Fact-The North also practiced slavery during the civil war. Should the american flag be banned too?

Yes, the north had 4 states ( ky md de mo) that practiced legal widespread slavery during the war. Around 400,000 slaves combined in the 4 states.

Some liberals have already been calling for that. Of course, they think America is racist and would like to tear it down and rebuild a different kind of country in it's place.

Only white people can be racist as we're successful. Blacks can't be as they're losers that lash out in hatred at us. All while slaughtering twice as many of us every year and looting our businesses.

I love it when Matty does the obligatory dance of the victim. So graceful

Doesn't change the reality that blacks KILL twice as many whites every year...Take it up with the justice department as I am repeating what they said.

Thats hawt...Do it again but add more twerk
Every signer of the Declaration of Independence owned slaves but one. That includes every signer from the North.
Come on man. Get over it, ya racist white redneck loons. You lost. It's over. Has been for a 150 years. Your flag represents to African Americans, what the Nazi Flag represents to Jews. We respect our Jewish citizens' feelings by not raising the Nazi Flag on Government grounds. And we should respect our African American citizens the same way.
From the day the American flag was raised over our nation until we finally declared slavery illegal that flag flown over slave ships.

A lot more people were inslaved under the stars and strips!!!

You have evidence that the US flag was used on slave ships?
The confederate traitor flag is being rejected and taken down because it is offensive to a large portion of the American population. When you can find even a small portion of Americans who are offended by the American flag, let us know. Until than please try to STFU with your loser racist crap.
Come on man. Get over it, ya racist white redneck loons. You lost. It's over. Has been for a 150 years. Your flag represents to African Americans, what the Nazi Flag represents to Jews. We respect our Jewish citizens' feelings by not raising the Nazi Flag on Government grounds. And we should respect our African American citizens the same way.
It is offensive to northern Yankees too.
The confederate traitor flag is being rejected and taken down because it is offensive to a large portion of the American population. When you can find even a small portion of Americans who are offended by the American flag, let us know. Until than please try to STFU with your loser racist crap.

It offends people because the south supported slavery during the civil war. But as the board has explained to you a hundred times, so did the north. THINK
Come on man. Get over it, ya racist white redneck loons. You lost. It's over. Has been for a 150 years. Your flag represents to African Americans, what the Nazi Flag represents to Jews. We respect our Jewish citizens' feelings by not raising the Nazi Flag on Government grounds. And we should respect our African American citizens the same way.

Fuck your feelings. Grab a tissue and shut the fuck up!!
Come on man. Get over it, ya racist white redneck loons. You lost. It's over. Has been for a 150 years. Your flag represents to African Americans, what the Nazi Flag represents to Jews. We respect our Jewish citizens' feelings by not raising the Nazi Flag on Government grounds. And we should respect our African American citizens the same way.
It is offensive to northern Yankees too.

There is no Confederacy. Hasn't been for a 150 years. They shouldn't still be raising that flag on Government grounds. It only represents hate & bigotry at this point. If a dumb racist sister-fucking redneck wants to wave it around, that's fine. But it shouldn't be raised on Government grounds.
Come on man. Get over it, ya racist white redneck loons. You lost. It's over. Has been for a 150 years. Your flag represents to African Americans, what the Nazi Flag represents to Jews. We respect our Jewish citizens' feelings by not raising the Nazi Flag on Government grounds. And we should respect our African American citizens the same way.

Fuck your feelings. Grab a tissue and shut the fuck up!!

We're a nation that respects its citizens' feelings. You racist sister-fuckers are just gonna have to deal with that.
The confederate traitor flag is being rejected and taken down because it is offensive to a large portion of the American population. When you can find even a small portion of Americans who are offended by the American flag, let us know. Until than please try to STFU with your loser racist crap.

It offends people because the south supported slavery during the civil war. But as the board has explained to you a hundred times, so did the north. THINK
No, the board has explained your uninformed and uneducated concept. The north supported the border states and tolerated their slavery positions because it was better to tolerate them as allies who supplied volunteers than to not tolerate them and make them enemies.
Lincoln had no legal authority to free the slaves in the States that were not in rebellion.

HAHAHA. He had even less authority to free slaves in the CSA since that was another country!!! THINK

LOL.....the irony of every time you abuse the word think.

It is obvious that Lincoln did have the authority to free the slaves in the rebellious states- since his authority led to exactly that.

And then he pushed through the 13th Amendment that resulted the legal emancipation of the remaining slaves.

Something I suspect you still object to.
Come on man. Get over it, ya racist white redneck loons. You lost. It's over. Has been for a 150 years. Your flag represents to African Americans, what the Nazi Flag represents to Jews. We respect our Jewish citizens' feelings by not raising the Nazi Flag on Government grounds. And we should respect our African American citizens the same way.

Fuck your feelings. Grab a tissue and shut the fuck up!!

We're a nation that respects its citizens' feelings. You racist sister-fuckers are just gonna have to deal with that.

Awww poor widdle guy got his feeling hurt. WUSSY!!
Come on man. Get over it, ya racist white redneck loons. You lost. It's over. Has been for a 150 years. Your flag represents to African Americans, what the Nazi Flag represents to Jews. We respect our Jewish citizens' feelings by not raising the Nazi Flag on Government grounds. And we should respect our African American citizens the same way.

Fuck your feelings. Grab a tissue and shut the fuck up!!

We're a nation that respects its citizens' feelings. You racist sister-fuckers are just gonna have to deal with that.

Awww poor widdle guy got his feeling hurt. WUSSY!!

My feelings aren't hurt. It's you racist white sister-fuckers who are butt-hurt. Even some of your fellow Republicans are supporting removing the racist flag from Government grounds. It's good to see you're not all camo-wearing, sister-fucking racist rednecks. I'm encouraged.
Did they secede? The EP only freed Slaves in Rebel states.

Yup - lincoln controlled the north and could have freed the slaves there but he chose not to. Instead he issued the EP which specifically stated it only applied to the rebel states - states he had no control over.!!! The EP freed no slaves. It was a PR stunt to keep france and england out of the war and it worked at doing that.

Lincolns goal was not to abolish slavery in the South. The South fell on it's own sword.

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