'Extremely Unfair': Bernie Sanders Denies His Form of Socialism Is the Same as Venezuela's or Cuba's

That's because Bernie's form of socialism is purely imaginary. In his mind, it actually works. However, Venezuela and Cuba have the real thing on display:

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), a Democratic presidential candidate, argued that his support for "democratic socialism" is not the same as the form of socialism that the government has imposed in countries such as Venezuela and Cuba.

Sanders made his comments during the presidential debate on Thursday evening. The senator was asked why he hasn't called Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro a dictator and if his socialist policy proposals are different from the socialist policies in Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua.

"Anybody who does what Maduro does is a vicious tyrant. What we need now is international and regional cooperation for free elections in Venezuela so that the people of that country can make -- can create their own future. In terms of democratic socialism, to equate what goes on in Venezuela with what I believe is extremely unfair. I'll tell you what I believe in terms of democratic socialism," Sanders said.

"I agree with what goes on in Canada and in Scandinavia, guaranteeing health care to all people as a human right. I believe that the United States should not be the only major country on earth not to provide paid family and medical leave. I believe that every worker in this country deserves a living wage and that we expand the trade union movement," he added.
In Bernie's form of Socialism, unicorn farts soak excess CO2 from the atmosphere, ending man-made global climate warming change
Nazism is the way to go, others just haven’t done it right.
Of course it isn't. They're looking at Canada, Australia, Germany, Norway. Talk radio has its minions terrified about Venezuela, but that's all just for fun. And ratings.
Sorry Bernie Bros But Nordic Countries Are Not Socialist
Correct. They would be referred to as "democratic socialist" by anyone who is paying attention.
Democratic Socialist without a military to pay for, or a UN to pay for or NATO to pay for or 3 dozen smaller countries to provide $billions in aide to.
If America was 1/4th as nationalistic/region-centric as European countries are...we could afford many things.
No question America pays a price to maintain a military that is stronger than the next ten nations combined

It comes at the expense of modern infrastructure, affordable healthcare and education and the environment
You may have a point but we painted ourselves in a corner in building military hardware as our production facilities and know how have dwindled in building the things we need to a minimum of places. As they shut down we lose the ability or massively slow down the ability to make these things. WW 2 is a long time ago...
Of course it isn't. They're looking at Canada, Australia, Germany, Norway.

Talk radio has its minions terrified about Venezuela, but that's all just for fun. And ratings.
Socialism is always Mandatory, Whether people want it or not… That is why it will always be a failure
They do that by earning a good income, dumbass
Made possible by a strong economy fueled by peole with economic security and disposable income,ya fuckin moron. Goddamn you people are stupid.
dude, it honestly hurts me to dumb myself down enough to try and understand you.
That was an adorable bit of irrelevant crybabying. Why are you always so goddamn whiny?
mostly cause you're here. idiocy is painful to me. like nails on a chalkboard.

go away and see if i stop whining.
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Bernie wants the Government to do more for working people in healthcare, education and ability to retire

And idiot liberals want free shit...go figure.

No ......the Government doing things for the people is not “free shit” because it is needed

The Government doing things for the wealthy is FREE SHIT
Yes, it is free shit. Whether you need something is almost entirely subjective.

The American people deserve a standard of living that includes healthcare, education and a comfortable retirement. Other countries do it

The wealthy do not deserve a larger slice of the pie

Deserve? Get off your fricken lazy rear and earn.
Our economic system is nothing like Venezuela. They have an economy based on one product...OIL

Social Programs is not Socialism
Then Sweden isn't socialist.

They have social programs

Socialism controls the means of production, prices and wages

Not even close
They have all the same social programs we have. The government does not run productive enterprises. It doesn't control prices or wages. They have private property in Sweden.

You are sadly ill informed about the economics of the countries you admire.
So they are not Socialist

Neither is what Bernie is asking
yes Canada where you can get locked up for your speech
yes Canadian were you can be put to death when the government decides it isn't going to treat you any longer
yes Canada the land of the free and the just
why don't you just move there and save the rest of us from your socialist crap a political ideology that mass murdered over 140 million and counting


I love you guys. Canada? Really? Hum, Go on......
move there and see for your self say something the government doesn't like you saying and see if you won't be thrown in jail

here take a read

A teenager was later arrested for growling and woofing at two Labrador dogs in public, a café owner was investigated for showing biblical passages on a TV screen, and an LGBT group was arrested under section 5 for protesting anti-gay persecution in the Middle East. While one would hope such a law would only be used in extraordinary circumstances, it's actually very common. Between 2001 and 2003, 51,285 people were found guilty in court of having violated section 5, including 8,489 minors ranging from 10 to 17 years of age. Can you imagine a 10-year-old boy facing a judge having to explain why he broke the law and called his teacher stupid? Kids don't know the consequences of their actions and don't always think before they speak. Should they really be held to the same standards as adults?
Think Canada Allows Freedom of Speech? Think Again

and yes from the Huffington Post so you cant claim rightwing fake news

Did I say something about Canada? Do I look Canadian Eh! I do like Moosehead lager and their assortment of buds but.....why?
didn't you use Canada in your argument how wonderful socialism is

