Fact vs Fiction

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You know better than that. She was killed as a result of a tragic series of events.
Who is taking responsibility for this tragic series of events?
Absolutely no one.
This needs to end.
Shit like this the reason we are having protests.
The responsibility lies soley on the shoulder of her scumbag boyfriend who got her killed because of his criminal lifestyle. He is the reason she is dead. The coward hid behind her ffs.
You are misinformed.

Her boyfriend had no record, he was clean as a whistle, and owned the gun legally, for self defense, like all white men on this site.

I know, as another clean as a whistle person, that if someone was trying to break in my front door at 12:40AM, that Matt and I were just woken up by the ruckus, I would never in a Million gazillion years, think that this gang outside trying to break in were plain clothed cops, serving a no knock warrant.

Why the hell would any cops be serving Matt or me, a no knock warrant?? And even if this gang of thugs outside, trying to break in said they were cops, Matt nor I would believe them.

They dropped charges against Kenneth Walker, because his shot FIRED, was self defense.

SHE WON a $12 million lawsuit, because cops did something WRONG.
It wasn't a no knock warrant. They knocked and announced themselves. Facts hurt i know. It may have technically been classified as a no knock but that is not what they did
If you’re going to disrespect a murder victim, the least you could do is spell her name right.
Breonna Taylor's BF should be held on charges for firing at law enforcement which caused her death. Of course, the left will never let that happen because the truth would damage their false 'police violence' propaganda.
K, this may be a dumb question but wtf is jigaboo?

It's a racist term used for black people.
No it's not.

Yes it is. Here ya go....................

Another racial slur referring to black people. Comes from a Bantu (African) word meaning meek, or servile (i.e. a slave).
Watch out for those jigaboos in your neighborhood.
by Colder September 03, 2011

Even Merriam Webster says the definition is a racial slur for black people.


jig·a·boo | \ ˈjigəˌbü \

plural jigaboos

Definition of jigaboo


—used as an insulting and contemptuous term for a black person
Nothing racist about it, shit stain.

Merriam-Webster and the Urban Dictionary would both disagree with you, as they call it a racist term. Not my fault that you're an idiot. Might wanna see to that.
They are shit stains like you are. All progressive scum are shit stains.

Hey dude, your Troll-Fu sucks.
where did you hear that is what happened???
I didn't. Last I heard the only way you can be executed is if you commit a crime that is punishable by death.Breonna lost her life at the hands of a cop. If she did not commit a crime why is she now dead? A trigger happy cop who has no regards for the system. Took the law into his own hands and took her life. That is murder in my book.
but she wasnt executed,,, and the cops were returning fire while serving a lawful warrant,,,
No one inside the house knew it was a lawful warrant.... which is evident, when walker calls 911, after the police sprayed gunfire in to the house and shot Breonna dead.

And when they dropped charges against Kenneth Walker for shooting his gun at the door which hit an officer on his lower leg.
I never said they did know,,,just stating facts of what happened,,,

it also doesnt mean the cops murdered her,,,
I do not believe anyone intentionally murdered her. The whole situation is tragic!!! Someone is dead, who should not be dead though....

And none of that would have happened, if the cops and judge, had not executed this wrongly gotten, no knock warrant, at Breonna' s apartment.... imo.
You know what I find really screwed up about this whole thing? The cops that shot bullets into the woman, as well as her apartment weren't charged.

The cop that shot through a wall and endangered a WHITE WOMAN and her child though, has been charged with reckless endangerment.

Why is it that they are charging the cop that shot into another person's apartment, but aren't charging the cops that shot an innocent woman for nothing?
If you’re going to disrespect a murder victim, the least you could do is spell her name right.
Breonna Taylor's BF should be held on charges for firing at law enforcement which caused her death. Of course, the left will never let that happen because the truth would damage their false 'police violence' propaganda.
Stop being a dufus! He didn't know it was law enforcement, and thought someone was breaking in, at 12:40am in the morning.... even when he called 911 after they showered Breonna with bullets, he did not know who was firing the bullets.
The only systemic racism in America is the liberal policies that packed them in like sardines in projects, underfunded their schools for decades, then dumb them down by lowering requirements to pass classes. Then refuse to hold them accountable while "attending" college and never addressing the poor performance. Only hiding it - and then have the sheer ignorance to shout why do white people out earn black people.
And THAT is systemic racism. Setting up 100,000s of black kids each year for failure for 50 years.
Oh fuck off you white supremacist piece of shit.

