Facts of true God worship

The Israelites served the true living God-From Moses on up until this very day, teach, serve and worship a single being God-YHWH. This God was taught to Jesus when he attended those places of worship, as was every bible writer.
In the 2nd century a man named Terrillion was considering God to be a trinity because a single being God- YHWH was being worshipped still. At the first council of Nicea in 325 no trinity god was being taught. A single being God-YHWH was still being worshipped. God does not change, they changed him.
Their own encyclopedia states the following--- The formulation one God in three persons was not solidly established, certainly not fully assimilated into christian life and its profession of faith prior to the end of the 4th century. Among the apostolic fathers, there had been nothing even remotely approaching such a mentality or perspective. THE new catholic encyclopedia ( 1967) Vol XIV page 299.
All serving that trinity are being mislead into breaking Gods #1 commandment daily--Not a wise place to be standing.
This is reality of true God worship history.
Mostly true, except the God name is a FAMILY name. There are currently 2 members.

At the Resurrection of the Dead, there will be millions.

God us in the process of REPROD7CING HIMSELF
Mostly true, except the God name is a FAMILY name. There are currently 2 members.

At the Resurrection of the Dead, there will be millions.

God us in the process of REPROD7CING HIMSELF
There is one God the bible teaches. The one i showed in my op.
The Israelites served the true living God-From Moses on up until this very day, teach, serve and worship a single being God-YHWH. This God was taught to Jesus when he attended those places of worship, as was every bible writer.
In the 2nd century a man named Terrillion was considering God to be a trinity because a single being God- YHWH was being worshipped still. At the first council of Nicea in 325 no trinity god was being taught. A single being God-YHWH was still being worshipped. God does not change, they changed him.
Their own encyclopedia states the following--- The formulation one God in three persons was not solidly established, certainly not fully assimilated into christian life and its profession of faith prior to the end of the 4th century. Among the apostolic fathers, there had been nothing even remotely approaching such a mentality or perspective. THE new catholic encyclopedia ( 1967) Vol XIV page 299.
All serving that trinity are being mislead into breaking Gods #1 commandment daily--Not a wise place to be standing.
This is reality of true God worship history.

You are like a bad penny.........attempting to redefine the Holy Scriptures with your man made version of the Watchtower Bible. The trouble is..........all the prophecies made by your deceptive CULT have been proven wrong over the past centuries, your guild has a track record of 100% failures. Which brings us to the point of actually using the Holy Spirit Inspired Bible translations. "If someone makes a false prophecy and proclaims in the Name of the Lord (YHWH...I AM) and it does not take place or come true, that is a message that the Lord has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him." -- Deut 18:22.

Why listen to a demonstrably Lying Cult? :dunno:

Logic, Reason and analytical thinking proves that Israel did not serve and worship God until this very day. Please explain why Biblical Israel was wiped from the face of the earth 2000 years ago if the Jews served God righteously. Logic dictates if one is serving and worshiping the God of creation, God would never bring judgment upon them. Biblical Israel is GONE......judged by God and destroyed totally as promised.......Isarel has not existed since the late 1st century and it does not exist today.

What you have calling itself Modern Israel is a construct of man and man's government.....not a nation appointed by God as was Biblical Israel. If the Jews are still serving and worshiping the God of Creation and living under the terms of the Old Law. Where are the animal sacrifices, not one dot is to be removed until all is fulfilled? Where is the King appointed by God?
Where are the Tribal Banners and Identifications? Where is the Tribe of Levite Priests that establishes doctrine? Israel is ruled by a man made government with no formal tribal ID's, No King, No Royal Priests, no Temple, and constantly in combat attempting to take back a promised land that God exiled the Jews from eternally....but securing only a portion thereof with the help of outside sources like the UN...the U.S., etc, with no help from the God of Creation.

Disprove this information concerning how God promised to punish Isarel when it sinned against His covenant laws. 1. God promised to destroy Israel when it disobeyed (Lev. 26:27-39). 2. They would be driven from the Land (Deut. 4:25-28). 3. They would cease being a nation (Deut. 8:19-20). 4. All these things happened to Israel just as promised by the God of Creation.

Why were they exiled from the promised land by God previously and broken apart like broken potter's jar, never to be made whole again? (Jer. 19:7-13) Why was Israel warned that they would cease being a nation with its people killed, hunted, and scattered around the globe? (Matt. 23, 24) Jesus pointed out that the Jews were just as guilty of sinning against God's righteous laws in the 1st century as were their fathers/ancestors and God would destroy Israel in that very generation in the 1st century, and Israel was destroyed with the people being killed and scattered abroad. (Matt. 23:36, 24:34).

