
Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Obama said:"And if we are able to slow the growth of health care costs by just one-tenth of 1 percent each year -- one-tenth of 1 percent -- it will actually reduce the deficit by $4 trillion over the long term."

Do any of you supporters really understand how totally ridiculous that statement is?

In 2010 Total health care expenditures was $2.5 TRILLION!
Using Obama's statement "stop growth 1/10th of 1%"
That would be $2.5 BILLION!

Divide $4,000,000,000,000 by $2,500,000,000 how many years would it take to reduce the deficit over the long term???

1,600 YEARS
He figures the vast majority of voters are ALSO math challenged.

He's right, too, at least as it pertains to his supporters...
Remember how bad McCain was on economic issues and still Republicans supported him? Remember McCain suspended his campaign to go to Washington to discuss the crisis and Obama went with him and Grampa fell asleep during the talks? And Republicans still voted for him???

Even after McCain said he wanted to stay in Iraq for 100 years and he wanted to bomb bomb bomb Iran?

So I don't give a shit if Obama isn't a mathamatics expert. He's the man!!!! Got Bin Ladin and the economy is getting better. Can't lose. Bush bled 7 million jobs. Obama is adding 300,000 jobs a month. Not good enough paying jobs? Isn't that why you sent them overseas? Because Americans make too much? If not then support Unions.
Mitt Romney's Tax Plan would bankrupt the country. Isn't that bad math?

999 would bankrupt the country yet still you guys were supporting Herman Cain. Isn't that bad math?

Only Newt is probably good at math and he is an evil liar.
Obama said:"And if we are able to slow the growth of health care costs by just one-tenth of 1 percent each year -- one-tenth of 1 percent -- it will actually reduce the deficit by $4 trillion over the long term."

Do any of you supporters really understand how totally ridiculous that statement is?

In 2010 Total health care expenditures was $2.5 TRILLION!
Using Obama's statement "stop growth 1/10th of 1%"
That would be $2.5 BILLION!

Divide $4,000,000,000,000 by $2,500,000,000 how many years would it take to reduce the deficit over the long term???

1,600 YEARS


1st of all, he's talking about 1 tenth of 1percent of the GROWTH, not of the whole cost.

so as equally as he cannot do math, you cannot read for comprehension.
Obama said:"And if we are able to slow the growth of health care costs by just one-tenth of 1 percent each year -- one-tenth of 1 percent -- it will actually reduce the deficit by $4 trillion over the long term."

Do any of you supporters really understand how totally ridiculous that statement is?

In 2010 Total health care expenditures was $2.5 TRILLION!
Using Obama's statement "stop growth 1/10th of 1%"
That would be $2.5 BILLION!

Divide $4,000,000,000,000 by $2,500,000,000 how many years would it take to reduce the deficit over the long term???

1,600 YEARS

This post has demonstrated it is you who is math challenged.
Obama is probably not being completely truthful, but you can't make the case if you use faulty math.

If you are reducing or increasing something by a given percentage every year, that is not a linear equation.

Also, he is most likely also factoring in the savings on interest payments on the debt. If the amount of money you have to borrow goes down each year, then so do your interest payments. So you are decreasing spending on healthcare and decreasing spending on interest payments at the same time.

Notice Obama said "in the long term". He did not state how many years that "long term" is.

He is using "fuzzy math". But you can't fight fuzzy math with completely erroneous math.
Remember how bad McCain was on economic issues and still Republicans supported him? Remember McCain suspended his campaign to go to Washington to discuss the crisis and Obama went with him and Grampa fell asleep during the talks? And Republicans still voted for him???

Even after McCain said he wanted to stay in Iraq for 100 years and he wanted to bomb bomb bomb Iran?

So I don't give a shit if Obama isn't a mathamatics expert. He's the man!!!! Got Bin Ladin and the economy is getting better. Can't lose. Bush bled 7 million jobs. Obama is adding 300,000 jobs a month. Not good enough paying jobs? Isn't that why you sent them overseas? Because Americans make too much? If not then support Unions.
Credit for getting Bin Laden should go to the brave men that actually did it...not the egotistical asshole that finally gave them the green light. Obama had ZERO to do with the planning and implementation of the plan. The plan was set in place before the Marxist asshole got elected.

