Face It, We're Dealing With People Who Just Don't Care


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Every Democrat could care less that we're in a shutdown. They don't care enough to bend one inch. They want the public to suffer as much as possible. To them the shutdown is a win. If the shutdown ends without the GOP totally giving up then they consider that a total loss.

Barack Obama is a heartless narcissistic asshole that doesn't care how much turmoil he causes for America. Harry Reid is a compulsive liar that is well hated in his home state. He once told a medical technician who was giving him a test that he smelled bad. The man has no sense of decency. Chuck Schumer actually encourages depositors to withdraw their funds from banks as a form of punishment. These people feel that nobody has the right to earn a living other than them.

There is no hope for a good outcome like in the past. We're dealing with the worst kind of scum imaginable. Mob rule trampling the rights of minorities. Southern Democrats were the most racist Americans in our history and now they've been replaced by liberals, Statists, and Progressives.

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The most helpful way to "deal with it" is to ask oneself: "How can I profit from this?".

Then once that's established, do it. No matter who it might please or hurt. Look out for #1; yourself.

Hey, it works for Obama!
This is just a Good Crisis that they are doing their best not to waste.

If I had a second wife, she would look like Mirim Carey.. Wait, she looks like Michelle

My bad

Mud, you have sucked off the government teat all of your life, as a career warrior and as a civilian worker and contractor.

Please, just can it.
The Dem's are out there in the House Floor hewing and crying about the children and food stamps and head start and on and on. What a circus.
Yet they refuse to pass the bills that they want, for each and every one they are complaining about.
Go figure.
If Reid and the President had just been reasonable and delayed the Health Care bill for one year then they could have gotten the glitches in their software program corrected.
Everything else was funded.

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