Exxon accurately predicted GW in the 70s but kept casting doubt for decades

Judge Kessler’s Landmark 2006 Decision Finding Big Tobacco Guilty In 2006, Federal District Court Judge Gladys Kessler found the major cigarette manufacturers guilty of violating civil provisions of RICO and guilty of lying to the American public about the deadly effects of cigarettes and secondhand smoke.

The nearly 1,700-page ruling found that: “Over the course of more than 50 years, Defendants lied, misrepresented, and deceived the American public, including smokers and the young people they avidly sought as ‘replacement smokers,’ about the devastating health effects of smoking and environmental tobacco smoke, they suppressed research, they destroyed documents, they manipulated the use of nicotine so as to increase and perpetuate addiction, they distorted the truth about low tar and light cigarettes so as to discourage smokers from quitting, and they abused the legal system to achieve their goal – to make money with little, if any, regard for individual illness and suffering, soaring health costs, or the integrity of the legal system.”

Lying about cigarettes is against the law? What law?
Lying about cigarettes is against the law? What law?
Civil racketeering laws (RICO). It was right there in the link I posted. Problems with reading/comprehension? You may want to look at some remedial courses. Good luck.
Civil racketeering laws (RICO). It was right there in the link I posted. Problems with reading/comprehension? You may want to look at some remedial courses. Good luck.

Thanks for the link.

RICO allows the government to punish people associated with criminal activity.

What crime? What law? Your link was no help. Try again?
Run away. LOL!
Poor retard. Remember, a mind is a valuable thing to waste. Brush up on your reading/comprehension, and then reread the link a few times.

Or, maybe you can have some one explain the link to you? That would help, too.

I promise it will make a lot more sense. Good luck. :itsok:
Poor retard. Remember, a mind is a valuable thing to waste. Brush up on your reading/comprehension, and then reread the link a few times.

Or, maybe you can have some one explain the link to you? That would help, too.

I promise it will make a lot more sense. Good luck. :itsok:

Let me know if you ever find out what law they broke.

Or you could run away again. DURR
Retard. What part of "Civil racketeering laws (RICO)" don't you get?

RICO defines a wide variety of criminal activities based upon an organization’s status as one that derives income from criminal offenses. Individuals cannot acquire, establish, or operate any enterprise with illegally derived income, acquire or maintain any interest or control of any enterprise through illegal activity, or use any enterprise to commit illegal acts. These laws help federal prosecutors to pursue charges against high-level organized crime figures who might otherwise be able to distance themselves from a variety of charges through an appearance of plausible deniability.

What was the crimininal offense? What was the illegal activity? The illegal acts?
How was income derived illegally?

Try not to swallow your tongue while you're floundering around. Moron.
The oil giant Exxon privately “predicted global warming correctly and skilfully” only to then spend decades publicly rubbishing such science in order to protect its core business, new research has found.

A trove of internal documents and research papers has previously established that Exxon knew of the dangers of global heating from at least the 1970s, with other oil industry bodies knowing of the risk even earlier, from around the 1950s. They forcefully and successfully mobilized against the science to stymie any action to reduce fossil fuel use.

A new study, however, has made clear that Exxon’s scientists were uncannily accurate in their projections from the 1970s onwards, predicting an upward curve of global temperatures and carbon dioxide emissions that is close to matching what actually occurred as the world heated up at a pace not seen in millions of years.

The research analyzed more than 100 internal documents and peer-reviewed scientific publications either produced in-house by Exxon scientists and managers, or co-authored by Exxon scientists in independent publications between 1977 and 2014.

Armed with this knowledge, Exxon embarked upon a lengthy campaign to downplay or discredit what its own scientists had confirmed. As recently as 2013, Rex Tillerson, then chief executive of the oil company, said that the climate models were “not competent” and that “there are uncertainties” over the impact of burning fossil fuels.

“They could have endorsed their science rather than deny it. It would have been a much harder case to deny it if the king of big oil was actually backing the science rather than attacking it.”

Climate scientists said the new study highlighted an important chapter in the struggle to address the climate crisis. “It is very unfortunate that the company not only did not heed the implied risks from this information, but rather chose to endorse non-scientific ideas instead to delay action, likely in an effort to make more money,” said Natalie Mahowald, a climate scientist at Cornell University.

Mahowald said the delays in action aided by Exxon had “profound implications” because earlier investments in wind and solar could have averted current and future climate disasters. “If we include impacts from air pollution and climate change, their actions likely impacted thousands to millions of people adversely,” she added.

Yep. The climate science denial industry is a big business.
This is a big "so what". Are the OP and the writers of the Guardian article suggesting that Exxon Mobil should have shut down operations long ago as the "responsible" thing to do? Would the world be better off without all its transportation and power options today?

A little bit of "climate change" is a lot better than a return to a preindustrial hunter-gatherer based society that libs somehow think is so great.
Doesn't matter. It's too late to fix.
They are suggesting that Exxon should have been honest. Just like the Tobacco companies that knew from their own scientific finding that tobacco use contributed to lung cancer and other diseases and yet continued to claim in public that tobacco was safe.

In short, some may say Exxon was hypocritical. Others may say they were criminals in their suppression of the true facts. Remember, tobacco companies had to pay huge fines for their crimes of suppressing data.

Why would it make a difference if they mentioned it or not? It wasn't like deindustrialization was what anyone wanted.

As far as the Cigarette companies are concerned, the term "coffin nails" for their product dates from the 19th Fucking Century. Everyone knew that they weren't good for you, the cigarette companies just didn't emphasize the downside of their product.

And the "fines" assessed against the cigarette companies didn't hurt them a bit, they just increased the price and passed it on. Are you suggested tripling the price of fuel as a "solution"?
RICO defines a wide variety of criminal activities based upon an organization’s status as one that derives income from criminal offenses. Individuals cannot acquire, establish, or operate any enterprise with illegally derived income, acquire or maintain any interest or control of any enterprise through illegal activity, or use any enterprise to commit illegal acts. These laws help federal prosecutors to pursue charges against high-level organized crime figures who might otherwise be able to distance themselves from a variety of charges through an appearance of plausible deniability.

What was the crimininal offense? What was the illegal activity? The illegal acts?
How was income derived illegally?

Try not to swallow your tongue while you're floundering around. Moron.
Are you always this stupid, or did we catch you on a bad day?

Yes, what you posted was the criminal provisions of RICO. As I keep posting repeatedly, the tobacco companies were charged under the "Civil racketeering laws of RICO."

Gad, this is why I avoid communicating with retards. Not only do they not know how to read/comprehend but don't take the time to do some basic research before posting dumb questions.
Are you always this stupid, or did we catch you on a bad day?

Yes, what you posted was the criminal provisions of RICO. As I keep posting repeatedly, the tobacco companies were charged under the "Civil racketeering laws of RICO."

Gad, this is why I avoid communicating with retards. Not only do they not know how to read/comprehend but don't take the time to do some basic research before posting dumb questions.

The cigarette concerns were , however, never convicted of anything. They agreed to a settlement, and it was the smart move as it kept them in business and didn't cost them anything. All of the fines were passed on to their customers.
Are you always this stupid, or did we catch you on a bad day?

Yes, what you posted was the criminal provisions of RICO. As I keep posting repeatedly, the tobacco companies were charged under the "Civil racketeering laws of RICO."

Gad, this is why I avoid communicating with retards. Not only do they not know how to read/comprehend but don't take the time to do some basic research before posting dumb questions.

If you ever pull your head out of your ass, post the crimes they committed.
Be specific.

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