Right there with you. I'm done watching this season.


One advantage; Daughtry wont be bound by the VERY oppressive contract the winner signs. :)
Katherine should have gone home ....

I'm still rooting for Taylor, though.
Of course Daughty went home. There's no way he could make it as a solo act. He'll need a band. I mean, American Idol tried that experiment with Bo Bice, and look how shitty his album is. Daughtry needs to go find the remaining members of Creed and he'll be fine. I'm wondering if he's still under some opressive contract, however. I'm pretty sure after a certain point more than just the winner get shafted.
Said1 said:
Is that other guy with the teeth still there?
Haha. I was thinking that too. I wonder if they give him a crazy make-over so he's more appealing. I never thought they'd let a guy with such terrible teeth win.
He still has a terrible jaw line, even if the teeth are capped or yanked.
They're all great, but only one has that "it" factor.
I think it's Taylor. K is pretty but blahhh, a plain jane, elliot the same.

Clay, I'm pretty sure they all get tied into a nasty contract when choosen at auditions. Could be wrong, but I remember reading something like that awhile back. The winner really gets screwed, as I recall.
The ClayTaurus said:
Of course Daughty went home. There's no way he could make it as a solo act. He'll need a band. I mean, American Idol tried that experiment with Bo Bice, and look how shitty his album is. Daughtry needs to go find the remaining members of Creed and he'll be fine. I'm wondering if he's still under some opressive contract, however. I'm pretty sure after a certain point more than just the winner get shafted.
Rumor has it that the members of Fuel approached him after his version of
"Hemorrhage in my hands". Taylor has stage presence but I'd be worried about
how much of that presence actualy shows on an audio cd. I'm convinced
that people only vote for McPhee because she's half-way good lookin.
Of the three left, Elliot has the best talent all around IMO. He seems to
be the guy who can sing but doesn't "appeal" to the public so I guess he'll
get the short end of the stick. Either way, I'm done this season, I'll wait for
Daughtry's album.
SnaggleTooth Vanillasinger is going to win. His style is soooooo boring. I can't think that Epileptic Dancer could win and McTeenTeaser is only getting votes because she was willing to do the sex pump on the stage and that time she "lost" a button.

Admittedly SnaggleTooth isn't as bad as MangledMouth was, but dude needs some braces pretty bad.
The ClayTaurus said:
Of course Daughty went home. There's no way he could make it as a solo act. He'll need a band. I mean, American Idol tried that experiment with Bo Bice, and look how shitty his album is. Daughtry needs to go find the remaining members of Creed and he'll be fine. I'm wondering if he's still under some opressive contract, however. I'm pretty sure after a certain point more than just the winner get shafted.

Actually, the former band-mates of Creed formed Alter Bridge quite awhile back: www.alterbridge.com

As far as Bo goes? I was flipping thru channels last week - his video was #1 on VH1 so I don't think he's doing quite as bad as you say he is...

I think ANY of those singers need a band, hello??!?! Ya think they're gonna go out there and sing Acapella?

I suppose on the good-news side is now Chris can hurry up and go make an album I can buy....
no1tovote4 said:
SnaggleTooth Vanillasinger is going to win. His style is soooooo boring. I can't think that Epileptic Dancer could win and McTeenTeaser is only getting votes because she was willing to do the sex pump on the stage and that time she "lost" a button.

Admittedly SnaggleTooth isn't as bad as MangledMouth was, but dude needs some braces pretty bad.

It's a risk, but 100 cyberbucks says, Taylor wins.
Ya in?
Mr. P said:
It's a risk, but 100 cyberbucks says, Taylor wins.
Ya in?
Talyor might win. Fact is he will not sell as many albums that any of the
other three (including Chris) might. The one shot at selling the most
records was booted last night. Now they all know they're in for a hard time
trying to promote the next Idol. Nothing stands out the way it did with Carrie
so they will have to work harder, harder than they would with Chris.
Taylor is the most original performer on there, but that doesn't translate to being an American Idol. Elliot really rubs me the wrong way, maybe it's the teeth, I dunno, he just seems like the type of guy who would be hanging out with his "g's" in the parking lot of a 7-11 on a friday night. Katherine is pretty and pretty bland. But, Taylor wouldn't work well on CD, I think.

I never liked Chris. But I felt bad about how casually they broke the news yesterday, they must've run out of time or something.

Oh, well, as usual, one of the singers will make a little bit of cash while Simon Fuller blows his nose with $10,000 checks.

I hate that my stupid roommate watches this show so much. I could care less about it, and yet here I am, knowing as much as any fan about it.
Every season there's one singer who sounds so much like Elmer Fudd, that I expect to hear the words "Silly Wabbit" at any moment. Daughtry was this year's Elmer. Glad to see him go, just for that.

I agree with Clay- Daughtry is a front man for a band guy, not pop singer material, which is what Idol is all about, no?

Whoever wins, they are light years better than Fantasia, at least.
Abbey Normal said:
Every season there's one singer who sounds so much like Elmer Fudd, that I expect to hear the words "Silly Wabbit" at any moment. Daughtry was this year's Elmer. Glad to see him go, just for that.

Baby I LOVE you - but you are SOOOOOOOOO wrong for that. :(


(sigh). And here I thought you were pefect?



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