Facts of true God worship

Your denial of the Trinity depends on a faulty translation of the Bible that arose in a false church.

It was the religion that came out of Rome that didnt have Jesus. They held councils headed by a pagan false god worshipping king, they mistranslated to fit false council teachings. The NWT corrected the errors. Many other bibles in history did not have a capitol G God in the last line at John 1:1 because they were translated correctly, they were rejected by trinitarians in their darkness.
Every bible on earth with Gods personal name removed nearly 6800 spots in the OT-and spots in the NT are altered versions to mislead.
The Jews i have spoken to say there is no satan. Even though the bible is clear about it. Job 1:7 mentions satan--Their own Hebrew text.
The Bible comes around very late.
Not according to Genesis.

not necessarily - even genisis places life on Earth, not that it already existed - at any rate that's what happened ...


primordial Earth - no problem with the religion of antiquity or golden rule. who cares about your 10000 pg c bible forgeries and fallacies ....
The Israelites served the true living God-From Moses on up until this very day, teach, serve and worship a single being God-YHWH. This God was taught to Jesus when he attended those places of worship, as was every bible writer.
In the 2nd century a man named Terrillion was considering God to be a trinity because a single being God- YHWH was being worshipped still. At the first council of Nicea in 325 no trinity god was being taught. A single being God-YHWH was still being worshipped. God does not change, they changed him.
Their own encyclopedia states the following--- The formulation one God in three persons was not solidly established, certainly not fully assimilated into christian life and its profession of faith prior to the end of the 4th century. Among the apostolic fathers, there had been nothing even remotely approaching such a mentality or perspective. THE new catholic encyclopedia ( 1967) Vol XIV page 299.
All serving that trinity are being mislead into breaking Gods #1 commandment daily--Not a wise place to be standing.
This is reality of true God worship history.
Not one "point" of your argument is represented by Book, Chapter, and Verse from the Holy Bible. I wonder why? :dunno: Of course anyone that wishes to dismiss the Holy Scriptures and present an opinion that is contrary to the actual content of the Holy Scriptures........MUST QUOTE AND REFERENCE "OPINIONS" OTHER THAN THE ACTUAL CONTENT THEY ARE ATTEMPTING TO DISCREDIET. Why? Because it is a CULT attempting to teach or instruct "false anitchristian doctrine".....and the actual content of the Holy Scriptures point out the documented (in the Bible) fact that YOU ARE A LIAR.

Who is an antichrist? "Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ (the messiah of prophecy). He is an antichrist that denieth the Father and the Son." -- 1 John 2:22

Satan always works in one of two ways to deceive. "Perversion of Diversion". Satan is not capable or powerful enough to create anything.........he is left with only his wit to pervert that which God has already created. If perversion does not work then diversion (deflection away from truth........just as presented in this thread) in order to destroy God's creations.

Of course Satan does not want you to accept the truth, "All scripture (content of the Holy Bible) is given by inspiration of God, and is PROFITABLE FOR DOCTRINE, FOR REPROOF, FOR CORRECTION, FOR INSTRUCTION IN RIGHTEOUSNESS." -- 2 Tim. 3:16

Antichrist's HATE the actual content of the Holy Bible. Why? Because the truth found in scripture exposes the tactics of Satan. Satan attempts to present the appearance of an angel of light.......he pretends to be a representative of God and the scriptures expose the hoax via a simple presentation of Book, Chapter and Verse. "Put on the whole armor of God (truth), that ye may be able to stand against the whiles of the devil. (Eph. 6:11-12)

"For such are false prophets, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into Apostles of Christ. And do not marvel. for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." -- 2 Cor. 11:11-14
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The Jews i have spoken to say there is no satan. Even though the bible is clear about it. Job 1:7 mentions satan--Their own Hebrew text.
I have never met a single Jew by religion, not one, that denies Satan.

Jews do tend to deny the Christian concept of hell but they do not deny Satan as far as I can tell.
Not one "point" of your argument is represented by Book, Chapter, and Verse from the Holy Bible. I wonder why? :dunno: Of course anyone that wishes to dismiss the Holy Scriptures and present an opinion that is contrary to the actual content of the Holy Scriptures........MUST QUOTE AND REFERENCE "OPINIONS" OTHER THAN THE ACTUAL CONTENT THEY ARE ATTEMPTING TO DISCREDIET. Why? Because it is a CULT attempting to teach or instruct "false anitchristian doctrine".....and the actual content of the Holy Scriptures point out the documented (in the Bible) fact that YOU ARE A LIAR.

Who is an antichrist? "Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ (the messiah of prophecy). He is an antichrist that denieth the Father and the Son." -- 1 John 2:22

Satan always works in one of two ways to deceive. "Perversion of Diversion". Satan is not capable or powerful enough to create anything.........he is left with only his wit to pervert that which God has already created. If perversion does not work then diversion (deflection away from truth........just as presented in this thread) in order to destroy God's creations.