So how does a school district in a poor section get their funding. You're a fucking idiot.

Trump & his asdhole Education secretary keep taking money from public school to fund their private schools.
And once again... another low information sheep post up sheer ignorant ramblings.
And also - always, resort to low brow insults and faux outrage to boot.
And THAT is why we have 1,000s of people in the streets burning shit, looting stores and proclaiming a narrative they obviously don't support... at all.

Funny chit coming from a Trumpette. People are in the streets because they are tired iof this racist bullshit.
As for insults, racist fucks deserve insults.
where did you hear that is what happened???
I didn't. Last I heard the only way you can be executed is if you commit a crime that is punishable by death.Breonna lost her life at the hands of a cop. If she did not commit a crime why is she now dead? A trigger happy cop who has no regards for the system. Took the law into his own hands and took her life. That is murder in my book.
but she wasnt executed,,, and the cops were returning fire while serving a lawful warrant,,,
No one inside the house knew it was a lawful warrant.... which is evident, when walker calls 911, after the police sprayed gunfire in to the house and shot Breonna dead.

And when they dropped charges against Kenneth Walker for shooting his gun at the door which hit an officer on his lower leg.
I never said they did know,,,just stating facts of what happened,,,

it also doesnt mean the cops murdered her,,,
I do not believe anyone intentionally murdered her. The whole situation is tragic!!! Someone is dead, who should not be dead though....

And none of that would have happened, if the cops and judge, had not executed this wrongly gotten, no knock warrant, at Breonna' s apartment.... imo.
They should be dead and are dead. They shot first, criminal lover.
where did you hear that is what happened???
I didn't. Last I heard the only way you can be executed is if you commit a crime that is punishable by death.Breonna lost her life at the hands of a cop. If she did not commit a crime why is she now dead? A trigger happy cop who has no regards for the system. Took the law into his own hands and took her life. That is murder in my book.
but she wasnt executed,,, and the cops were returning fire while serving a lawful warrant,,,
No one inside the house knew it was a lawful warrant.... which is evident, when walker calls 911, after the police sprayed gunfire in to the house and shot Breonna dead.

And when they dropped charges against Kenneth Walker for shooting his gun at the door which hit an officer on his lower leg.
I never said they did know,,,just stating facts of what happened,,,

it also doesnt mean the cops murdered her,,,
I do not believe anyone intentionally murdered her. The whole situation is tragic!!! Someone is dead, who should not be dead though....

And none of that would have happened, if the cops and judge, had not executed this wrongly gotten, no knock warrant, at Breonna' s apartment.... imo.
They should be dead and are dead. They shot first, criminal lover.

When your home gets invaded and you shoot one of them, the others can kill you with no repercussions. Good to know.
where did you hear that is what happened???
I didn't. Last I heard the only way you can be executed is if you commit a crime that is punishable by death.Breonna lost her life at the hands of a cop. If she did not commit a crime why is she now dead? A trigger happy cop who has no regards for the system. Took the law into his own hands and took her life. That is murder in my book.
but she wasnt executed,,, and the cops were returning fire while serving a lawful warrant,,,
No one inside the house knew it was a lawful warrant.... which is evident, when walker calls 911, after the police sprayed gunfire in to the house and shot Breonna dead.

And when they dropped charges against Kenneth Walker for shooting his gun at the door which hit an officer on his lower leg.
I never said they did know,,,just stating facts of what happened,,,

it also doesnt mean the cops murdered her,,,
I do not believe anyone intentionally murdered her. The whole situation is tragic!!! Someone is dead, who should not be dead though....

And none of that would have happened, if the cops and judge, had not executed this wrongly gotten, no knock warrant, at Breonna' s apartment.... imo.
They should be dead and are dead. They shot first, criminal lover.