Because they refused to serve and worship God in a "righteous" manner. The evidence is found within the Holy Scriptures themselves. The Jews did not serve and worship the God of Creation, they broke His covenant by sinning grievously against Him. (2 Kings 17: 7-18) If the Jews did serve and worship God righteously under the Terms of the Old Law.......why did God see fit to make a New Covenant with Israel, unlike the one under Moses? (Jer. 31:31-34. Or does God lie in the O.T. like He does int he N.T. according to the Watch Tower?
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There is one God the bible teaches. The one i showed in my op.
It went over your head, "God" is a FAMILY name. 1 God, 2 current members.

Jesus is the FIRST BORN of MANY Brethren.

God, the Father, is my Father.

Jesus is my older BROTHER
You are like a bad penny.........attempting to redefine the Holy Scriptures with your man made version of the Watchtower Bible. The trouble is..........all the prophecies made by your deceptive CULT have been proven wrong over the past centuries, your guild has a track record of 100% failures. Which brings us to the point of actually using the Holy Spirit Inspired Bible translations. "If someone makes a false prophecy and proclaims in the Name of the Lord (YHWH...I AM) and it does not take place or come true, that is a message that the Lord has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him." -- Deut 18:22.

Why listen to a demonstrably Lying Cult? :dunno:

Logic, Reason and analytical thinking proves that Israel did not serve and worship God until this very day. Please explain why Biblical Israel was wiped from the face of the earth 2000 years ago if the Jews served God righteously. Logic dictates if one is serving and worshiping the God of creation, God would never bring judgment upon them. Biblical Israel is GONE......judged by God and destroyed totally as promised.......Isarel has not existed since the late 1st century and it does not exist today.

What you have calling itself Modern Israel is a construct of man and man's government.....not a nation appointed by God as was Biblical Israel. If the Jews are still serving and worshiping the God of Creation and living under the terms of the Old Law. Where are the animal sacrifices, not one dot is to be removed until all is fulfilled? Where is the King appointed by God?
Where are the Tribal Banners and Identifications? Where is the Tribe of Levite Priests that establishes doctrine? Israel is ruled by a man made government with no formal tribal ID's, No King, No Royal Priests, no Temple, and constantly in combat attempting to take back a promised land that God exiled the Jews from eternally....but securing only a portion thereof with the help of outside sources like the UN...the U.S., etc, with no help from the God of Creation.

Disprove this information concerning how God promised to punish Isarel when it sinned against His covenant laws. 1. God promised to destroy Israel when it disobeyed (Lev. 26:27-39). 2. They would be driven from the Land (Deut. 4:25-28). 3. They would cease being a nation (Deut. 8:19-20). 4. All these things happened to Israel just as promised by the God of Creation.

Why were they exiled from the promised land by God previously and broken apart like broken potter's jar, never to be made whole again? (Jer. 19:7-13) Why was Israel warned that they would cease being a nation with its people killed, hunted, and scattered around the globe? (Matt. 23, 24) Jesus pointed out that the Jews were just as guilty of sinning against God's righteous laws in the 1st century as were their fathers/ancestors and God would destroy Israel in that very generation in the 1st century, and Israel was destroyed with the people being killed and scattered abroad. (Matt. 23:36, 24:34).

Because they refused to serve and worship God in a "righteous" manner. The evidence is found within the Holy Scriptures themselves. The Jews did not serve and worship the God of Creation, they broke His covenant by sinning grievously against Him. (2 Kings 17: 7-18) If the Jews did serve and worship God righteously under the Terms of the Old Law.......why did God see fit to make a New Covenant with Israel, unlike the one under Moses? (Jer. 31:31-34. Or does God lie in the O.T. like He does int he N.T. according to the Watch Tower?
The wise doas the bible suggests--Be like the Boreans and make sure of all things. My op is 100% fact.
You mean the new world translation. The ones who had enough love for God to put his name back where he inspired it to be because he wants it there? And the ones who lacked the love condemned them for it--That bible?

Yes Israel fell over and over-That is how powerful satan is. They were apostocised when Jesus came. They had a serious lack of love( the teachers),
This is how intelligent mortals are against satan--When God parted the red sea before their faces to save their lives, 1 week later made a golden calf to worship.
God didnt lie-The religion that came out of Rome translated errors in to fit false council teachings. Satan beat most centuries ago.
It went over your head, "God" is a FAMILY name. 1 God, 2 current members.

Jesus is the FIRST BORN of MANY Brethren.

God, the Father, is my Father.

Jesus is my older BROTHER
If the Father is your Father, then you know he wants his name known and used, just not in vain. Wicked men who had no right removed his name in nearly 6800 spots in the OT alone. Every spot-GOD or LORD all capitols is. Then the ones who lacked enough love for God refused to put it back, then turned and condemned the ones who had enough love to put it back. Thats called darkness.
That's not even true of the Greek and Roman Gods--and other mythological Gods. It is certainly not true of the God of Abraham. Even today, the reason some have such trouble convincing people of faith there is no God is because of their experience(s) of God.
Of course it is.