Of course Satan does not want you to accept the truth, "All scripture (content of the Holy Bible) is given by inspiration of God, and is PROFITABLE FOR DOCTRINE, FOR REPROOF, FOR CORRECTION, FOR INSTRUCTION IN RIGHTEOUSNESS." -- 2 Tim. 3:16

Antichrist's HATE the actual content of the Holy Bible. Why? Because the truth found in scripture exposes the tactics of Satan. Satan attempts to present the appearance of an angel of light.......he pretends to be a representative of God and the scriptures expose the hoax via a simple presentation of Book, Chapter and Verse. "Put on the whole armor of God (truth), that ye may be able to stand against the whiles of the devil. (Eph. 6:11-12)

"For such are false prophets, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into Apostles of Christ. And do not marvel. for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." -- 2 Cor. 11:11-14
The problem you are facing is that my post is fact. Tertullian is the mans name, i misspelled it in my post.
The Abrahamic God is a single being God named-YHWH(Jehovah) 0 doubt in all creation.
I have never met a single Jew by religion, not one, that denies Satan.

Jews do tend to deny the Christian concept of hell but they do not deny Satan as far as I can tell.
I am in other sights with Jewish people on them. They deny him.
The problem you are facing is that my post is fact. Tertullian is the mans name, i misspelled it in my post.
The Abrahamic God is a single being God named-YHWH(Jehovah) 0 doubt in all creation.

You present "external opinion" and document nothing from the Book, Chapter and Verse's found in the Holy Bible. And you attempt to discredit that which you refuse to present as evidence........the Holy Bible.

Yeah.........factual like all the failed, end of days prophecies from your cult. I agree its a FACT that you parroted the opinions of others but that does not make the Holy Bible any less truthful. The Godhead is directly mentioned in the Holy Bible 7 times........and not by the same authors. And its most clear that the Gospel of John declares that Jesus the Son, was with God and was God before the earth was created, and dwelt among us. (John 1)

Now you present a logical fallacy and suggest that ONE man's opinion makes the Holy Bible a total fabrication. Why? Because the actual content of the Holy Bible proves you to be a liar and an antichrist.

The Godhead is a term making reference to the 3 distinct entities that define God. The Father, The Son, and the Holy Ghost. The Holy Spirit is as much God as are the Father and the Son. In Job we read, "The spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life." -- Job 33:4 The words breath and wind in both Hebrew and Greek are similar and refer to wind, breath and spirit. The Hebrew word "nashama" includes "inspiration, soul, and spirit". Now compare what is written in the book of Job with that which is recorded in Genesis 2:7"The the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being." (Job declared that it was the Spirit of God that made him.....meaning God, and The Spirit of God..i.e, the Holy Spirit are one and the same as far as their divine nature is established).

And of course the Bible documents all 3 divine entities of he Godhead being present at the same instance (Matt. 3:16-17)

While the Holy Ghost is always referred to as having a male personality........its not a thing but a person.

Jesus declared himself to be I AM. God identified Himself simply as "I AM" -- Ex. 3:14. Jesus declared the same name -- John 13:18-19. And the Jewish leaders "understood" that Jesus was declaring Himself God. -- John 8:50-59
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You present "external opinion" and document nothing from the Book, Chapter and Verse's found in the Holy Bible. And you attempt to discredit that which you refuse to present as evidence........the Holy Bible.

Yeah.........factual like all the failed, end of days prophecies from your cult. I agree its a FACT that you parroted the opinions of others but that does not make the Holy Bible any less truthful. The Godhead is directly mentioned in the Holy Bible 7 times........and not by the same authors. And its most clear that the Gospel of John declares that Jesus the Son, was with God and was God before the earth was created, and dwelt among us. (John 1)

Now you present a logical fallacy and suggest that ONE man's opinion makes the Holy Bible a total fabrication. Why? Because the actual content of the Holy Bible proves you to be a liar and an antichrist.

The Godhead is a term making reference to the 3 distinct entities that define God. The Father, The Son, and the Holy Ghost. The Holy Spirit is as much God as are the Father and the Son. In Job we read, "The spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life." -- Job 33:4 The words breath and wind in both Hebrew and Greek are similar and refer to wind, breath and spirit. The Hebrew word "nashama" includes "inspiration, soul, and spirit". Now compare what is written in the book of Job with that which is recorded in Genesis 2:7"The the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being." (Job declared that it was the Spirit of God that made him.....meaning God, and The Spirit of God..i.e, the Holy Spirit are one and the same as far as their divine nature is established).

And of course the Bible documents all 3 divine entities of he Godhead being present at the same instance (Matt. 3:16-17)

While the Holy Ghost is always referred to as having a male personality........its not a thing but a person.

Jesus declared himself to be I AM. God identified Himself simply as "I AM" -- Ex. 3:14. Jesus declared the same name -- John 13:18-19. And the Jewish leaders "understood" that Jesus was declaring Himself God. -- John 8:50-59
The Hebrews scholars say -i am that i am is not found in the OT. i will be what i will be is the correct translation. They are correct. Scholars say-most instances of the holy spirit being spoken about is not as a living being. Jesus speaks at Psalm 82-in verse 8 he asks God to judge the earth-proving he is not God. The real Jesus teaches he has a God just like us-John 20:17, Rev 3:12- best to believe Jesus over errors translatedin.
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