Teen Thanks Parents For Supporting Him Through That Time Of Confusion But Can He Have His Testicles Back Now

Damn! I never thought about saying "so why do Asians do better in school?" to white supremacists.

Not bad! I uh..don't mess with them much..or at all..or as little as possible, because why? :dunno:
I enjoy political arguments, but JoeB131 is unable to contribute anything valuable to the dialogue on race we need to be having. I have thought of putting him on ignore, but I am mindful of the saying:

When the lunatic raved in the public square no one responded, proving that his case was incontestable.


People need to stand up to someone as repulsive as JoeB131. I like the way you do it. :)
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I love to go on white nationalist websites to prove to the white nationalists that they do not belong to the Master Race. I love to draw attention to the high average IQ's of Ashkenazi Jews and Orientals.

Jared Taylor banned me from his website for quoting him about the racial superiority of East Asians.

I would be more impressed if you stopped calling Asians "Orientals". Maybe stop creeping on the Asian ladies, that would be a big help.
I enjoy political arguments, but JoeB131 is unable to contribute anything valuable to the dialogue on race we need to be having. I have thought of putting him on ignore, but I am mindful of the saying:

When the lunatic raved in the public square no one responded, proving that his case was incontestable.


People need to stand up to someone as repulsive as JoeB131. I like the way you do it.

You spew the most awful racist garbage, and you call other people repulsive, Cockroach?
I would be more impressed if you stopped calling Asians "Orientals". Maybe stop creeping on the Asian ladies, that would be a big help.
I use the terms Oriental and East Asian interchangeably. "Asian" is too broad a term. It includes Arabs and East Indians, although I also like East Indians.

I prefer Orientals to whites for the same reason I prefer whites to Negroes. Orientals tend to be more intelligent than whites, who tend to be more intelligent then Negroes. Orientals have lower rates of crime and illegitimacy than whites, who tend to have lower rates of crime and illegitimacy than Negroes.

I have never known an Oriental I did not like. I have known Negroes I did like because they behaved and performed as well as most whites. A few behaved and performed better than most whites.


Jared Taylor Interview​

From Carol M. Swain, Editor, Contemporary Voices of White Nationalism in America, (Cambridge University Press, 2002); December 21, 1999

Jared Taylor: Well, let’s see ... I think [East] Asians are objectively superior to whites by just about any measure that you can come up with in terms of what are the ingredients for a successful society. This doesn’t mean that I want America to become Asian.

Interview: What about Jews? Where do Jews fit into your picture?

Many of the white nationalist or white pride publications have a deep hostility toward Jews. Your organization though, or at least your magazine, has had a number of Jews who have written articles for it. What are your views regarding the Jews? Are they considered “white”?

Jared Taylor: Oh, I think European Jews are Europeans, sure.

Interview: So you don’t see any problem with Jews integrating into American society?

Jared Taylor: I think if they — if European Jews wish to assimilate — I think many of them have and do. I don’t see any particular problem there. I think it’s unquestionably the fact that, by and large, Jews tend to be more liberal on the kinds of questions that we’ve been talking about. I think there are all sorts of historical reasons for that, but I don’t think Jews, simply because they are Jews, are necessarily going to be not part of a European nation.


One of several areas where I disagree with Jared Taylor is that I would like for the United States to become more East Asian. Jared Taylor and I agree on empirical issues. We disagree on several normative issues.
What have I ever posted here that is not true? Post it. Let's discuss it.

Everything. I've debunked you multiple times, and you usually revert to spamming the board with your racist garbage. It's kind of like discussing gun control with 2aguy when he hears stats he doesn't like, he'll fill the board with NRA propaganda.

I use the terms Oriental and East Asian interchangeably. "Asian" is too broad a term. It includes Arabs and East Indians, although I also like East Indians.

You shouldn't use "Oriental" at all. It's a demeaning term. Also, Oriental HAS been used to describe Arabs and East Indians.


I prefer Orientals to whites for the same reason I prefer whites to Negroes. Orientals tend to be more intelligent than whites, who tend to be more intelligent then Negroes. Orientals have lower rates of crime and illegitimacy than whites, who tend to have lower rates of crime and illegitimacy than Negroes.

Yes, it's like talking to a parrot with you. Illegitimacy isn't a big deal. I mean, it was a bad thing when we considered women to be PROPERTY (probably more of those good old days you miss, amiright?) and getting pregnant outiside of marriage "ruined" a woman's value. But today, lo and behold, people just don't consider it a prerequisite to having kids or even starting a family.

