Ezra Levan offers $10,000 for video of blackface Trudeau singing day o

WHITE SUPREMACY IS ALWAYS DESCENDING ON TRUMP, YET LANDING ON TRUDEAU: “Video shows Trudeau in blackface in 3rd instance of racist makeup.”

Allahpundit tweets, “Does Trudeau wear blackface … casually? Like, does he unwind after a hard day at work by pouring himself a drink and dabbing on a little shoe polish?”

It’s Come to This? Justin Trudeau reminds media they don’t have to cover for him.


Andy Ngo notes that “At a press conference in Winnipeg, Justin Trudeau connects his black/brown face scandal to Canada’s issues with ‘systemic racism.'”

He realized immediately it’s a mistake and what he does is he tries to act the philosopher or a king and he rises above it and he says, “and now we’re going to teach the nation,” whereas he was the one who made the mistake.

Prime Minister Zoolander
WHITE SUPREMACY IS ALWAYS DESCENDING ON TRUMP, YET LANDING ON TRUDEAU: “Video shows Trudeau in blackface in 3rd instance of racist makeup.”

Allahpundit tweets, “Does Trudeau wear blackface … casually? Like, does he unwind after a hard day at work by pouring himself a drink and dabbing on a little shoe polish?”

It’s Come to This? Justin Trudeau reminds media they don’t have to cover for him.


Andy Ngo notes that “At a press conference in Winnipeg, Justin Trudeau connects his black/brown face scandal to Canada’s issues with ‘systemic racism.'”

He realized immediately it’s a mistake and what he does is he tries to act the philosopher or a king and he rises above it and he says, “and now we’re going to teach the nation,” whereas he was the one who made the mistake.

Prime Minister Zoolander


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