Facts are facts folks...Biden is 80 years old. Fact: mild cognitive impairment is present in 25 percent of those age 80 to 84,

President Biden is the most fit President ever.
The physical was PERFECT and found him to be fit as a 20 year old and mentally at his peak.
Where do you find the nerve to post this bullshit?
"fit as a 20 year old" :auiqs.jpg:
"mentally at his peak" :laughing0301:
Feel free to post a source and I will be glad to retract my comment.
I didn't watch it so I can't say.
Then you shouldn't be commenting without watching it.

I would say that it's worth your time to watch at least the takedown he pulled off. It can be seen in 5 minutes, with an explanation for those who don't see and understand what happened.
Then you shouldn't be commenting without watching it.

I would say that it's worth your time to watch at least the takedown he pulled off. It can be seen in 5 minutes, with an explanation for those who don't see and understand what happened.
Couldn't be bothered what some old geriatric fool of a man has to say.....Hell he was a fool before his rapid cognitive decline.....81 million votes my ass.
How common is mild cognitive impairment?

The American Academy of Neurology estimates that mild cognitive impairment is present in
  • about 8 percent of people age 65 to 69,
  • in 15 percent of 75 to 79 year-olds,
  • in 25 percent of those age 80 to 84, and
  • in about 37 percent of people 85 years of age and older.

So what is "mild cognitive impairment" that Biden has a 25% chance of having?
Mild cognitive impairment is a condition in which a person experiences a slight – but noticeable – decline in mental abilities (memory and thinking skills) compared with others of the same age. The minor decline in abilities is noticeable by the person experiencing them or by others who interact with the person, but the changes are not severe enough to interfere with normal daily life and activities.

How the mind of an 80-year-old president is biologically different from a 45-year-old president's​

It was 1988, and he'd approached President Ronald Reagan in the Cabinet room at the White House. The president had made it a habit to meet almost weekly with Lott and other lawmakers whenever Congress was in session.
"I never will forget the look in his eyes," Lott said. "He looked at me almost like: 'I don't understand what you're saying. Who are you?'"
Lott said such an exchange happened only once. Reagan, who would have been about 77 at the time, could have been having an episode of forgetfulness that's normal for people with advanced age, scientists say. Maybe he was just short on sleep.

And Reagan was 3 years younger than Biden!
So Trump falls into the 15% category. Except Trump is obese, has a terrible diet, and is dumber than a box of rocks from the getgo. I have worked with the elderly for decades now and I got to tell you, you don't know shit until you are 80, period. But I really like the old saying. When you are 20 you are consumed with what everyone else thinks about you. When you are 40 you suddenly realize, you don't give a damn what everyone thinks about you. But when you are 60, well you suddenly realize, no one ever gave a damn about you any way.

I will be straight up. My mom broke her hip a couple of weeks ago. She had an operation and was hospitalized for the required three days. Then she was sent to a skilled nursing facility and I happened to visit her when she had her "cognitive test". Look, in some respects she might have outperformed me, at 60. I was impressed. Yes, she had some slow moments, you have one minute, name all the animals you can think of, after dog and cat she went straight to the zoo, zebra, elephant, giraffe--but then she stalled. I was surprised, raised on a dairy farm she never said "cow", or "pig". But she passed. But think about that test, ask Trump the same question, and then ask Biden. I don't think you would be happy with the results.
So Trump falls into the 15% category. Except Trump is obese, has a terrible diet, and is dumber than a box of rocks from the getgo. I have worked with the elderly for decades now and I got to tell you, you don't know shit until you are 80, period. But I really like the old saying. When you are 20 you are consumed with what everyone else thinks about you. When you are 40 you suddenly realize, you don't give a damn what everyone thinks about you. But when you are 60, well you suddenly realize, no one ever gave a damn about you any way.

