Extreme heat in Arizona preventing planes from taking off and melting plastic and paint

Right now it's 60 in KC. Had to come in off the deck earlier

I think my heat wave is heading your way gramps.. better stock up on that whisky and stay indoors ..lol
Central air! Ftw

I used to live in the sun during my younger days..Did you all have big outdoor concerts?
80% of the concerts I goto are outdoors. All at big amphitheatres or stadiums. I catch a few indoors here or there but those are usually the washed up artists

I am at this exact concert one of the blondies out in the crowd in 1977 in the 95 degree direct sun heat all day... Lynyrd Skynyrd free bird..

Right now it's 60 in KC. Had to come in off the deck earlier

I think my heat wave is heading your way gramps.. better stock up on that whisky and stay indoors ..lol
Central air! Ftw

I used to live in the sun during my younger days..Did you all have big outdoor concerts?
80% of the concerts I goto are outdoors. All at big amphitheatres or stadiums. I catch a few indoors here or there but those are usually the washed up artists

I am at this exact concert one of the blondies out in the crowd in 1977 in the 95 degree direct sun heat all day... Lynyrd Skynyrd free bird..

I love that song LOL, one of my all time favorites.
Right now it's 60 in KC. Had to come in off the deck earlier

I think my heat wave is heading your way gramps.. better stock up on that whisky and stay indoors ..lol
Central air! Ftw

I used to live in the sun during my younger days..Did you all have big outdoor concerts?
80% of the concerts I goto are outdoors. All at big amphitheatres or stadiums. I catch a few indoors here or there but those are usually the washed up artists

I am at this exact concert one of the blondies out in the crowd in 1977 in the 95 degree direct sun heat all day... Lynyrd Skynyrd free bird..

I was at this one 4 years ago... im the old ass under the tree....It was at Liberty Memorial, the only WW1 memorial in the country. The flame at the top of the spire never goes out.

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Palm Springs 115 back in 1971 didn't even break a sweat because it was dry heat. In the Midwest you can feel like you are roasting when it gets to 80 degrees because of the humidity.

In a "dry heat" (and I know dry heat....Sun Devil is not the mascot for Montana State), a breeze can make your face feel like a piece of parchment paper.

In a humid heat...a breeze feels fantastic.
I think the media is being highly over dramatic about the heat. I'm in AZ at the moment and love the heat and sun. Honestly I can't tell the difference between 105 and 120. It's not like the city is shutting down or anything, and when going from your AC home to your car with AC it's not that bad.
I think my heat wave is heading your way gramps.. better stock up on that whisky and stay indoors ..lol
Central air! Ftw

I used to live in the sun during my younger days..Did you all have big outdoor concerts?
80% of the concerts I goto are outdoors. All at big amphitheatres or stadiums. I catch a few indoors here or there but those are usually the washed up artists

I am at this exact concert one of the blondies out in the crowd in 1977 in the 95 degree direct sun heat all day... Lynyrd Skynyrd free bird..

I was at this one 4 years ago... im the old ass under the tree....It was at Liberty Memorial, the only WW1 memorial in the country. The flame at the top of the spire never goes out.

Super song, but I didn't see an old man under a tree..
I think the media is being highly over dramatic about the heat. I'm in AZ at the moment and love the heat and sun. Honestly I can't tell the difference between 105 and 120. It's not like the city is shutting down or anything, and when going from your AC home to your car with AC it's not that bad.

You must be a youngin still...I have 0 tolerance for the heat now ( almost feel like fainting)...
Central air! Ftw

I used to live in the sun during my younger days..Did you all have big outdoor concerts?
80% of the concerts I goto are outdoors. All at big amphitheatres or stadiums. I catch a few indoors here or there but those are usually the washed up artists

I am at this exact concert one of the blondies out in the crowd in 1977 in the 95 degree direct sun heat all day... Lynyrd Skynyrd free bird..

I was at this one 4 years ago... im the old ass under the tree....It was at Liberty Memorial, the only WW1 memorial in the country. The flame at the top of the spire never goes out.

