Facebook Cult


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2017
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Regarding "Liz Cheney/Adam Kinzinger Against Trump". I have a facebook friend, known her almost forever, but not well. She's rabid Trump syndrome, folks are really bringing it, the stuff accounts for nearly all her posts. Anyway, I clicked on one of her links, and it was this site. Read some of it, lots of users (58K), but the comments were strictly left.

So I joined it under my alternate account:D:stir:Don't know how long before they censor, mute or boot, as they and their users declare "MAGAT" is coming after our democracy. I've applied to maybe four posts, with short sentence head-checks, not rude; and the users SNAP. Anyway, have fun if you want to...Keep it real cool. Fun times, love tweaking a cult.


Soon Made America GreateR
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I literally deleted my account the day Trump won the first time. People on both sides were losing their poop. It was either that or come to hate every person I knew in college (which I was already in the verge of after the campaign months beforehand.)
Hold onto your hats, former Trump rhetoric past was nothing, the left quickly creating the narrative Trump is exactly or worse what they feared.
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I've only posted 3-4 times, less a few "for reals?" to a thread or post that is imaginary, such as to impeach Trump for stuff and stuff like that.

There's a note written by a child supposedly, with flowers and that, from an illegal immigrant who essentially says he's afraid that he's going to miss his classmate buddy. So the left response as expected. WTH, I'll show you the note.

I wrote "This is propaganda folks. Where were you when the Biden Admin. was deporting illegals?"

One said "Did you witness their whole process?" My answer: No, the Biden admin. tucked it under the rug. They blew a cork, especially after proof provided with a link.

Then came the threats from the users, ah, so soon? In the name of democracy and inclusion, no doubt about it.........

"Why are you here to bash Biden when everybody here isn't even concerned with that? The object is to get Trump out of there"

"Do you really care about what's going on, are you just getting your jollies being in the wrong room?"

I asked to explain why I was in the wrong room, "crickets".

"he needs to be blocked. He’s a troll."

58K user cult.
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I literally deleted my account the day Trump won the first time. People on both sides were losing their poop. It was either that or come to hate every person I knew in college (which I was already in the verge of after the campaign months beforehand.)
I deleted mine during October of that election year. I'd had enough.
Interesting. Threads are being created by some, however, I don't see any new posts. Perhaps the cult has censored me, and are lying about it. Reads,

"Comments are Turned Off"


"This Group is temporarily paused for 10 days. An admin paused this group on January 30, 2025. Group activity will resume on February 10, 2025 at 8:00 AM"
Facebook helped Trump win.

Although I doubt Zuckerberg cares either way, he just wants to make money.
Regarding "Liz Cheney/Adam Kinzinger Against Trump". I have a facebook friend, known her almost forever, but not well. She's rabid Trump syndrome, folks are really bringing it, the stuff accounts for nearly all her posts. Anyway, I clicked on one of her links, and it was this site. Read some of it, lots of users (58K), but the comments were strictly left.

So I joined it under my alternate account:D:stir:Don't know how long before they censor, mute or boot, as they and their users declare "MAGAT" is coming after our democracy. I've applied to maybe four posts, with short sentence head-checks, not rude; and the users SNAP. Anyway, have fun if you want to...Keep it real cool. Fun times, love tweaking a cult.


Soon Made America GreateR

So, someone who is a fanboy complaining about someone else who is a fanboy???

Wow... how exciting, another pointless thread.
Make it up as you go FrozenDildo ↑↑↑

This cult is interesting, check this out. They routinely shut things off, pauses as they call it. If you look at the page the Admin. says it's because they're receiving 5K new subscribers a day, and despite all the help they're gathering more, because it's a bitch to keep up, because of course requests have to be screened.

What's interesting is the cult had 87K users when the OP was posted, over one week ago. Today there are 67K users.

Looks like opposite day to me. Perhaps "they meant" they're trimming almost 5K users a day???


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