I will be straight up. My mom broke her hip a couple of weeks ago. She had an operation and was hospitalized for the required three days. Then she was sent to a skilled nursing facility and I happened to visit her when she had her "cognitive test". Look, in some respects she might have outperformed me, at 60. I was impressed. Yes, she had some slow moments, you have one minute, name all the animals you can think of, after dog and cat she went straight to the zoo, zebra, elephant, giraffe--but then she stalled. I was surprised, raised on a dairy farm she never said "cow", or "pig". But she passed. But think about that test, ask Trump the same question, and then ask Biden. I don't think you would be happy with the results.
She shouldn't have taken such a test! Sheeeeeeeeesh. The questions they ask these days. I've got a script for that: "I don't answer personal questions. Please don't ask any."
How common is mild cognitive impairment?

The American Academy of Neurology estimates that mild cognitive impairment is present in
  • about 8 percent of people age 65 to 69,
  • in 15 percent of 75 to 79 year-olds,
  • in 25 percent of those age 80 to 84, and
  • in about 37 percent of people 85 years of age and older.

So what is "mild cognitive impairment" that Biden has a 25% chance of having?
Mild cognitive impairment is a condition in which a person experiences a slight – but noticeable – decline in mental abilities (memory and thinking skills) compared with others of the same age. The minor decline in abilities is noticeable by the person experiencing them or by others who interact with the person, but the changes are not severe enough to interfere with normal daily life and activities.

How the mind of an 80-year-old president is biologically different from a 45-year-old president's​

It was 1988, and he'd approached President Ronald Reagan in the Cabinet room at the White House. The president had made it a habit to meet almost weekly with Lott and other lawmakers whenever Congress was in session.
"I never will forget the look in his eyes," Lott said. "He looked at me almost like: 'I don't understand what you're saying. Who are you?'"
Lott said such an exchange happened only once. Reagan, who would have been about 77 at the time, could have been having an episode of forgetfulness that's normal for people with advanced age, scientists say. Maybe he was just short on sleep.

And Reagan was 3 years younger than Biden!
Thanks. That article clarifies something that worried PJ and I. Sometimes, we will misplace a word or a name we have used for years. It's like "where the hell did that word go? It was right here! It's always been here!" It worries as a sign of early dementia, but according to that article it is just normal aging. Still, frigging weird though. We're positive, we were more fluid and fluent with vocabulary and specifically nouns. Not even obscure words rarely used, like "petrichor" but possibly a common word, used frequently. Weird. :omg:
How common is mild cognitive impairment?

The American Academy of Neurology estimates that mild cognitive impairment is present in
  • about 8 percent of people age 65 to 69,
  • in 15 percent of 75 to 79 year-olds,
  • in 25 percent of those age 80 to 84, and
  • in about 37 percent of people 85 years of age and older.

So what is "mild cognitive impairment" that Biden has a 25% chance of having?
Mild cognitive impairment is a condition in which a person experiences a slight – but noticeable – decline in mental abilities (memory and thinking skills) compared with others of the same age. The minor decline in abilities is noticeable by the person experiencing them or by others who interact with the person, but the changes are not severe enough to interfere with normal daily life and activities.

How the mind of an 80-year-old president is biologically different from a 45-year-old president's​

It was 1988, and he'd approached President Ronald Reagan in the Cabinet room at the White House. The president had made it a habit to meet almost weekly with Lott and other lawmakers whenever Congress was in session.
"I never will forget the look in his eyes," Lott said. "He looked at me almost like: 'I don't understand what you're saying. Who are you?'"
Lott said such an exchange happened only once. Reagan, who would have been about 77 at the time, could have been having an episode of forgetfulness that's normal for people with advanced age, scientists say. Maybe he was just short on sleep.

And Reagan was 3 years younger than Biden!

Aren't you one of the Trumpeteers who want him to run again next year when he would be exactly the same age as Biden was upon taking office?
Facts are facts folks...Biden is 80 years old. Fact: mild cognitive impairment is present in 25 percent of those age 80 to 84
Yep. So dump Rump and nominate Ron DeSantis or Nikki Haley so I can stop voting for Sleepy Old Uncle Joe.