Super song, but I didn't see an old man under a tree..

I was under all the topless girls of course
Arizona is no stranger to heat waves. But even by natives’ own high standards, the past week has been scorching. The Guinness World Record for hottest temperature ever recorded is 134 degrees Fahrenheit. In Phoenix and Tempe, Arizona, it’s touched 119 degrees and just barely gone below 90 at any point over the past week, according to the National Weather Service.

Extreme Heat in Arizona preventing planes from taking off and melting plastic and paint

It gets hot as hell in Az. it is dry heat but when you stay in the sun dry heat or not that heat is something else.

Yes, it was really hot last week...up in the 100's in Northern California, finally cooled down.. I can't imagine what it is like in Arizona..
I had a layover once in Arizona, so awful hot I could never live there.
---------------------------------- at least you have air conditioning , think what it was like for the settlers or 'indians' before the settlers. And when was it that air conditiong became common [1960s maybe] EWings .

Have you ever been to the Washington DC..? You can't even breath it is so humid and hot.. Those people wore layers and layers of clothing back in the 1700- 1920's ...

I run out and do my errands early and get home before it is hot... You are right , we are blessed to have cool air in our home..

What state do you live in Pismoe?
------------------------------------------------------for the last 20 years or so i've lived all round the USA , mostly the PNW , rural Nevada and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan . I travel a lot within the USA . Yeah , i was in DC for about a week , think it was in the mid 60s , 1968 or so . I and 2 friends hitchhiked to DC for the anti War riots and protests although we weren't anti war , we just went for the party and the 'hippie' chicks . I ended up with a 'yippie' flag as souvenier that i found in the street and I / we slept under a Chrysler 'New Yorker' and other new cars that were set up as displays in DC's big train / transport terminal . Also went to the Smithsonian EWings .
Arizona is no stranger to heat waves. But even by natives’ own high standards, the past week has been scorching. The Guinness World Record for hottest temperature ever recorded is 134 degrees Fahrenheit. In Phoenix and Tempe, Arizona, it’s touched 119 degrees and just barely gone below 90 at any point over the past week, according to the National Weather Service.

Extreme Heat in Arizona preventing planes from taking off and melting plastic and paint

It gets hot as hell in Az. it is dry heat but when you stay in the sun dry heat or not that heat is something else.

Yes, it was really hot last week...up in the 100's in Northern California, finally cooled down.. I can't imagine what it is like in Arizona..
I had a layover once in Arizona, so awful hot I could never live there.
---------------------------------- at least you have air conditioning , think what it was like for the settlers or 'indians' before the settlers. And when was it that air conditiong became common [1960s maybe] EWings .

Have you ever been to the Washington DC..? You can't even breath it is so humid and hot.. Those people wore layers and layers of clothing back in the 1700- 1920's ...

I run out and do my errands early and get home before it is hot... You are right , we are blessed to have cool air in our home..

What state do you live in Pismoe?
------------------------------------------------------for the last 20 years or so i've lived all round the USA , mostly the PNW , rural Nevada and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan . I travel a lot within the USA . Yeah , i was in DC for about a week , think it was in the mid 60s , 1968 or so . I and 2 friends hitchhiked to DC for the anti War riots and protests although we weren't anti war , we just went for the party and the 'hippie' chicks . I ended up with a 'yippie' flag as souvenier that i found in the street and I / we slept under a Chrysler 'New Yorker' and other new cars that were set up as displays in DC's big train / transport terminal . Also went to the Smithsonian EWings .

Pismoe , I was wrong about you....lol I always thought that you were younger than me and in the south..lol
Only to find out that you are old to enough to be a hippie, and hung out with the hippie chicks...
And best of all you were in DC during the Anti -war protests....super cool. Please tell us what that was like.
I went to those Smithsonians in the early 2000's with my boys and husband too.. it was walking between the buildings that I could hardly breath because it was so hot.

