Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. Their failed arguments are examined here:

no that is just what you want to believe, that child may have more traits of the father than the mother, he should have equal say in the child's life. It is a special right that women have been given, they understand that, and will fight for the right to be the only ones with a special right.
Again, more confused sentiments. Thinking that because you contributed to a woman's pregnancy gives you equal say in how she manages that pregnancy is like believing that coughing on someone and getting them sick entitles you to tell them how to treat their cold. It's a stupid fucking argument on its face. Also, it's biology that gave women preview over pregnancy, you can only use law to try and subvert what is hers by nature. You continue to be an absolute failure at understanding both biology and legal rights. Congratulations. :laugh:
She had that right right up until she willingly entered into a sexual encounter where the man is equally involved!
No men have the opportunity to choose not to have sex with a woman, knowing that she is not ready or willing or capable of gestating an egg wherein his seed has been planted. A man should know the woman well enough before sticking his dick in her when he has sex to parent a child.
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I think many, maybe not most would still vote for it to be legal, based on the fact that the state still intervenes with our tax dollars to raise said child.
It makes a huge difference when they have to put their money where their mouth is. Today’s anti abortion folk would vote against legal abortion. We know that. And millions more that either want financial support from the man, or an actual father in the child’s life would vote against legal abortion as well.

In the end, the vote wouldn’t even be close.
Again, more confused sentiments. Thinking that because you contributed to a woman's pregnancy gives you equal say in how she manages that pregnancy is like believing that coughing on someone and getting them sick entitles you to tell them how to treat their cold. It's a stupid fucking argument on its face. Also, it's biology that gave women preview over pregnancy, you can only use law to try and subvert what is hers by nature. You continue to be an absolute failure at understanding both biology and legal rights. Congratulations. :laugh:
You continue to try and dance around the issue of it's how humans procreate, and the man gets no say in what is equally his, by trying to change the subject nice try but you have not answered anything. However it is even more disgusting when you compare human life to a virus it really shows who you are, sub human.
No men have the opportunity to choose not to have sex with a woman, knowing that she is not ready or willing or capable of gestating an egg wherein his seed has been planted. A man should know the woman well enough before sticking his dick in her when he has sex to parent a child.
There you go again putting all responsibility on the man, the woman should also know what time in her monthly cycle she is in and not allow said dick into her baby making machine!
For half a million dollars …..

Roe v Wade: Woman behind US abortion ruling was paid to recant​

20 May 2020
Getty Images This 21 January, 1998, file photo shows Norma McCorvey, the woman at the centre of the US Supreme Court ruling on abortion, testifying before a US Senate Judiciary Committee subcommittee hearing
Getty Images
McCorvey spent the final years of her life campaigning against abortion access
The woman behind the 1973 ruling legalising abortion in the US is seen admitting in a new documentary that her stunning change of heart on the issue in later life was "all an act".
Norma McCorvey, known as Jane Roe in the US Supreme Court's decision on Roe v Wade, shocked the country in 1995 when she came out against abortion.
But in new footage, McCorvey alleges she was paid to switch sides.
The documentary, AKA Jane Roe, airs this Friday on the US channel FX.
The programme was filmed in the last months of McCorvey's life before her death at age 69 in 2017 in Texas.

The Supreme Court ruling came after McCorvey, then a 25-year-old single woman under the pseudonym "Jane Roe", challenged the criminal abortion laws in Texas that forbade abortion as unconstitutional except in cases where the mother's life was in danger.
Henry Wade was the Texas attorney general who defended the anti-abortion law. McCorvey first filed the case in 1969, when she was pregnant with her third child and claimed that she had been raped. But the case was rejected and she was forced to give birth.
In her "deathbed confession", as she calls it, a visibly ailing McCorvey says she only became an anti-abortion activist because she was paid by evangelical groups.
"I was the big fish," she said. "I think it was a mutual thing. I took their money and they'd put me out in front of the cameras and tell me what to say.

"That's what I'd say. It was all an act. I did it well too. I am a good actress. Of course, I'm not acting now."
She added: "If a young woman wants to have an abortion, that's no skin off my ass. That's why they call it choice."
Okay, so what? Her recanting did nothing to swing any judges opinion on the issue of whether abortion was a state or federal issue. You got a nothing burger.
Her original testimony had no bearing on the decision.

McCorvey first filed the case in 1969, when she was pregnant with her third child and claimed that she had been raped. But the case was rejected and she was forced to give birth.​
No one forced her to give birth. That's just silly.
No one forced her to give birth. That's just silly.
The State of Texas did. Roe determined that. The Evangelicals agreed with Roe. Then the rightwing millionaires and the right wing Catholics convinced the evangelicals to join the Saving Baby Fetus Cult when Reagonomics for uplifting billionaires began in the Eighties. Since then the Right Wing Catholics and their billionaires have placed a total of six Catholics on the Supreme Court who are more aligned with the Saving Baby Fetus Cult then they are aligned with the Constitution and the idea of individual rights, especially when it comes to women’s bodies.
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The State of Texas did. Roe determined that. The Evangelicals agreed with Roe. Then the rightwing millionaires and the right wing Catholics convinced the evangelicals to join the Saving Baby Fetus Cult when Reagonomics for uplifting billionaires began in the Eighties. Since then the Right Wing Catholics an d their billionaires have placed a total of six Catholics on the Supreme Court who are more aligned with the Saving Baby Fetus Cult are with the constitution and the idea of indivridual rights, especially when it comes to women.
Nonsense. Unless the state of Texas forcibly held this woman down and insemination her she was not forcibly pregnant. Pregnancy is a biological function. Is a man (or woman) forcibly bald because they can't get hair restoration? Find a better argument.
You continue to try and dance around the issue of it's how humans procreate, and the man gets no say in what is equally his, by trying to change the subject nice try but you have not answered anything. However it is even more disgusting when you compare human life to a virus it really shows who you are, sub human.

Did we learn nothing from the Same Sex Marriage debate? Didn’t the left say, while that debate was the hot topic, that sex wasn’t about procreation? Now, somehow it is?

Good god, what hypocrisy
Did we learn nothing from the Same Sex Marriage debate? Didn’t the left say, while that debate was the hot topic, that sex wasn’t about procreation? Now, somehow it is?

Good god, what hypocrisy
Gay marriage was never the end goal.
You continue to try and dance around the issue of it's how humans procreate, and the man gets no say in what is equally his, by trying to change the subject nice try but you have not answered anything. However it is even more disgusting when you compare human life to a virus it really shows who you are, sub human.
A woman's body isn't equally yours, not even a pregnant one, even if you did the impregnating. That's also not biology you dumb failure of human being. :laugh:
A woman's body isn't equally yours, not even a pregnant one, even if you did the impregnating. That's also not biology you dumb failure of human being. :laugh:
Keep dancing boy! The woman is only one part of two needed to create and the man gets no rights
You're needed to fertilize her egg you failure. That's where your biological contribution begins and ends. She's the one who gestates it.
Yes Biology, you are finally getting it, it takes two it is equally the man and the womans you're learnin boy

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