If you run Rump again then Old Joe gets my vote again. Simple as that. Why? January 6, 2021.

America (beyond his continuously shrinking base) will not forgive Rump for that day. He is now un-electable. Believe it. Act on it. While there is still time.
So Trump falls into the 15% category. Except Trump is obese, has a terrible diet, and is dumber than a box of rocks from the getgo. I have worked with the elderly for decades now and I got to tell you, you don't know shit until you are 80, period. But I really like the old saying. When you are 20 you are consumed with what everyone else thinks about you. When you are 40 you suddenly realize, you don't give a damn what everyone thinks about you. But when you are 60, well you suddenly realize, no one ever gave a damn about you any way.

I will be straight up. My mom broke her hip a couple of weeks ago. She had an operation and was hospitalized for the required three days. Then she was sent to a skilled nursing facility and I happened to visit her when she had her "cognitive test". Look, in some respects she might have outperformed me, at 60. I was impressed. Yes, she had some slow moments, you have one minute, name all the animals you can think of, after dog and cat she went straight to the zoo, zebra, elephant, giraffe--but then she stalled. I was surprised, raised on a dairy farm she never said "cow", or "pig". But she passed. But think about that test, ask Trump the same question, and then ask Biden. I don't think you would be happy with the results.

Nobody cares.
Yep. So dump Rump and nominate Ron DeSantis or Nikki Haley so I can stop voting for Sleepy Old Uncle Joe.

If you run Rump again then Old Joe gets my vote again. Simple as that. Why? January 6, 2021.

America (beyond his continuously shrinking base) will not forgive Rump for that day. He is now un-electable. Believe it. Act on it. While there is still time.

Would you vote for Trump if the “insurrectionists” didn’t bring a real fully functional gallows to hang Mike Pence?
How common is mild cognitive impairment?

The American Academy of Neurology estimates that mild cognitive impairment is present in
  • about 8 percent of people age 65 to 69,
  • in 15 percent of 75 to 79 year-olds,
  • in 25 percent of those age 80 to 84, and
  • in about 37 percent of people 85 years of age and older.

So what is "mild cognitive impairment" that Biden has a 25% chance of having?
Mild cognitive impairment is a condition in which a person experiences a slight – but noticeable – decline in mental abilities (memory and thinking skills) compared with others of the same age. The minor decline in abilities is noticeable by the person experiencing them or by others who interact with the person, but the changes are not severe enough to interfere with normal daily life and activities.

How the mind of an 80-year-old president is biologically different from a 45-year-old president's​

It was 1988, and he'd approached President Ronald Reagan in the Cabinet room at the White House. The president had made it a habit to meet almost weekly with Lott and other lawmakers whenever Congress was in session.
"I never will forget the look in his eyes," Lott said. "He looked at me almost like: 'I don't understand what you're saying. Who are you?'"
Lott said such an exchange happened only once. Reagan, who would have been about 77 at the time, could have been having an episode of forgetfulness that's normal for people with advanced age, scientists say. Maybe he was just short on sleep.

And Reagan was 3 years younger than Biden!
You don't have to even prove anything with any stats. Biden has severe cognitive decline and dementia. It's obvious to anyone and everyone who is not blind.
He's a fading old man and a long time politician. Two strikes against him, for sure.

And yet, he was and is still profoundly preferable to the alternative.

Evidently these are the best choices our system can spit out.
Don't forget liar,criminal, and pedophile. That's 5 strikes.
Facts are facts but nobody seems to want to talk about the fact that Biden was stricken with two brain embolisms that surely must have had an impact on his mental acuity. The fact that democrats elected Fetterman to the Senate would seem to indicate that they prefer brain damaged politicians.
Aneurysms. Not embolisms.

Way back in the 80s.

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