of Judeo-Christian experience and dogma.
Why is it always religion with you. Because you have no logic? Or pure hatred?
That is a very strange comment considering that to Catholics the moment of conception is an extremely important religious experience betwixt a male and a female and the God of Abraham himself. According to legend, the God of Abraham chose that biological function to appear on the planet in a stable full of farm animals on earth a couple thousand years ago?

So conception is a religious experience for many Christian’s but not all.

Jewish teaching holes that the God of Abraham breathes the soul into our mortal bodies at birth. Thus making taking our first breath as we exit the birth canal to be a very religious experience for both the baby and the mother and the father iif nvolved at that point.

What you posted Saint Evilcatbreath lacks credibility when confronted with the religious realities of Judeo-Christian experience and dogma.
You have constructed a religious straw man and argue with it (because that is where your prepared arguments go). Biology has nothing to do with the religious experience. I don't even care about religion. Pregnancy is a biological function for dogs, cats, whales, humans and every other mammal on earth whether they believe in a God or not. Women are no more forced to be pregnant than a stray dog in an alley is forced to be pregnant.
Because you have no logic?

Can you explain to me why religion has nothing to do with abortion and the issue of when the sanctity of life begin?

iIs your argument simply that people that don’t agree with you do not have logic and you do, but you can’t explain the logic of your position
Biology has nothing to do with the religious experience
If you are not entered into the religious experience of Catholic Christianity, why do you speak for them and say that biology has nothing to do with their religious experience?
Having a baby is a biological function, not a religious,experience.
When you say having baby is not a religious experience, but also the fact that you are not religious, then please tell me on what basis do you think states have a right to ban abortion and therefore make women have a baby when they become pregnant unintentionally?
If you are not entered into the religious experience of Catholic Christianity, why do you speak for them and say that biology has nothing to do with their religious experience?
If you are not entered into the religious experience of Catholic Christianity, why do you speak for them and say that biology has nothing to do with their religious experiene?
I am not a catholic. I have no interest in catholic religious experiences. You might be catholic, or a failed, angry catholic. Biology is a science that stands apart from religion like astronomy does. It has nothing to do with Catholicism, Protestantism, Judaism or any other kind of ism.

Why do you continue to move to religion? Do you have any arguments that do not rely on the catholic experience? If not, you are pointless.
When you say having baby is not a religious experience, but also the fact that you are not religious, then please tell me on what basis do you think states have a right to ban abortion and therefore make women have a baby when they become pregnant unintentionally?
My objection was to the complete nonsense that the state forces pregnancy on a woman. States have a right to ban abortion on the same grounds they have a right to permit abortion.
I know that. I asked you why you are answering for Catholics that childbirth is not part of the Catholic experience?
I answered never mentioning Catholics. You needed religion because you are used to using religion in whatever side you picked out for yourself. Childbirth is part of the female experience whether the female is Catholic, Muslim or hottentot. If childbirth were somehow exclusively part of the Catholic experience, Catholic men would share in the Catholic experience.
Can you explain to me why religion has nothing to do with abortion and the issue of when the sanctity of life begin?

iIs your argument simply that people that don’t agree with you do not have logic and you do, but you can’t explain the logic of your position
My position oozes with logic. If men have no right to determine if the child lives or dies, then they have no obligation at all.

Pretty clear and overtly logical.
It doesn’t matter because she originally used her third pregnancy to challenge Texas Law. Then she was paid $500,000 by Evangelical Christians to say she opposed abortions. Perhaps she really did, perhaps she really did not, She grew up in poverty, She would’ve been a fool not to take take Jesus’ money from the Evangelicals

The Evangelicals are the ones who should be denounced,
It does matter, because it establishes that she's not credible for the basis of a court case. In any other case, the ruling would have been immediately challenged. Instead, it took about 50 years.

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