Prehistoric man attributed all sorts of natural phenomena to supernatural causes.

Thunder gods, rain gods, fertility gods, the list is endless

Those gods were discarded as we evolved. Why is the god you worship any different?
As I already said...it is for our benefit, not God's.

As already said, I don;t think it is a human need as evidenced by the fact that fewer people are subscribing to religions than ever before
The wise doas the bible suggests--Be like the Boreans and make sure of all things. My op is 100% fact.
You mean the new world translation. The ones who had enough love for God to put his name back where he inspired it to be because he wants it there? And the ones who lacked the love condemned them for it--That bible?

Yes Israel fell over and over-That is how powerful satan is. They were apostocised when Jesus came. They had a serious lack of love( the teachers),
This is how intelligent mortals are against satan--When God parted the red sea before their faces to save their lives, 1 week later made a golden calf to worship.
God didnt lie-The religion that came out of Rome translated errors in to fit false council teachings. Satan beat most centuries ago.
Again..........why would anyone accept anything your Cult has to say as being credible when all the previous predictions have been demonstrated to have a 100% failure rate? With the scriptures warning everyone against such false doctrines? (Deut. 18:22) advises anyone with half a brain to ignore your cults doctrine because you have been proven to be a false prophet. :eusa_think:
As far as your posts being 100% correct.......I presented the actual content of the Holy Scriptures by Book, Chapter and Verse proved you are either willingly lying or have been brainwashed by your Cult.
Again..........why would anyone accept anything your Cult has to say as being credible when all the previous predictions have been demonstrated to have a 100% failure rate? With the scriptures warning everyone against such false doctrines? (Deut. 18:22) advises anyone with half a brain to ignore your cults doctrine because you have been proven to be a false prophet. :eusa_think:
As far as your posts being 100% correct.......I presented the actual content of the Holy Scriptures by Book, Chapter and Verse proved you are either willingly lying or have been brainwashed by your Cult.

Really which is the cult? --a house divided will not stand--1Cor 1:10--unity of thought, no division--apply these 2 bible truths, which is the cult
33,997 trinity religions--or a single religion.
My teachers made correction. the others outright refuse.
Oh, well, I definitely believe aliens exist. I doubt they've ever been to Earth though. I just don't know the answers, so I don't pretend to. It would be nice if God exists. It's a very comforting thought.
Depends on the god.

So far, none of the ones presented paint a comforting picture at all...
Eternal life is on the line. Satan is the ruler of this world. He has teachers on earth-2Cor 11:12-15-- Best to listen to the bibles advice--Be like the Boreans and make sure of all things. The facts shoot down 33,999 religions that claim to be christian.
Satan? Really?
Satan? Really?
2Cor 4:4 calls him the god of this system of things. Jesus called him the ruler of this world. John 14:30, John 16:11--The angel being who rebelled in Eden = satan and devil.
2Cor 4:4 calls him the god of this system of things. Jesus called him the ruler of this world. John 14:30, John 16:11--The angel being who rebelled in Eden = satan and devil.
Since you referenced Jewish beliefs I thought you might reference their beliefs about Satan.
The Israelites served the true living God-From Moses on up until this very day, teach, serve and worship a single being God-YHWH. This God was taught to Jesus when he attended those places of worship, as was every bible writer.
In the 2nd century a man named Terrillion was considering God to be a trinity because a single being God- YHWH was being worshipped still. At the first council of Nicea in 325 no trinity god was being taught. A single being God-YHWH was still being worshipped. God does not change, they changed him.
Their own encyclopedia states the following--- The formulation one God in three persons was not solidly established, certainly not fully assimilated into christian life and its profession of faith prior to the end of the 4th century. Among the apostolic fathers, there had been nothing even remotely approaching such a mentality or perspective. THE new catholic encyclopedia ( 1967) Vol XIV page 299.
All serving that trinity are being mislead into breaking Gods #1 commandment daily--Not a wise place to be standing.
This is reality of true God worship history.

Your denial of the Trinity depends on a faulty translation of the Bible that arose in a false church.
I used to be. Now I believe there may be more to it. I don't believe in Heaven or Hell, but I do believe there are probably powers at work that are beyond my human conception. Maybe that's God. It's hard for me to say.
Far more than you can ever imagine.
Since you referenced Jewish beliefs I thought you might reference their beliefs about Satan.

The Jews i have spoken to say there is no satan. Even though the bible is clear about it. Job 1:7 mentions satan--Their own Hebrew text.
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