When your home gets invaded and you shoot one of them, the others can kill you with no repercussions. Good to know.
No, like you, upon seeing someone send one of their kind sent to hell they run off and hide.
where did you hear that is what happened???
I didn't. Last I heard the only way you can be executed is if you commit a crime that is punishable by death.Breonna lost her life at the hands of a cop. If she did not commit a crime why is she now dead? A trigger happy cop who has no regards for the system. Took the law into his own hands and took her life. That is murder in my book.
but she wasnt executed,,, and the cops were returning fire while serving a lawful warrant,,,
No one inside the house knew it was a lawful warrant.... which is evident, when walker calls 911, after the police sprayed gunfire in to the house and shot Breonna dead.

And when they dropped charges against Kenneth Walker for shooting his gun at the door which hit an officer on his lower leg.
I never said they did know,,,just stating facts of what happened,,,

it also doesnt mean the cops murdered her,,,
I do not believe anyone intentionally murdered her. The whole situation is tragic!!! Someone is dead, who should not be dead though....

And none of that would have happened, if the cops and judge, had not executed this wrongly gotten, no knock warrant, at Breonna' s apartment.... imo.
They should be dead and are dead. They shot first, criminal lover.
Are you actually saying that if you were awoken at 12:40 am in the morning to a group of men trying to break in your front door, you would not have taken a shot?
You know better than that. She was killed as a result of a tragic series of events.
Who is taking responsibility for this tragic series of events?
Absolutely no one.
This needs to end.
Shit like this the reason we are having protests.
The responsibility lies soley on the shoulder of her scumbag boyfriend who got her killed because of his criminal lifestyle. He is the reason she is dead. The coward hid behind her ffs.
You are misinformed.

Her boyfriend had no record, he was clean as a whistle, and owned the gun legally, for self defense, like all white men on this site.

I know, as another clean as a whistle person, that if someone was trying to break in my front door at 12:40AM, that Matt and I were just woken up by the ruckus, I would never in a Million gazillion years, think that this gang outside trying to break in were plain clothed cops, serving a no knock warrant.

Why the hell would any cops be serving Matt or me, a no knock warrant?? And even if this gang of thugs outside, trying to break in said they were cops, Matt nor I would believe them.

They dropped charges against Kenneth Walker, because his shot FIRED, was self defense.

SHE WON a $12 million lawsuit, because cops did something WRONG.
It wasn't a no knock warrant. They knocked and announced themselves. Facts hurt i know. It may have technically been classified as a no knock but that is not what they did
It was a no knock warrant, the judge ok'd a no knock warrant, thus at 12:40 am...no normal warrant is at 12:40 am in the weee hours of the rnorning... you are wrong.

They claim that they were given direction that they could knock.

Walker and Breonna did not hear them say they were law enforcement, on his 911 call for help for Breonna, he did not know what was going on or who it was, that showered her with bullets.

That is why the police dropped charges against Walker for the one shot he fired in self defence.
where did you hear that is what happened???
I didn't. Last I heard the only way you can be executed is if you commit a crime that is punishable by death.Breonna lost her life at the hands of a cop. If she did not commit a crime why is she now dead? A trigger happy cop who has no regards for the system. Took the law into his own hands and took her life. That is murder in my book.
but she wasnt executed,,, and the cops were returning fire while serving a lawful warrant,,,
No one inside the house knew it was a lawful warrant.... which is evident, when walker calls 911, after the police sprayed gunfire in to the house and shot Breonna dead.

And when they dropped charges against Kenneth Walker for shooting his gun at the door which hit an officer on his lower leg.
I never said they did know,,,just stating facts of what happened,,,

it also doesnt mean the cops murdered her,,,
I do not believe anyone intentionally murdered her. The whole situation is tragic!!! Someone is dead, who should not be dead though....

And none of that would have happened, if the cops and judge, had not executed this wrongly gotten, no knock warrant, at Breonna' s apartment.... imo.
They should be dead and are dead. They shot first, criminal lover.

When your home gets invaded and you shoot one of them, the others can kill you with no repercussions. Good to know.
No, like you, upon seeing someone send one of their kind sent to hell they run off and hide.