The problem is, you are repeating the myth that unmarried means fatherless. A black father who never married his baby-momma is more likely to be involved in his kids life than a white male dad who dropped his wife for a younger, hotter trophy wife and has to be bothered to see the kids on weekends. Yet absolutely no one sane is going to insist that we force white folks to stay married.

I remembered when my Aunt's husband died. I refuse to call this turdbag an Uncle because he abandoned his wife for a younger hottter trophy wife. Well, this is a big No-no in the Catholic Church. But of course, since Turdbag gave a bunch of money to the Church, not only did he get a very involved wake, but the Trophey Wife got a shout out from the queer as a three dollar bill priest. The woman he had five kids with and converted to Catholicism to be with him? Not so much!

I have never known an Oriental I did not like. I have known Negroes I did like because they behaved and performed as well as most whites. A few behaved and performed better than most whites.

Yawn, guy, it isn't about you. Not everyone is going to live the kind of life you want to live. Not everyone is going to share your values or priorities. People are just people, trying to get buy for the most part. I'm sorry you are pushing 70 and never learned this valuable lesson, Cockroach.
Everything. I've debunked you multiple times, and you usually revert to spamming the board with your racist garbage.
You have never "debunked" anything I have posted. Instead you have revealed that you do not understand the difference between "debunked" and "denounced."
You have never "debunked" anything I have posted. Instead you have revealed that you do not understand the difference between "debunked" and "denounced."
Yeah, Cockroach, your stuff has been totally debunked and refuted.

Major universities won't touch this crap.
Debunk this, you sanctimonious virtue signaler:
An unsourced graph from a racist website? Sure. Oh, not to mention the Data is 44 - 34 years old.

Look, man, I'm sorry Jamal stuffed you into a locker and then tapped the girl you were creeping on.
I would be more impressed if you stopped calling Asians "Orientals". Maybe stop creeping on the Asian ladies, that would be a big help.
When I was young "Oriental" was a perfectly acceptable word for Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, and Vietnamese. Now I am told that I am not supposed to use the word "Negro."

Who makes up these stupid rules? Why am I supposed to obey them.
When I was young "Oriental" was a perfectly acceptable word for Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, and Vietnamese. Now I am told that I am not supposed to use the word "Negro."

Who makes up these stupid rules? Why am I supposed to obey them.
Maybe being a decent human being, but I don't think you understand that concept.

Also, stop creeping on the Asian ladies, they really hate when white guys do that.
Maybe being a decent human being, but I don't think you understand that concept.

Also, stop creeping on the Asian ladies, they really hate when white guys do that.
Before you recommend decency, practice it.
Before you recommend decency, practice it.
Sure. To start with, I don't go around making racist comments all day.
I don't use terms people don't like to describe them (unless they really deserve it.)
Sure. To start with, I don't go around making racist comments all day.
I don't use terms people don't like to describe them (unless they really deserve it.)
What have I ever posted here that is not true? Post it. Let's discuss it.
What have I ever posted here that is not true? Post it. Let's discuss it.
Everything, the racist shit you post every day. It's tiresome.

Seriously, you need to get help before you hurt someone.
An unsourced graph from a racist website? Sure. Oh, not to mention the Data is 44 - 34 years old.

Look, man, I'm sorry Jamal stuffed you into a locker and then tapped the girl you were creeping on.
Excuse me. Look at the bottom of the website. it is substantiated by the National Longitudinal Survey of Labor Market Experience of Youth, 1980-1990

If things have changed since then, post a chart that demonstrates it.
It is tiresome to read your unsubstantiated insults.
guy, you are a very sad man, with a lot of insecurities, seeking validation through psuedo-intellectualism.

Excuse me. Look at the bottom of the website. it is substantiated by the National Longitudinal Survey of Labor Market Experience of Youth, 1980-1990
No, that's is what you SAY It is, but you don't give a link to this 40-year-old data.


If things have changed since then, post a chart that demonstrates it.
Um, I'm not the one making an assertion... you are. It would be nice if you used current data.
guy, you are a very sad man, with a lot of insecurities, seeking validation through psuedo-intellectualism.
You project your deficiencies onto me. If you really majored in history you would have been able to answer the easy history questions I asked you. Instead you make excuses for your inability to answer those questions.

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