I hitched hiked all over as well during the 1970's on the west coast ( Washington ) to Seattle concerts finding out later that at the same time Ted Bundy was picking up girls to kill them in Seattle.

Did you go to Woodstock?
Arizona is no stranger to heat waves. But even by natives’ own high standards, the past week has been scorching. The Guinness World Record for hottest temperature ever recorded is 134 degrees Fahrenheit. In Phoenix and Tempe, Arizona, it’s touched 119 degrees and just barely gone below 90 at any point over the past week, according to the National Weather Service.

Extreme Heat in Arizona preventing planes from taking off and melting plastic and paint

It gets hot as hell in Az. it is dry heat but when you stay in the sun dry heat or not that heat is something else.

Yes, it was really hot last week...up in the 100's in Northern California, finally cooled down.. I can't imagine what it is like in Arizona..
I had a layover once in Arizona, so awful hot I could never live there.
---------------------------------- at least you have air conditioning , think what it was like for the settlers or 'indians' before the settlers. And when was it that air conditiong became common [1960s maybe] EWings .

Have you ever been to the Washington DC..? You can't even breath it is so humid and hot.. Those people wore layers and layers of clothing back in the 1700- 1920's ...

I run out and do my errands early and get home before it is hot... You are right , we are blessed to have cool air in our home..

What state do you live in Pismoe?
------------------------------------------------------for the last 20 years or so i've lived all round the USA , mostly the PNW , rural Nevada and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan . I travel a lot within the USA . Yeah , i was in DC for about a week , think it was in the mid 60s , 1968 or so . I and 2 friends hitchhiked to DC for the anti War riots and protests although we weren't anti war , we just went for the party and the 'hippie' chicks . I ended up with a 'yippie' flag as souvenier that i found in the street and I / we slept under a Chrysler 'New Yorker' and other new cars that were set up as displays in DC's big train / transport terminal . Also went to the Smithsonian EWings .

Pismoe , I was wrong about you....lol I always thought that you were younger than me and in the south..lol
Only to find out that you are old to enough to be a hippie, and hung out with the hippie chicks...
And best of all you were in DC during the Anti -war protests....super cool. Please tell us what that was like.
I went to those Smithsonians in the early 2000's with my boys and husband too.. it was walking between the buildings that I could hardly breath because it was so hot.

I hitched hiked all over as well during the 1970's on the west coast ( Washington ) to Seattle concerts finding out later that at the same time Ted Bundy was picking up girls to kill them in Seattle.

Did you go to Woodstock?
-------------------------------------------------well remember , i was PRO War , kill the enemy , ALL the enemy . i still am and i am 68 soon to be 69 in November . Course i just kept my mouth shut or wrapped around a bottle of cheap wine and checked out the 'hippie chicks' . On the way to 'DC' we got picked up be a Reverand with a buncha hippies and he was a liberal . As we drove into DC we could see the Washington Monument and the good Reverand says , hey look , its the Ameican Phallic symbol . I cracked up . Next morning i woke up on the floor of some church with a 'h.c.' looking down at me . She offered me a hard boiled egg . Then we 3 , Larry , Foot and me , 3 guys from the Upper Penisula of Michigan just cruised around DC and we went to the Smithsonian . There was no charge to get in that i remember and it was a cool place . We stayed at the transportation hub [Grand Central station like or maybe it was] under new cars displayed as advertisements for their makers or dealers . I got up one morning all hungover and moaning and i remember a male commuter laughing at me . Later on or whenever it was we were out walking around at early evening and some riots or store vandalism had happened . We were just walking around unaware of the vanalism but i almost fell down as i slipped on plate glass that was on the sidewalk . When i almost fell down i saw the 'yippie' flag and picked it up as a souvenir . It was fun and as i said , i went for the part and 'hippie chicks' EWings .
as far as Woodstock , i woulda went if i had known and i was in the area as i had ridden my motorcycle to Pennsylvania so i was in the area on a 3 month trip inspired by BRONSON . I didn't know though so i never made it to Woodstock EWings .

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