Face it dems - Biden was drunk


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Loud, rude, obnoxious. Nobody likes a drunk. Ryan was smart and let ol joe hang himself.
The dem ticket is a dummy and drunk.
He behaved like an old cranky Gramps who has dementia. A part of old Geriatric dementia is being extremely rude, yelling, out of control.
I'm not sure he was.

The debate had its schizoid moments, however, controlled by its 2-against-1 stench of an extremist press liberal employing thespian theater to orchestrate a Biden chide.

There ought to be a limit to using unfair theatrics to foist on the public, but what is one to do? :dunno:

I do believe Ryan rose to the occasion better than anyone else ever could've.

And I do hope they find a suitable animal shelter to send the maddog woman who ran the silly show.

I think the American public is smart enough to send the charming clowns to second place by voting Republican. We need to get sanity back into government, and I hope the argument is settled by a public wise enough to realize the "don't read, just pass" Obamacare law is against its better interests as the most expensive tax hike ever levied against the American middle class, no matter how Dear Vice President Joe squealed how they were going to "lower taxes on the middle class," he was still assuming the American public hasn't connected the Supreme Court's ruling that its cost are a tax; that using Medicare funds to early-start Obamacare before it is scheduled to take effect after everyone's wages are diminished by this tax Democrats have theatricized as worthy to fix all of America's problems, when it will only bring high marks to America's misery index.

I wish our best economists would quit running for cover and bring this information out of the closet as only they can.

I give dear Vice President Biden a pass. He did as instructed to the letter because he is a good actor. He knew what to do, when to yell, how to answer the MC and how to make the fall guy out of himself out of partisanship and loyalty to his master's marxist causes of hurting America by taxing the middle class to death while trying to make everyone else of consequence their whipping boy.

Just my opinion.

When he realizes what he has done, Vice President Biden is likely to take up drinking, however. I think that would be a loss. Unfortunately, he has lost sight of who Americans are and America's true destination to right wrong in the world.

I think the Republican ticket can steer us back into that much-needed role in the world by an America the Sleeping Giant, whom Yamamoto feared in the wake of his small victory of Pearl Harbor by saying,

"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."

Yamamoto was right. They shouldn't have messed with Americans. Neither should the liberal media bent on communizing America in conjunction with forces controlling the thoughts of the Democrat party right now. Joe Biden and co screwing with America should not win elections. We need to put an APB out on precinct chairmen who do the dirty trick of stuffing the box and an APB out on politicians who use taxpayer money to fund their relatives' failed green venture fiascos, walking away wealthy with US Treasury cash, leaving the taxpayer's investment empty. Emptor caveat, my fellow Americans. Buyer, beware.
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Lord, the lefties here really liked ole Joe's performance. What does that tell you?? Wonder how out of control their kiddos are??
Lord, the lefties here really liked ole Joe's performance. What does that tell you?? Wonder how out of control their kiddos are??

Precisely what Pat Buchanan said.. This debate fired up the liberal base.. NOTHING MORE. Independents were totally turned off by old Joe's maniacal outbreaks.
Sore loser much, conservatives?

Enjoy that crow. Chew it up. Tasty, ain't it? Every one of you crybabies was declaring to the heavens that Biden was a moron and Ryan would humiliate him, which would cement the glorious victory of TheParty and DearLeaderRomney ....

... and it didn't happen. Instead, the "moron" delivered a beatdown to the Ryan punk. And did it with a smile on his face.

Here, have another shovel of that crow. Plenty more where that came from.
My momma would have back handed me if I behaved like Biden did last night. My kids knew better than pitch a hissy fit. That's exactly what Biden did. He had nothing to counter the Romney/Ryan plan except more of the same. So he acted like a spoiled child, doing what ever he could to take the attention off the other guy. Rudeness is never acceptable in my book, interrupting a speaker is about as rude as you can get.

Yea, it was a hissy fit. :)
Sore loser much, conservatives?

Enjoy that crow. Chew it up. Tasty, ain't it? Every one of you crybabies was declaring to the heavens that Biden was a moron and Ryan would humiliate him, which would cement the glorious victory of TheParty and DearLeaderRomney ....

... and it didn't happen. Instead, the "moron" delivered a beatdown to the Ryan punk. And did it with a smile on his face.

Here, have another shovel of that crow. Plenty more where that came from.

Ahemmm, Biden is a "moron" and he behaved like one last night. So animated he could have been in the center ring of the circus. :lol:
Not sure what he was on, but man it sure made him laugh A LOT. Wonder if he had the muchies, too. :D

Biden should have stayed away from the brownies and the punchbowl before the debate last night.

We all need to PRAY that Obama does not become "incapacitated" before January, 2013 (when he leaves office). Having Biden as President for one MINUTE is a frightening thought.
Sore loser much, conservatives?

Enjoy that crow. Chew it up. Tasty, ain't it? Every one of you crybabies was declaring to the heavens that Biden was a moron and Ryan would humiliate him, which would cement the glorious victory of TheParty and DearLeaderRomney ....

... and it didn't happen. Instead, the "moron" delivered a beatdown to the Ryan punk. And did it with a smile on his face.

Here, have another shovel of that crow. Plenty more where that came from.

Put down the crack pipe, and walk away. Help is available, if you admit you have a problem.
The lesson we draw from all this? Republicans are much bigger sore losers than Democrats. There wasn't anything close to this level of butthurt and denial when Obama lost.
Sore loser much, conservatives?

Enjoy that crow. Chew it up. Tasty, ain't it? Every one of you crybabies was declaring to the heavens that Biden was a moron and Ryan would humiliate him, which would cement the glorious victory of TheParty and DearLeaderRomney ....

... and it didn't happen. Instead, the "moron" delivered a beatdown to the Ryan punk. And did it with a smile on his face.

Here, have another shovel of that crow. Plenty more where that came from.

Blindfold: secure, check
Understanding of previous posts: ignored, check
Self-obfuscating: intact, check
Attitude: obnoxious, as expected, check
Belief system: liberal brainwashing, check
Degree: Magna cum ninnyhammer, check

Sorry mamooth, dear. We're not buying what you're selling today.

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