Mikey would run & hide behind his wife.
The only systemic racism in America is the liberal policies that packed them in like sardines in projects, underfunded their schools for decades, then dumb them down by lowering requirements to pass classes. Then refuse to hold them accountable while "attending" college and never addressing the poor performance. Only hiding it - and then have the sheer ignorance to shout why do white people out earn black people.
And THAT is systemic racism. Setting up 100,000s of black kids each year for failure for 50 years.
Oh fuck off you white supremacist piece of shit.

So how does a school district in a poor section get their funding. You're a fucking idiot.

Trump & his asdhole Education secretary keep taking money from public school to fund their private schools.
And once again... another low information sheep post up sheer ignorant ramblings.
And also - always, resort to low brow insults and faux outrage to boot.
And THAT is why we have 1,000s of people in the streets burning shit, looting stores and proclaiming a narrative they obviously don't support... at all.

Funny chit coming from a Trumpette. People are in the streets because they are tired iof this racist bullshit.
As for insults, racist fucks deserve insults.
More hateful, intolerant and baseless mudslinging from the tribe.
Get triggered much?
where did you hear that is what happened???
I didn't. Last I heard the only way you can be executed is if you commit a crime that is punishable by death.Breonna lost her life at the hands of a cop. If she did not commit a crime why is she now dead? A trigger happy cop who has no regards for the system. Took the law into his own hands and took her life. That is murder in my book.
but she wasnt executed,,, and the cops were returning fire while serving a lawful warrant,,,
No one inside the house knew it was a lawful warrant.... which is evident, when walker calls 911, after the police sprayed gunfire in to the house and shot Breonna dead.

And when they dropped charges against Kenneth Walker for shooting his gun at the door which hit an officer on his lower leg.
I never said they did know,,,just stating facts of what happened,,,

it also doesnt mean the cops murdered her,,,
I do not believe anyone intentionally murdered her. The whole situation is tragic!!! Someone is dead, who should not be dead though....

And none of that would have happened, if the cops and judge, had not executed this wrongly gotten, no knock warrant, at Breonna' s apartment.... imo.
it wasnt wrongly gotten and didnt end up being no knock because they knocked repeatedly,,,

the point is no ones at fault but her when she decided to hang out with criminals,,,

nothing in the world will change that no matter how long you stomp your feet,,
Stop being a dufus! He didn't know it was law enforcement, and thought someone was breaking in, at 12:40am in the morning.... even when he called 911 after they showered Breonna with bullets, he did not know who was firing the bullets.
There's a witness who said the officers announced who they were. He shot an officer and, at that point, the officers returned fire as they should have.
You know what I find really screwed up about this whole thing? The cops that shot bullets into the woman, as well as her apartment weren't charged.

The cop that shot through a wall and endangered a WHITE WOMAN and her child though, has been charged with reckless endangerment.

Why is it that they are charging the cop that shot into another person's apartment, but aren't charging the cops that shot an innocent woman for nothing?
You have half-assed 'facts'.....The cops returned fire AFTER her BF shot at them. Why would they 'shoot bullets' and an unarmed woman? She must have been in the line of fire or maybe her soyboy BF was hiding behind her.
I do not believe anyone intentionally murdered her. The whole situation is tragic!!! Someone is dead, who should not be dead though....

And none of that would have happened, if the cops and judge, had not executed this wrongly gotten, no knock warrant, at Breonna' s apartment.... imo.
I agree the whole thing is tragic however, there is no proof that the warrant was 'wrongly gotten' and stop blaming the cops they were only doing their job. If the warrant was 'wrongly gotten' then either the applicant or the judge needs to be prosecuted.
I do not believe anyone intentionally murdered her. The whole situation is tragic!!! Someone is dead, who should not be dead though....

And none of that would have happened, if the cops and judge, had not executed this wrongly gotten, no knock warrant, at Breonna' s apartment.... imo.
I agree the whole thing is tragic however, there is no proof that the warrant was 'wrongly gotten' and stop blaming the cops they were only doing their job. If the warrant was 'wrongly gotten' then either the applicant or the judge needs to be prosecuted.
They paid $12 million in damages for this mistake, in a civil lawsuit....what did the police agree to, as their wrong doing, I wonder?

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