You are like a bad penny.........attempting to redefine the Holy Scriptures with your man made version of the Watchtower Bible. The trouble is..........all the prophecies made by your deceptive CULT have been proven wrong over the past centuries, your guild has a track record of 100% failures. Which brings us to the point of actually using the Holy Spirit Inspired Bible translations. "If someone makes a false prophecy and proclaims in the Name of the Lord (YHWH...I AM) and it does not take place or come true, that is a message that the Lord has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him." -- Deut 18:22.
Why listen to a demonstrably Lying Cult?
Logic, Reason and analytical thinking proves that Israel did not serve and worship God until this very day. Please explain why Biblical Israel was wiped from the face of the earth 2000 years ago if the Jews served God righteously. Logic dictates if one is serving and worshiping the God of creation, God would never bring judgment upon them. Biblical Israel is GONE......judged by God and destroyed totally as promised.......Isarel has not existed since the late 1st century and it does not exist today.
What you have calling itself Modern Israel is a construct of man and man's government.....not a nation appointed by God as was Biblical Israel. If the Jews are still serving and worshiping the God of Creation and living under the terms of the Old Law. Where are the animal sacrifices, not one dot is to be removed until all is fulfilled? Where is the King appointed by God?
Where are the Tribal Banners and Identifications? Where is the Tribe of Levite Priests that establishes doctrine? Israel is ruled by a man made government with no formal tribal ID's, No King, No Royal Priests, no Temple, and constantly in combat attempting to take back a promised land that God exiled the Jews from eternally....but securing only a portion thereof with the help of outside sources like the UN...the U.S., etc, with no help from the God of Creation.
Disprove this information concerning how God promised to punish Isarel when it sinned against His covenant laws. 1. God promised to destroy Israel when it disobeyed (Lev. 26:27-39). 2. They would be driven from the Land (Deut. 4:25-28). 3. They would cease being a nation (Deut. 8:19-20). 4. All these things happened to Israel just as promised by the God of Creation.
Why were they exiled from the promised land by God previously and broken apart like broken potter's jar, never to be made whole again? (Jer. 19:7-13) Why was Israel warned that they would cease being a nation with its people killed, hunted, and scattered around the globe? (Matt. 23, 24) Jesus pointed out that the Jews were just as guilty of sinning against God's righteous laws in the 1st century as were their fathers/ancestors and God would destroy Israel in that very generation in the 1st century, and Israel was destroyed with the people being killed and scattered abroad. (Matt. 23:36, 24:34).
Because they refused to serve and worship God in a "righteous" manner. The evidence is found within the Holy Scriptures themselves. The Jews did not serve and worship the God of Creation, they broke His covenant by sinning grievously against Him. (2 Kings 17: 7-18) If the Jews did serve and worship God righteously under the Terms of the Old Law.......why did God see fit to make a New Covenant with Israel, unlike the one under Moses? (Jer. 31:31-34. Or does God lie in the O.T. like He does int he N.T. according to the Watch Tower?