"Fact Checking" Snopes


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017

"The founder of the far-left Internet website Snopes, which brags of being the moral compass for what is honest reporting on the Internet, allegedly embezzled and spent nearly $100,000 on prostitutes during his divorce.

This is the same person who claims moral superiority over everyone on the Internet!"​

David Mikkelson (founder of Snopes) also was found plagiarizing news articles between 2015-2019 from The Guardian and LA Times.

"After inquiries from BuzzFeed News, Snopes conducted an internal review and confirmed that under a pseudonym, the Snopes byline, and his own name, Mikkelson wrote and published 54 articles with plagiarized material. The articles include such topics as same-sex marriage licenses and the death of musician David Bowie."

Apparently Snopes ain't much about facts OR fact checking.
Which, even if true, has nothing to do with the legitimacy of Snopes research
What research?
Snopes is not a legit unbiased fact check source, I noticed their fact checking was based on subjective opinion of flawed logic not actual investigation or hard evidence, so I dug into who owned the web site and found their parent co owned a Clinton web site which was also validated by another source that busts fake news and here is more:

Snopes Article Exposing “Fake News” Turns Out To Be “Fake News”

Facebook May Be Combatting Fake News with Potentially Misinformed ‘Fact-Checkers'

Fact-Checking Snopes: Website’s Political ‘Fact-Checker’ Is Just A Failed Liberal Blogger

Snopes is already exposed by who owns them (Proper Media in liberal San Diego, California), exposing that Clinton and Snopes needs to hide who's behind their propaganda sites posing as journalism and that you don't know who owns or is behind your info.
Proper Media owns web properties and
their execs are kept secret as is the web page ownerships through Perfect Privacy.

Isn't this how you people tie people to Putin?

Now one has to admit this connect the dots lunacy is flawed ? ;-)

If you want to connect the dots to snopes then try:
Snopes owner that is Proper Media partners with BlueKai® that is Oracle,
and Oracle is a partner of The Nature Conservancy, a liberal and active proponent of cap and trade and a carbon tax, they support planned parenthood and same sex marriage=have a liberal agenda

"The founder of the far-left Internet website Snopes, which brags of being the moral compass for what is honest reporting on the Internet, allegedly embezzled and spent nearly $100,000 on prostitutes during his divorce.

This is the same person who claims moral superiority over everyone on the Internet!"​

David Mikkelson (founder of Snopes) also was found plagiarizing news articles between 2015-2019 from The Guardian and LA Times.

"After inquiries from BuzzFeed News, Snopes conducted an internal review and confirmed that under a pseudonym, the Snopes byline, and his own name, Mikkelson wrote and published 54 articles with plagiarized material. The articles include such topics as same-sex marriage licenses and the death of musician David Bowie."

Apparently Snopes ain't much about facts OR fact checking.

He plagairised them???
How shocking? He must have worked for fox at one time.
I can't believe it.
Snopes references all their claims
Something the conservative media never does
You deflected when you referenced your opposition media without source proof then ignored mentioning Left wing MSM which always magically uses "unamed source", "unamed informant" so they nevwr have to reference a source.
Proper speech is to use the word media (in general) otherwise you are just spewing lies, slander, and opinionated propaganda.
You deflected when you referenced your opposition media without source proof then ignored mentioning Left wing MSM which always magically uses "unamed source", "unamed informant" so they nevwr have to reference a source.
Proper speech is to use the word media (in general) otherwise you are just spewing lies, slander, and opinionated propaganda.
Show anything claimed on snopes that is not true
Show anything claimed on snopes that is not true
Who knows? Snopes won't divulge anything about themselves or their 'fact checkers.' If you 'fact check' only those sources that agree with your presumptions, you are not a legitimate fact checker.

"Regardless of whether the Daily Mail article is correct in its claims about Snopes, at the least what does emerge from my exchanges with Snopes’ founder is the image of the ultimate black box presenting a gleaming veneer of ultimate arbitration of truth, yet with absolutely no insight into its inner workings. While technology pundits decry the black boxes of the algorithms that increasingly power companies like Facebook, they have forgotten that even the human-powered sites offer us little visibility into how they function."

"At the end of the day, it is clear that before we rush to place fact checking organizations like Snopes in charge of arbitrating what is “truth” on Facebook, we need to have a lot more understanding of how they function internally and much greater transparency into their work."

"the truth is that we simply have no visibility into the organization’s inner workings and its founder declined to shed further light into its operations for this article."
Who knows? Snopes won't divulge anything about themselves or their 'fact checkers.' If you 'fact check' only those sources that agree with your presumptions, you are not a legitimate fact checker.

"Regardless of whether the Daily Mail article is correct in its claims about Snopes, at the least what does emerge from my exchanges with Snopes’ founder is the image of the ultimate black box presenting a gleaming veneer of ultimate arbitration of truth, yet with absolutely no insight into its inner workings. While technology pundits decry the black boxes of the algorithms that increasingly power companies like Facebook, they have forgotten that even the human-powered sites offer us little visibility into how they function."

"At the end of the day, it is clear that before we rush to place fact checking organizations like Snopes in charge of arbitrating what is “truth” on Facebook, we need to have a lot more understanding of how they function internally and much greater transparency into their work."

"the truth is that we simply have no visibility into the organization’s inner workings and its founder declined to shed further light into its operations for this article."
Snopes references all their source material
Conservatives do not

You are free to challenge any of their claims
You can’t
OOPS! Snopes screwed up again..

"On June 8, Snopes attempted to claim that a story we wrote about Veterans on Patrol was false by claiming that we said this veterans group discovered a child trafficking camp in Tuscon, AZ. The only problem with this claim is that we never made it. The Free Thought Project merely reported on the activities of VOP and noted the possibility that this camp could also simply be a homeless camp. It’s why we used quotes in the title around “Child Trafficking Camp” because these were their words, not ours."

"Nevertheless, thousands of Facebook users who shared our article received a notification that they had shared news that was determined to be false—when, in fact, it was not."
Show anything claimed on snopes that is not true
That right there is like when a person tells you they never lie.
Like the left telling you "no" illegal immigrant ever voted and no dead people had a vote casted using their identity.
It's up to you to show us "where" they source their OPINIONS and up to you to prove Clinton didn't use Snopes as a fake fact check that magically only harped on her opposition during her election run.-oops
Which, even if true, has nothing to do with the legitimacy of Snopes research

Snopes is Faking their stories and publishing crapola.

That's the point.

They aren't to be trusted on their face.

If you see something in snopes- verify it using InfoWars or WND to make sure its legit.

Buzzfeed is reporting that David Mikkelson, the founder of the fact-checking website Snopes, has been suspended for plagiarizing in at least 54 articles written under his own name, the pseudonym “Jeff Zarronandia,” and the generic Snopes staff in the byline.

“Our internal research so far has found a total of 54 stories Mikkelson published that used appropriated material, including all of the stories Buzzfeed shared with us,” Managing Editor Doreen Marchionni and Snopes Chief Operating Officer Vinny Green said in a statement.

“Let us be clear: Plagiarism undermines our mission and values, full stop. It has no place in any context within this organization,” the statement continued.

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