factcheck.org further destroys bachmann -- simply a punching bag now

Well... I don't support her.. so no skin off of my ass...

But the lies of Dems or Obama mean what to you?? Or is it only Rep's who lie that bother you??
And they do it in such a bias manner. Their write ups since the liberal media started nit picking everything Bachmann has said lately confirms they are pro Obama. Their website is now the colors of Obama's Organizing For America and Fight The Smears Campaign websites. It is a dead giveaway. I knew Factcheck was pro Obama when they used two young college hippies with absolutely know forensic documentation experience to attest for the authenticity of his short form birth certificate he allegedly released back during the 08 campaign. It was confirmed a forgery. Also, many people didn't know that Obama and Bill Ayers sat on the board of the Annenberg Foundation who funds Factcheck. Anyway, have a look at the way they write their alleged facts against Bachmann. It's pretty conclusive as before that they are 'In The Tank' for Obama but first, here's a few facts about Obama and Bill Ayers ties to Annenberg Foundation that funds Factcheck:

Ayers was a “key founder” of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge.

In 1995 Obama was appointed Board Chairman and President of the Annenberg Chicago Challenge, a “branch of the Annenberg Foundation”.

Ayers co-chaired the Chicago Annenberg “Collaborative”, which set education policy for the “Challenge”.

Obama was “authorized to delegate to the Collaborative the development of collaborative projects and programs”.

Obama had to “obtain assistance of the Collaborative in the development of requests for proposals.”

Obama had to “seek advice from the Collaborative regarding the programmatic aspects of grant proposals.

Ayers sat on the same board as Obama as an “ex officio member”.

Obama and Ayers sat together on the boards Governance Committee.

Ayers and Obama were “part of a group of four instructed to draft the bylaws that would govern CAC”.

As Board Chair, Obama authorized the funding for Ayers educational projects, as well as projects of Ayers’ “radical” friends.

Obama and Ayers “guided” monies to ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now).

Now Factchecks allegations against Bachmann

Bachmanns Waterloo:
Bachmann’s Waterloo | FactCheck.org
You almost sound suprised that the media is biased? "Advertisements contain the only truths to be relied on in a newspaper." - Thomas Jefferson
Well... I don't support her.. so no skin off of my ass...

But the lies of Dems or Obama mean what to you?? Or is it only Rep's who lie that bother you??

nice deflection. feel free to start a thread on the dems lies if you want
Factcheck.org has always been far left.

They are funded by the Annenburg Foundation which is tied into PBS, which is far left.

They funded the Annenburg Challenge along with Bill Ayers and Barack Obama as Chairman of the Chicago Annenburg Challenge.

Summary (posts follow):

Supposed fact-checking site that's occasionally gotten things wrong (link, link) or shown bias (factcheck.org/elections-2008/wrong_paul.html).

Claims to have seen Barack Obama's "Certificate of Live Birth", and posted pictures of it to their website. However, on the same page they claim that the state of Hawaii has verified that Obama was born in Honolulu; those who state that definitively are lying since no definitive proof of his birthplace has yet been provided.

They are "funded primarily by the Annenberg Foundation" (factcheck.org/about), the same foundation that started the Chicago Annenberg Challenge which was headed up by Barack Obama.
Last modified Dec 10, 2008

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
FactCheck URL FactCheck.org
Commercial? no
Available language(s) English

FactCheck.org is a non-partisan,[1] nonprofit[2] website that describes itself as a "'consumer advocate' for voters that aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics."[3] It is a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania, and is funded primarily by the Annenberg Foundation.[3] FactCheck has won three Webby Awards in the Politics category, in 2008, 2010 and 2011.[4]

Most of its content consists of rebuttals to what it considers inaccurate, misleading, or false claims by politicians. FactCheck has also targeted misleading claims from various partisan groups.

Besides maintaining a website, FactCheck.org distributes audio stories by podcast[5] and iTunes Radio.[6]

The four plus years (1995-1999) Barack Obama spent as founding chairman of the board of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC) represent his track record as reformer, as someone who reached out in a public-private collaboration and had the audacity to believe his effort would make things better. At the time he became leader of this ambitious project to remake the public schools of Chicago, he was 33 years old and a third year associate at a small Chicago law firm, Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland.


Archived-Articles: Obama's Lost Annenberg Years Coming to Light
I am just positively loving all this Bachman apologist action. Keep it up folks, and thanks.
Fuckedcheck.org is a complete partisan joke. I've not seen a single conservative politician or pundit they didn't try to call a liar over 75% of the time, and a liberal they didn't cover for almost 100% of the time.
■Bachmann falsely claimed that she and her husband "have never gotten a penny" from a family farm that received federal subsidies. But she reported income from the farm in 2006, 2008 and 2009 — the most recent year available — on her congressional financial disclosure statements.
■She claimed she had been "faithful" to her pledge not to request federal earmarks. But she requested $40 million in transportation earmarks in the 2009 fiscal year budget after taking the pledge, later claiming such projects should not be subjected to her promise. She withdrew her requests after the House Republicans took a party position in 2010 not to seek earmarks.
■She claimed government money received by her husband's counseling clinics did not benefit the business, because the funds paid for employee training. It's true the clinics received $24,041 for training, but the business received thousands more in government funds, including money for treating crime victims.

and so on and so on.

the people supporting bachmann don't care about fact-checking... same as the people who are palinistas...

Same can be said of people who support Obama....just saying:eusa_whistle:

Fact the bastard Obama said he would get us out of Iraq. We are still there.
Fact the douible bastard Obama is mostly a 3rd Bush term just carrying on the same foreign and economic policies.
Even pushing for more free trade agreements.

Yep Obama is a lying bastard but that does not change the fact that so is Bachman, and worse in volume it appears.

some seem to think just becuase I do not support the right wingers that I support Obama. WRONG!

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