Facebook ban of breast-feeding photos sparks protests

And please, tell me where women are being forced to completely cover themselves in the US, just like in Islam? Or give some example of exactly how we're coming closer to that?
Good lord.
The entire world disagrees with you, loon.

LOL Oh sure, like all the nudists ... all the porn stars ... how about the women who enjoy tanning or just swimming at all. Yeah ... sure. If nudity of any sort bothers you there is something wrong with you, not those who enjoy being cool in the summer time.
How many nudists, total, do you think there are in the world? How many porn stars....real porn stars who choose to be stars and not the ones involved in the slave trade....

My point is that it's a tiny number of people. The rest disagree with you. Democracy saves the day, we aren't going to be subjected to viewing the uncovered flesh of lunatics any time soon.
"Photos containing a fully exposed breast (as defined by showing the nipple or areola) do violate those terms (on obscene, pornographic or sexually explicit material) and may be removed," he said in a statement.

Just so everyone knows ahead of time, I share this sentiment regarding avatars.

Why is it soooo offensive? Is there some strange disease you can catch just by being in the same area as a visible nipple?

It's just a long-standing and wide-spread fetish, found in a great many cultures and particularly prominent in this one.

Taboos are natural, too, you know.
why would someone post pictures of themselves breast feeding in the first place? That's just strange IMO.

Actually sounds like something someone like you would do.

"I'm posting in protest. I am woman, hear me roar."
women should be able to walk around without shirts, just like men...I have no issue with breasts or even breast feeding...my issue is with people who seem to want to put their entire lives on display like every minute is for public consumption...it's just strange.

Next will they want to stop closing off stalls in the public restroom so you just take a shit right out in the open, I mean it's just nature in action, right?

I'm actually in favor of posting pictures of women breastfeeding. I had no idea breasts could DO THAT until I was in my 20s.
I'm actually in favor of posting pictures of women breastfeeding. I had no idea breasts could DO THAT until I was in my 20s.

I like the women who can crush beer cans with em----maybe that would be ok to post if you wore pasties. :lol:
Apparently you didn't read National Geographic, lol.
I swear that I'd never seen it before until I was at a picnic, in Utah, when I was in my mid-20s, and saw a partially bared breast. I felt like homer simpson...

are they, as a business, required to follow your opinion or THEIR POLICY, conservative?

well since the consumers opinion is the bottom line maybe they should take it into account. now answer the question, what are they afraid of? why is feeding a baby offensive?
Here is why I like nudists more than others. Why is it soooo offensive? Is there some strange disease you can catch just by being in the same area as a visible nipple? Are they spraying milk into everyone's faces and I am just not seeing it? If it's not sexual then the breast is no different than an arm or leg, the nipple no different than a finger or toe. It's just people being over sensitive and it all begins with banning one stupid thing before sooner or later we are all dressing like ... well ... muslims.

well since the consumers opinion is the bottom line maybe they should take it into account. now answer the question, what are they afraid of? why is feeding a baby offensive?

As Abelian Sea, exposed nipples are currently taboo. Some apparently want to make them kosher in certain situations.
women should be able to walk around without shirts, just like men...I have no issue with breasts or even breast feeding...my issue is with people who seem to want to put their entire lives on display like every minute is for public consumption...it's just strange.
Next will they want to stop closing off stalls in the public restroom so you just take a shit right out in the open, I mean it's just nature in action, right?

like when they yakety yak on the telephone incessantly right out loud? I hate that.
well since the consumers opinion is the bottom line maybe they should take it into account. now answer the question, what are they afraid of? why is feeding a baby offensive?

are you kidding me? do you want to reassess that answer before I pounce on you from about 6 different directions?

I'll answer your question.. but i'm going to give you a second chance to answer my question.
And please, tell me where women are being forced to completely cover themselves in the US, just like in Islam? Or give some example of exactly how we're coming closer to that?

It's curious that many "feminists" here have the same rationale about the prohibition of nudity that Islamic fundamentalists do. They argue that nudity degrades women, which is the same argument that Islamic fundamentalists make about Western attire. If you spoke to a women wearing a burqah or even a hijab, she likely wouldn't tell you that she's "oppressed." She'd tell you that she was preserving her own modesty.
Here is why I like nudists more than others. Why is it soooo offensive? Is there some strange disease you can catch just by being in the same area as a visible nipple? Are they spraying milk into everyone's faces and I am just not seeing it? If it's not sexual then the breast is no different than an arm or leg, the nipple no different than a finger or toe. It's just people being over sensitive and it all begins with banning one stupid thing before sooner or later we are all dressing like ... well ... muslims.

It's not against Facebooks terms of use to show a toe.. It is against their terms of use to show an entire breast...

Those are the terms one agrees to PRIOR to creating their account.

If the mother doesn't like it, why waste time attacking them for doing exactly what they said they would do? She can go elsewhere and create another account, or better yet, start her own private site and post anything she wants.
are you kidding me? do you want to reassess that answer before I pounce on you from about 6 different directions?

I'll answer your question.. but i'm going to give you a second chance to answer my question.

go ahead and pounce, you don't skeer me!

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