Face It, We're Dealing With People Who Just Don't Care

LOL. And this kind of nonsense is all your fruitloops have. The GOP poll numbers are continueing to do the deep dive, and you fools think you can reverse that by demonstrating what idiots you are with silly pictures. Oh well, your problem, not mine.
LOL. And this kind of nonsense is all your fruitloops have. The GOP poll numbers are continueing to do the deep dive, and you fools think you can reverse that by demonstrating what idiots you are with silly pictures. Oh well, your problem, not mine.

No your problem is OBAMA and that is a major problem

LOL. And this kind of nonsense is all your fruitloops have. The GOP poll numbers are continueing to do the deep dive, and you fools think you can reverse that by demonstrating what idiots you are with silly pictures. Oh well, your problem, not mine.

How can their numbers dive when they were already in single digits?

You libs are so predictable it's ridiculous.

We knew you fuckers would be spending the shutdown talking about how you were gonna see the end days of the GOP rubbing your little peckers like there's no tomorrow.
The media is slowly losing their hold on the public. Enjoy it while you can libs. The public is getting fed up with these games.

Articles: Why This Shutdown Is Different

.......weak-kneed Republicans need to see how the American public is reacting thus far. Press reports indicate that the predominant public reaction to the news about the government closure is a loud yawn.

Why is that? Many reasons, I suspect, but one is that the MSM can't shape public opinion like it once might have.

There's a lesson here for the GOP: Stick to your guns!

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/2013/10/why_this_shutdown_is_different.html#ixzz2goMH8cae
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Every Democrat could care less that we're in a shutdown. They don't care enough to bend one inch. They want the public to suffer as much as possible. To them the shutdown is a win. If the shutdown ends without the GOP totally giving up then they consider that a total loss.

Barack Obama is a heartless narcissistic asshole that doesn't care how much turmoil he causes for America. Harry Reid is a compulsive liar that is well hated in his home state. He once told a medical technician who was giving him a test that he smelled bad. The man has no sense of decency. Chuck Schumer actually encourages depositors to withdraw their funds from banks as a form of punishment. These people feel that nobody has the right to earn a living other than them.

There is no hope for a good outcome like in the past. We're dealing with the worst kind of scum imaginable. Mob rule trampling the rights of minorities. Southern Democrats were the most racist Americans in our history and now they've been replaced by liberals, Statists, and Progressives.


Hey mudwhistle....are you Jonah's sock? chuckle

The Corner | National Review Online

Every Democrat could care less that we're in a shutdown. They don't care enough to bend one inch. They want the public to suffer as much as possible. To them the shutdown is a win. If the shutdown ends without the GOP totally giving up then they consider that a total loss.

Barack Obama is a heartless narcissistic asshole that doesn't care how much turmoil he causes for America. Harry Reid is a compulsive liar that is well hated in his home state. He once told a medical technician who was giving him a test that he smelled bad. The man has no sense of decency. Chuck Schumer actually encourages depositors to withdraw their funds from banks as a form of punishment. These people feel that nobody has the right to earn a living other than them.

There is no hope for a good outcome like in the past. We're dealing with the worst kind of scum imaginable. Mob rule trampling the rights of minorities. Southern Democrats were the most racist Americans in our history and now they've been replaced by liberals, Statists, and Progressives.


Hey mudwhistle....are you Jonah's sock? chuckle

The Corner | National Review Online

Nope.....I'm the foot.

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