Obama may be adding 300,000 government jobs a month. It won't be long he'll have that many of his supporters working in the White House tending to his and Michelle's needs.

Your boy Obama is nothing more than an unfunny JOKE!:lol:
Remember how bad McCain was on economic issues and still Republicans supported him? Remember McCain suspended his campaign to go to Washington to discuss the crisis and Obama went with him and Grampa fell asleep during the talks? And Republicans still voted for him???

Even after McCain said he wanted to stay in Iraq for 100 years and he wanted to bomb bomb bomb Iran?

So I don't give a shit if Obama isn't a mathamatics expert. He's the man!!!! Got Bin Ladin and the economy is getting better. Can't lose. Bush bled 7 million jobs. Obama is adding 300,000 jobs a month. Not good enough paying jobs? Isn't that why you sent them overseas? Because Americans make too much? If not then support Unions.
Credit for getting Bin Laden should go to the brave men that actually did it...not the egotistical asshole that finally gave them the green light. Obama had ZERO to do with the planning and implementation of the plan. The plan was set in place before the Marxist asshole got elected.

Obama may be adding 300,000 government jobs a month. It won't be long he'll have that many of his supporters working in the White House tending to his and Michelle's needs.

Your boy Obama is nothing more than an unfunny JOKE!:lol:

Dead wrong. THe GOP has been slashing government jobs with all their cuts. Remember what Boehner said about those jobs? So be it, we're broke!

The 300K jobs Obama has added are all private sector jobs.

Now it is your turn to say those jobs are not good paying jobs. McJobs. But remember it was your side that advocates for lower wages. Remember it was your party that sent all the good paying manufacturing jobs overseas. You said $35 hr was too much. So don't complain now that they are only $10 hr jobs. You like that. So don't use it against Obama when it was your freakin goal!!!

And I'm not calling you a liar. I know you got that wrong because Fox and Rush misled you. But its time to wake up and stop drinking the coolaid.

And besides low paying jobs, what jobs did Bush create? Oh yea, PRIVATE MILITARY CONTRACTORS who have bankrupted our country in Iraq, Afganistan and New Orleans. Overpaid no bid private contractor jobs on purpose to bankrupt our country.

You guys think us liberals are conspiracy theorists and that the rich haven't waged class warefare on the middle class. Of course they have. WHy you still ignore it is beyond me. Maybe it hasn't hurt you enough to wake you up. Your home value cut in half and your 401K took a dump because of GOP policies and they sent 7 million private sector jobs overseas and the GOP actually GREW the government and you want to go back to them?

quote]Credit for getting Bin Laden should go to the brave men that actually did it...not the egotistical asshole that finally gave them the green light. Obama had ZERO to do with the planning and implementation of the plan. The plan was set in place before the Marxist asshole got elected.


Did you forget about Bush on the Aircraft Carrier in his flight suit and thumbs up with the banner behind him saying Mission Complete?

Obama gets credit for getting Bin Ladin.

And funny you righties have two arguments for this topic. Some of you say Obama shouldn't get any credit but then there are the righties who suggest that Bush should get credit.

Have you argued both angles? If you have, you may need to realize you are talking out of both sides of your mouth.
Obama said:"And if we are able to slow the growth of health care costs by just one-tenth of 1 percent each year -- one-tenth of 1 percent -- it will actually reduce the deficit by $4 trillion over the long term."

Do any of you supporters really understand how totally ridiculous that statement is?

In 2010 Total health care expenditures was $2.5 TRILLION!
Using Obama's statement "stop growth 1/10th of 1%"
That would be $2.5 BILLION!

Divide $4,000,000,000,000 by $2,500,000,000 how many years would it take to reduce the deficit over the long term???