No. Never gave an opinion on socialism except that it's not going to happen short of a violent revolution or an entirely new Constitution And I doubt either of those will come to pass for at least another few generations. Now Bernie hypes his social programs as socialism but without changing the structure of the Government itself, it is a mere talking point, and a 'bashing a dead horse' point for the right.

But I like Canada.
Great, go live there, millions of Americans want nothing to do with shit eating socialism.
And millions of conservatives cannot survive socialism....
Of course it isn't. They're looking at Canada, Australia, Germany, Norway.

Talk radio has its minions terrified about Venezuela, but that's all just for fun. And ratings.
That's not democratic socialism.

It's closer to Venezuela and Cuba than anything.

Then you don't understand what they are saying.

It really isn't all that tough. I know it's easier to just scream VENEZUELA, but it's just not accurate.
Socialism is government ownership and control of the means of production.

Democratic Socialism is the same thing, but we all get to vote on things.


Canada, Australia, Germany, and Norway are not true "socialist" states. They have a lot of government freebies, but not straight-up government ownership and control of production, like Venezuela and Democratic Socialism.

And the Democrats are not after government ownership of production and distribution.

Health care? Yes, and I'm against Single Payer too. But they're not talking about ownership across the board, and non-socialist countries have Single Payer.

I just wish we could have an honest, pragmatic conversation about where along the continuum of government involvement is optimal.

Just screaming SOCIALISM or VENEZUELA at everything that moves is silly and pointless. Just like the way the Left screams RACISM at everything that moves.

I think we've lost the ability to communicate.

Of course it isn't. They're looking at Canada, Australia, Germany, Norway. Talk radio has its minions terrified about Venezuela, but that's all just for fun. And ratings.
Sorry Bernie Bros But Nordic Countries Are Not Socialist
Correct. They would be referred to as "democratic socialist" by anyone who is paying attention.
Democratic Socialist without a military to pay for, or a UN to pay for or NATO to pay for or 3 dozen smaller countries to provide $billions in aide to.
If America was 1/4th as nationalistic/region-centric as European countries are...we could afford many things.
No question America pays a price to maintain a military that is stronger than the next ten nations combined

It comes at the expense of modern infrastructure, affordable healthcare and education and the environment
Na, not really
Fucked up socialist entitlement programs dorf all other spending you stupid ass motherfucker
Bernie wants the Government to do more for working people in healthcare, education and ability to retire

And idiot liberals want free shit...go figure.

No ......the Government doing things for the people is not “free shit” because it is needed

The Government doing things for the wealthy is FREE SHIT
Yes, it is free shit. Whether you need something is almost entirely subjective.

The American people deserve a standard of living that includes healthcare, education and a comfortable retirement. Other countries do it

The wealthy do not deserve a larger slice of the pie
People deserve the station in life they are at… That’s just the way it is
Our economic system is nothing like Venezuela. They have an economy based on one product...OIL

Social Programs is not Socialism
Then Sweden isn't socialist.

They have social programs

Socialism controls the means of production, prices and wages

Not even close
They have all the same social programs we have. The government does not run productive enterprises. It doesn't control prices or wages. They have private property in Sweden.

You are sadly ill informed about the economics of the countries you admire.
So they are not Socialist

Neither is what Bernie is asking
It sure as hell is.
Of course it isn't. They're looking at Canada, Australia, Germany, Norway. Talk radio has its minions terrified about Venezuela, but that's all just for fun. And ratings.
Sorry Bernie Bros But Nordic Countries Are Not Socialist
Correct. They would be referred to as "democratic socialist" by anyone who is paying attention.
Democratic Socialist without a military to pay for, or a UN to pay for or NATO to pay for or 3 dozen smaller countries to provide $billions in aide to.
If America was 1/4th as nationalistic/region-centric as European countries are...we could afford many things.
No question America pays a price to maintain a military that is stronger than the next ten nations combined

It comes at the expense of modern infrastructure, affordable healthcare and education and the environment
learn your history ignorant liberal
last time we had an underfunded undermanned weak military we literally was almost taken out by one strike
does Peal Harbor ring a bell to you? took the US almost a year after that to build up a military that was capable to mount any meaningful offense to stop Japan and Germany
The only difference in Sanders form and Trumps form is the recipients.

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