Esteemed Cook Political Report Releases Its First Polling On Swing States And Hoo Boy, "Unsustainable"

Moron, you weren't even talking to me.

And you stating you have only 2 grand and then trying to play it off like it never happened mocks ONLY YOU, no one else.
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Doomer Alert: DEM MARXIST are Evil corrupt dirty busterds. Every one of them, including all infecting this site.

The filthy disgusting scum will poision the worthless old crook and put in an Angry Black woman (AWB) ASAP. Died of natural causes. Who could argue that? They’d all laugh. No religion, no morals, decency or integrity in them

Then they will use bogus mail in names-ballots to load the box for the ABW. They will re-run stacks, lose scans, ignore signatures and hack into count machines also to get just enough votes. It will be a miracle for the fourth Obama term. OBiden no more, America is finished. The old smelly fossil is dead to them. Nothing will stop them. I’m like Trump, seldom wrong. I was first on this site to predict President Trump. I mopped the floor with Jake Starkey, dirty Care, RW and Candy the Porn-addict too.//
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he’s surrounded by a bunch of Marxists, a bunch of fascists, and they want to keep their jobs, and they want to destroy our country. But he has no clue, he doesn’t, if you look at him, he doesn’t know where he is,” Trump said.

Trump cast significant doubt over Biden’s participation in the upcoming 2024 presidential election. “And I doubt he will even be running frankly, I just can’t even imagine it.”

**President Trump is now beginning to come around to my thoughts on Obiden 3.0.
Victor David Hanson:

That would be, he said, a “sort of a buffoon. He is by nature a grandstander who handsomely profited from his office while posing as good ole Joe from Scranton.”

But he’s really a “a blowhard meddler, one who proverbially has been ‘wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades (Robert Gates),’ from dissenting on the Bin Laden raid to his trisection of Iraq scheme.”

Hanson points out Biden routinely misleads people – he’s repeatedly and wildly claimed that inflation was 9% when he took office. It was 1.4%.

He slurs people, calling them “semi-fascists,” “fat” and “lying dog-faced pony soldiers,” among the nicer.

“He is a confessed plagiarist. And he has also invented much of his biography, from would be star, college-scholarship athlete and brilliant law student to semi-truck driver and jailed civil rights activist. His uncle, we are instructed, was eaten by cannibals. Joe assures us that he was the first in his family to go to college,” Hanson wrote.
His racism, “boy,” “you ain’t black,” “Put y’all back in chains,” never is far below the surface.

“Biden has always had a mean streak that explains why for years he lied about the tragic, fatal auto accident of his first wife and child, using it to libel the truck driver, who was neither drunk nor culpable but smeared publicly for years by Biden as intoxicated and guilty. For years he ignored the pleas of the trucker’s family to please stop libeling an innocent driver,” he said.

A change came about recently, though, he said.
“Biden has reached a nadir and even the Left is resigned to him as a mere construct. After bragging after October 7 that his support for Israel was rock-solid he is now cutting off military aid as it attempts finally to end the Hamas murderous threat—a reversion to old Joe Biden who in his long past has previously threatened to cut off Israel while boasting later that anyone who did so was reprehensible. (Leveraging congressional mandated aid for political advantage is precisely the (false) allegation of politicking that the Democrats demagogued to impeach Trump—to the then cheers of Biden himself),” Hanson said.

So he’s a sellout on Israel, he’s drawing down the strategic petroleum reserve to lower gas prices – specifically to enhance his election changes, “he has illegally forgiven billions in student loan aid to regain the elite youth vote. And as the campaign season begins, so too Biden suddenly poses as a border enforcer—after letting in nearly 10-million illegal aliens.”

The Biden family’s lucrative schemes, including Hunter Biden’s “Burisma skullduggery,” shows he always puts his own interests ahead of the nation’s.

And then there’s the creepy: “Any other major politician who habitually invaded the private space of women and preteens to blow on their hair, gobble their necks, squeeze and hug far too long, and be accused of sexual assault would have long since been cancelled by the left,” he said.

“Add the old disturbing narrative of a naked Vice President Joe Biden exiting his pool in front of female secret service agents, the showering with his pre-teen daughter, the Frank Biden and Hunter naked selfies, and there seems something eerie among the Biden family.”

And Hanson blames Biden for the “entire lawfare scheme directed at Trump.”

He concluded, “If Biden makes it to and through the convention, he and his record remain indefensible. And so expect his campaign largely to be waged through lawfare against Trump, and massive infusions of leftist cash to ensure record mail-in and early voting.”
Yeah ya got me.

Now do you care to discuss the actual poll, or any of the myriad of polls that show Biden losing every single swing state?

Of course not.

Because, as these desperate/flailing ad hominem attacks clearly signal, you're getting nervous.

Even you can see what's coming.

Hey, don't blame us, we tried to warn ya. ;)

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