1,600 YEARS
Its over the long term dumbass, meaning it includes more then one year. Obams not math challenged you're just a diphit
Obama said:"And if we are able to slow the growth of health care costs by just one-tenth of 1 percent each year -- one-tenth of 1 percent -- it will actually reduce the deficit by $4 trillion over the long term."

Do any of you supporters really understand how totally ridiculous that statement is?

In 2010 Total health care expenditures was $2.5 TRILLION!
Using Obama's statement "stop growth 1/10th of 1%"
That would be $2.5 BILLION!

Divide $4,000,000,000,000 by $2,500,000,000 how many years would it take to reduce the deficit over the long term???

1,600 YEARS


1st of all, he's talking about 1 tenth of 1percent of the GROWTH, not of the whole cost.

so as equally as he cannot do math, you cannot read for comprehension.

Well THANK YOU for pointing out HOW even MORE idiotic the statement was!
YOU SAID he was talking about slowing the growth rate by 1/tenth of 1 percent!

THIS WHITE HOUSE web page REALLY STEPS INTO it trying to defend that statement..

Health care expenditures in the United States are currently about 18 percent of GDP, and this share is projected to rise sharply. If health care costs continue to grow at historical rates, the share of GDP devoted to health care in the United States is projected to reach 34 percent by 2040.
Forecasting the Cost of U.S. Health Care in 2040

So OBAMA says if we can stop the growth by 1/10th of 1% from 18% of GDP today to projected growth of 34% of GDP in 2040 that growth rate is 16% over next 30 years.
That is a growth rate of or growth per year of 0.53% .
1/10th of 1% of a 0.53% growth rate means a growth rate of 0.52%!

AGAIN REMEMBER using YOUR interpretation Obama meant slow the RATE of GROWTH!
at 1/tenth of 1% of the growth rate of 0.0053% per year means..growth slowing down to .00532% from .00533% WOW!!!!!!

Slowing the growth rate by 1/10th of 1% well that makes the growth rate ONLY
.532% per year and over 30 years that means SAVINGS of ...
OVER 30 years of ...drum roll!!!!!!!!!!!!!

$12,069,248,387 that is $12.06 BILLION SAVINGS OVER 30 YEARS!!!!

AGAIN idiot...USING YOUR interpretation slowing the GROWTH RATE by 1/10th of 1% would reduce the DEFICIT by an average of drum roll......... $400 million a year!!!

AGAIN IDIOT leave BIG numbers alone because ALL YOU and OBAMA HAVE DONE is MADE IT WORSE!!!
Republicans say the can cut expenditures by 2.5 TRILLION in ten year:

Moving aggressively to make good on election promises to slash the federal budget, the House GOP today unveiled an eye-popping plan to eliminate $2.5 trillion in spending over the next 10 years. Gone would be Amtrak subsidies, fat checks to the Legal Services Corporation and National Endowment for the Arts, and some $900 million to run President Obama's healthcare reform program. [See a gallery of political caricatures.]

Some sources quote 2.6 trillion on health care, I've see 3 trillion also. Obama isn't MATH challenged , he is OFF THE CUFF remarks abysmal.
Everything with Obama is smoke 'n mirrors. Millions of jobs have been lost since he took office, yet his kool-aid drinkers will sit here and try to convince you that he has added jobs, and that unemployment is down.
Remember how bad McCain was on economic issues and still Republicans supported him? Remember McCain suspended his campaign to go to Washington to discuss the crisis and Obama went with him and Grampa fell asleep during the talks? And Republicans still voted for him???

Even after McCain said he wanted to stay in Iraq for 100 years and he wanted to bomb bomb bomb Iran?

So I don't give a shit if Obama isn't a mathamatics expert. He's the man!!!! Got Bin Ladin and the economy is getting better. Can't lose. Bush bled 7 million jobs. Obama is adding 300,000 jobs a month. Not good enough paying jobs? Isn't that why you sent them overseas? Because Americans make too much? If not then support Unions.

There were more jobs in January 2009 than in January 2001.
Obama is still negative jobs.

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