Facts of true God worship

The only other possible place would be aliens. Is that what you are considering.
Oh, well, I definitely believe aliens exist. I doubt they've ever been to Earth though. I just don't know the answers, so I don't pretend to. It would be nice if God exists. It's a very comforting thought.
I always wanted to know why an all powerful immortal being has the pathological need to be worshiped.
Eternal life is on the line. Satan is the ruler of this world. He has teachers on earth-2Cor 11:12-15-- Best to listen to the bibles advice--Be like the Boreans and make sure of all things. The facts shoot down 33,999 religions that claim to be christian.

there in lies your error, written scriptures of the desert religions ...

the spoken religions: the golden rule suffices, the religion of antiquity - to triumph in purity, good vs evil for admission with judgement to the Everlasting.

the desert books are political documents of enslavement ... just to let you know. or work to update them from their nefarious origins.
I always wanted to know why an all powerful immortal being has the pathological need to be worshiped.
Turn it around. It is not about God's need, but human need. It is we who have a need to worship something greater than self. Consider the Ideal. The Ideal just is. It is for the lesser to pursue the ideal.
Oh, well, I definitely believe aliens exist. I doubt they've ever been to Earth though. I just don't know the answers, so I don't pretend to. It would be nice if God exists. It's a very comforting thought.
there is 0 proof any aliens exist. creation proves God exists
There are 4,200 recognized religions and the number of major religions among them, amount to about 19.
Every one of those 4,200 religions consider their religion to be the "one-true" religion and their particular deity/deities to be the true deity/deities.
Personally, I'll side with the Atheists, since there has never been any actual evidence of the existence of any supernatural being(s).
Taking chances?
there is 0 proof any aliens exist.

It seems kind of weird that there'd be such a giant universe with life just on one planet though. I just find that very hard to believe.
creation proves God exists
The existence of God is not proven. That's why it requires faith.
there in lies your error, written scriptures of the desert religions ...

the spoken religions: the golden rule suffices, the religion of antiquity - to triumph in purity, good vs evil for admission with judgement to the Everlasting.

the desert books are political documents of enslavement ... just to let you know. or work to update them from their nefarious origins.

Men of darkness teach that and believe it. One can see all the confusion in this world about God and who he is. Archeologists have proven many OT writings occurred. Men of God had holy spirit to write the words.
Turn it around. It is not about God's need, but human need. It is we who have a need to worship something greater than self. Consider the Ideal. The Ideal just is. It is for the lesser to pursue the ideal.
I don;t believe that

We invented gods to explain things we did not understand or were afraid of.

Humans have discarded hundreds of gods if not thousands in the course of our intellectual evolution.

And if the god you worship didn't need to be worshiped then why are the first 4 commandments about worship?
If that is true you should be extremely worried that you may have backed the wrong horse.
The teachings of Jesus and facts of true God worship history that i checked makes me 100% confident i have found the right one. Most wont bother to check facts. Nor do they know what Jesus actually teaches. Some man with a white collar assured them-you are saved. So they dont bother.
The teachings of Jesus and facts of true God worship history that i checked makes me 100% confident i have found the right one.
Comforting to be so sure you bet, literally, everything on it. I hope Satan wasn't involved.
We invented gods to explain things we did not understand or were afraid of.
That's not even true of the Greek and Roman Gods--and other mythological Gods. It is certainly not true of the God of Abraham. Even today, the reason some have such trouble convincing people of faith there is no God is because of their experience(s) of God.

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