Donald Trump All For Putting The Ten Commandments In Schools

Trump is an adulterer.

Trump is a bearer of false witness.

Trump has never repented, thus he wallows in unrighteousness with his swine maggats.
God is not a religion
In this case it IS about religion. The same p e ople eho push for the ten commandments and other Christian displays in schools would bevsgsinst similar displays from other religions. They want THEIR r er ligious views represented but not others.
Any republicans who are still sane are peeling off from today's republican party and candidates who back trump's "agenda"...Project 2025 and religion in schools...and who don't want a demented old man as president. Every day we learn of republicans who are either not endorsing nor voting for trump or who are saying they will vote for Kamala Harris. They are wise and realize that vote will not change their identity nor make them Democrats, it will make them patriots

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