Extreme cheapskates


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
omg. It's as nasty as Hoarders.

And that one family? One tub of water, ALL the family uses the same tub of water. They also all sleep in the same bed for body warmth. It is just gross.

So why am I watching it? I guess it's like a train wreck.
omg. It's as nasty as Hoarders.

And that one family? One tub of water, ALL the family uses the same tub of water. They also all sleep in the same bed for body warmth. It is just gross.

So why am I watching it? I guess it's like a train wreck.

That used to be the standard, not the exception..only they bathed once or twice a year..
Some of these people on this show are just NASTY. Eww.
Yeah. I know. They used to pour perfume all over themselves to cover their odor. And all kinds of critters used to nest in the hairdos of the ladies.

I was grossed out but not enough to turn the channel.
One family uses the same toothbrush. And floss. Yes, floss. And q-tips. He uses one side, she uses the other.

I won't watch it again. Fact. It's just too nasty.

And the worse thing about the whole show is....these people are not poor. They have money, have nice homes, drive nice cars. But they are too chinzy to spend anything when they can get it free. Like the woman who made her 10 year old kid have his birthday party at a senior center because they could use the facilities for free. And the fireman that made his wife sick 3 times by taking home rotten food left in the firehouse fridge because that is their dinner...every night. And his daughters Sweet 16 birthday party was done at a strip bar because it was free.
This show is going to screw up the truly poor. After seeing this, I will think twice before helping someone out unless I view their car first. One guy never used his own water in his rental to wash his dishes...he would go to the neighbor and tell them the dishwasher was busted and do his dishes in HER machine, use HER water. And the same dude never took showers. He used toilet wipes. More than once. He washes them out, lets them dry, then uses them again. AND, he never did laundry at his home either. He would take it to a laundry mat and ask people if he could toss his clothes in with theirs. Wash AND dry. And he had plenty of money.
I saw the show once. Like anything taken to the extreme it's meant to shock.

But I know when I was 17 and on my own I used to wash dishes, I would take the bread off plates that would have been tossed. It saved me a lot of money.

I am frugal, very frugal, to this day I still buy most of my clothes from consignment shops but I have too much pride to walk up to someone's front door and ask if I can have the leftovers in their fridge.

The thing with the tub is gross and really they aren't saving any money there. A 3 minute Navy shower where you rinse shut off the water soap up and rinse again uses very little water the whole family could shower and use less water than filling up the tub once.
Oh, I used to wash clothes in the tub but I didn't have a washer or dryer. I also didn't have much money. I also was a dishwasher at a greasy spoon and what looked like un eaten food, I would put in a bag. I was poor then too. I never asked for a handout, though. I worked in some form or another for everything I got. These people are not poor. They are just tightwads living in fancy houses and driving brand new cars.
Oh, I used to wash clothes in the tub but I didn't have a washer or dryer. I also didn't have much money. I also was a dishwasher at a greasy spoon and what looked like un eaten food, I would put in a bag. I was poor then too. I never asked for a handout, though. I worked in some form or another for everything I got. These people are not poor. They are just tightwads living in fancy houses and driving brand new cars.

If they were truly cheapskates they would never buy a new car.

I wonder how much of the show is staged.

But the hoarding thing mentioned before is nuts.

One of my tenants was a hoarder and I had to clean that unit out. GROSS.

I changed my lease policies after that. Now I require an annual inspection of the unit before I will renew a lease.
well i hit the jackpot ...mom became a hoarder in later life....and it took me years to clean the house out....

now mom and dad were depression kids...dad was okay after it...mom never recovered....you could not flush the toilet much at her house....raised the sewage bill...to this day there is only a washer...no dryer...her stove clock began to make a noise...when it flipped..yes flipped that is how old it was...most would simply replace the stove...o hell no....she would simply cut it off at the breaker...which was outside...i grew up thinking we were one step away from the poor house..(granted i should have noticed that my dad thought nothing of dropping several grand on a trained english setter) but mom never let on to having a cent...we use to joke she could make the buffalo on a nickel shit she squeezed it so hard but in her defense...she would feed the hungry kids in the neighborhood...

hoarding amazes me...i just do not get it....why save 500 more paper bags when you did not use the first 100? and its not just open space hoarders...she was not that.....but open a drawer or closet door and it was stuffed full...steamer trucks with my baby clothes.....they were dry rotted
I watched part of this show, I found it to be obviously staged and most likely not at all accurate.
I have no doubt these people are indeed cheapskates, but like soooo many of these "reality" shows - they are setup.
how true...the conway guy on mountain men....what a joke...he doesnt ride a horse to coyote joe's when he goes out to dinner....and he is not gonna starve....if his kale crop fails....

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